The week in book news & such...
Book Bloggers! Is your blog listed at YA Book Central? They are asking for great suggestions - YA Books Central
Lillie Ammann has a fantastic 8-part series on character building at her site!! Lillie Ammann
Carol Denbow interviews MaAnna Stephenson - do you need a website? A Book Inside
Marketing Tips For Authors had two great posts this week:
Phyllis Zimbler Miller, author and book marketing expert - Creating Relationships with Potential
Tony discusses blog lengths -
How Long Should Blog Posts Be?
Carolyn Howard-Johnson discusses multiple submissions - Sharing With Writers
And I'm happy to announce that Book III of my series will be available as a giveaway at Goodreads starting August 1st - Book III GoodReads Giveaway
Thanks for all of the wonderful comments this week! Hugs to the new followers as well. I was on the road Wednesday & Thursday, so sorry if I missed any of your wonderful blog posts.
Still haven't ventured from the house for a movie, but got a great NetFlix title this past week.
I'd heard this was a good movie, but we didn't make it to the theatre to see it last year. I was surprised by the genuine heart and the great storyline. Loved Mittens the cat, but I think Rhino the hamster was my favorite. Very funny and very touching!
Say what?
Yup, I'm reviewing a concert this week, because that's where we were Wednesday night - at a concert!
This was the "Progressive Rock Tour" and the headliner was a band my husband has wanted to see for almost 20 years. So off we went and...
Scale the Summit - they were the opening act and really caught us by surprise. They only do instrumentals, but it was a group of very young men who were talented beyond reason. We were so impressed we purchased their CD!
Big Elf - heavy psychedelic 70's influence. Not sure if I could listen to a whole album, but they were very good, and individually the songs were great. Wouold do really well in Europe!
Zappa on Zappa - they were the last opener before Dream Theater, and I almost fell asleep! Dweezil's band was top notch, but he was doing a tribute to his father, and until I heard the music, I'd never realized how self-indulgent Zappa was as an artist. LONG songs with no purpose other than allowing the musicians to just play. They played 90 minutes, and it should've been 30...
Dream Theater - THE headliner and tour organizer! This is one of the biggest bands never to get airplay and they showed off their incredible talent for over two hours. Very few musicians play at this level. (Prog rock is where the masters go!) My husband had a fantastic time seeing his band and I really enjoyed it as well.
Which leads to the photo of the day - Dream Theater!!