ARTHUR: What are you going to do, bleed on me?
BLACK KNIGHT: I'm invincible!
ARTHUR: You're a loony.
Mayra shares some great query tips at Sharing with Writers
Marvin shows us how to keep our prose strong at The Old Silly
Helen reveals that even MORE adult authors are jumping on the YA bandwagon at Straight From Hel
What began as a simple challenge for Arlee at Tossing It Out The A-Z Challenge has inspired so many and Monday is feedback day for those who participated. You won’t want to miss it!
One of the A-Z participants talks about the honesty of bloggers at Alex J. Cavanaugh
Terry - "I cutz out the katnip kupon for u."
Stephen - “And that crazy dog said I couldn't punch my way out of a wet paper sack!”
May 1 is my 19th wedding anniversary! Between a rough schedule and time away from the love of my life, I will be offline all weekend. (I promised!) However, The Sunday Sillies will go up as usual.
Amazing to think that we met when we were twenty-two and have now known each other for half of our lives. My husband claims he can't even remember his life without my presence!
Pits, I guess I just revealed my age, didn't I...?
Our wedding day, May 1, 1991, in Albuquerque, NM.
Let me introduce Mr. Green Mamba! He lives at the snake museum in Wilmington, NC. As I discovered, snakes do not like camera flashes - so make a mental note to avoid using a camera flash to escape a snake in the wild. Mr. Green Manba tolerated three photos before he struck at me!
Spunky the photographer - annoying the animal kingdom one critter at a time!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Promo Thursday - The Bookmark
Bookmarks are designed to hold your place in a book.
But, are you using it to its fullest potential as a marketing tool?
From the obvious to the creative-
Hand them out at signings.
Send one to all fans and friends.
Send one in every letter!
Leave one signed for your waitress or waiter.
Leave a stack at the library.
Send stacks to school libraries.
Save postage-paid return envelopes and include one with a short note - "Thanks, but I'm not interested in ___, but perhaps you'd like to read my book?"
Leave them in doctor and dentist's offices.
Send stacks to bookstores.
Carry them everywhere and hand to those you tell about your books.
Leave one at every business you visit.
Include extra bookmarks with any book you sell or give away.
Include one with gifts.
And the totally unethical - stash one in your competition's book at the bookstore. (Yes, I confess, I've done this!)
What are some other creative ways you can use a bookmark to market your book?
But, are you using it to its fullest potential as a marketing tool?
From the obvious to the creative-
Hand them out at signings.
Send one to all fans and friends.
Send one in every letter!
Leave one signed for your waitress or waiter.
Leave a stack at the library.
Send stacks to school libraries.
Save postage-paid return envelopes and include one with a short note - "Thanks, but I'm not interested in ___, but perhaps you'd like to read my book?"
Leave them in doctor and dentist's offices.
Send stacks to bookstores.
Carry them everywhere and hand to those you tell about your books.
Leave one at every business you visit.
Include extra bookmarks with any book you sell or give away.
Include one with gifts.
And the totally unethical - stash one in your competition's book at the bookstore. (Yes, I confess, I've done this!)
What are some other creative ways you can use a bookmark to market your book?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Photo Tuesday - Moving On

I never set out to write a YA series, let alone five books.
I've lived and breathed these characters for years now. They've made me angry, made me cry... I've even dreamed about them!

As I stated yesterday, it will be a teen version of my non-fiction book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!
After that... I'm not sure.
I have ideas for another fiction book, with an emphasis on fantasy, horror, and love.
At this point in my life, I don't know if I'll ever write it, though.
Fiction is the toughest sell, both to readers and to the media.

I'm also really, really beat at the moment, and need to do something that will uplift ME.
In addition, I need to find out what path God wants me to take. Where will I be the most effective as an author?
Thanks once more to those who enjoyed The Circle of Friends. I hope those books inspired and made a difference in your life!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tales From the Bookshelf Special
Welcome to my new blog format! Let me know what you think. I still need to add a few links and adjust my header.
This is also a special bookshelf as I adjust to changes.
I am revamping my posting schedule:
Monday - Tales from the Bookshelf
Tuesday - Photo Tuesday
Thursday - Promotional tips and guest posts
Friday - And now for Something Completely Different
Sunday - The Sunday Sillies
I'm still promoting my YA series, The Circle of Friends, and soon I will launch a new book project - a teen version of Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! In a few weeks I will dive headlong into research for that book.
Friday, April 23, 2010
And Now For Something Completely Different...
"I warned you! But did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it?"
What's completely different? I'm actually HOME today!!!
And I put this together this morning, too! LOL
Helen gives us some publishing stats - Straight From Hel
B. Miller wrote this excellent piece about plotting a murder - B. Miller Fiction
Elana talks about the first draft - Elana Johnson
Jamieson got to meet Christopher Moore - Jamieson Wolf
Elizabeth talks about dropping clues about our characters - Mystery Writing is Murder
What participants are saying about Arlee’s A - Z Challenge - Tossing it Out
Alex unveiled his new book cover today - Alex J. Cavanaugh
Just named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers - Mystery Writing is Murder - and today Elizabeth outlines how to set up a blog.
Harper Studio is folding - Southern Review of Books
In the middle of my insane road trips this week, I spent a couple hours with my friend and mentor, author p.m. terrell. Trish is SO awesome! She is so positive and genuine, one cannot remain down in her presence.
She told me an interesting story - an observation on human behavoir.
A couple years ago, she was invited to an author event at a university in Charleston. They did a poor job advertising it, had no signs out, and hid it in a room no one could find. After an hour, she said a man stood in the middle of the room and loudly announced that he was way too important an author to waste his time at such a poorly attended event. She said he was a very arrogant subsidy-published author with one book. (BTW - Trish has an agent and many books with her current publisher.)
Two days later, she arrived at the Book 'Em event in New Hampshire. Janet Evanovich arrived and discovered that her books had not arrived from the publisher. Now Janet is BIG time - no one would've faulted her for leaving. Instead, she sent her husband to the local bookstore to purchase every book of hers they had in stock, while she ran to a local bakery and purchased donut holes for everyone. Trish said every person who met Janet was in awe - "Janet Evanovich gave me a donut!"
Wow! Now that is something to think about...
I met Judy Hoffman a few years ago when she attended one of my seminars. Judy is an author and member of the NSA, and she contributed a quote for my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!
Judy came out to the Administrative Professionals Appreciation Lunch in Clayton, NC and heard me speak. She even purchased a copy of Book I for her granddaughter! The people we meet in this business are just too cool...
What's completely different? I'm actually HOME today!!!
And I put this together this morning, too! LOL
Helen gives us some publishing stats - Straight From Hel
B. Miller wrote this excellent piece about plotting a murder - B. Miller Fiction
Elana talks about the first draft - Elana Johnson
Jamieson got to meet Christopher Moore - Jamieson Wolf
Elizabeth talks about dropping clues about our characters - Mystery Writing is Murder
What participants are saying about Arlee’s A - Z Challenge - Tossing it Out
Alex unveiled his new book cover today - Alex J. Cavanaugh
Just named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers - Mystery Writing is Murder - and today Elizabeth outlines how to set up a blog.
Harper Studio is folding - Southern Review of Books
In the middle of my insane road trips this week, I spent a couple hours with my friend and mentor, author p.m. terrell. Trish is SO awesome! She is so positive and genuine, one cannot remain down in her presence.
She told me an interesting story - an observation on human behavoir.
A couple years ago, she was invited to an author event at a university in Charleston. They did a poor job advertising it, had no signs out, and hid it in a room no one could find. After an hour, she said a man stood in the middle of the room and loudly announced that he was way too important an author to waste his time at such a poorly attended event. She said he was a very arrogant subsidy-published author with one book. (BTW - Trish has an agent and many books with her current publisher.)
Two days later, she arrived at the Book 'Em event in New Hampshire. Janet Evanovich arrived and discovered that her books had not arrived from the publisher. Now Janet is BIG time - no one would've faulted her for leaving. Instead, she sent her husband to the local bookstore to purchase every book of hers they had in stock, while she ran to a local bakery and purchased donut holes for everyone. Trish said every person who met Janet was in awe - "Janet Evanovich gave me a donut!"
Wow! Now that is something to think about...
I met Judy Hoffman a few years ago when she attended one of my seminars. Judy is an author and member of the NSA, and she contributed a quote for my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!
Judy came out to the Administrative Professionals Appreciation Lunch in Clayton, NC and heard me speak. She even purchased a copy of Book I for her granddaughter! The people we meet in this business are just too cool...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Someone's Turning 50!
No, not me! I still have six years to go.
But Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing is 50 today!!!
Crystal has been offline due to surgery and has missed everyone tremendously. Go show her some love and wish her a happy birthday!
And speaking of birthdays, Karen at Following the Whispers turns 61 this Saturday!
Anyone else?
And thank you so much for the comments yesterday while I was traveling. I have another engagement today, but it's relatively close. Thursday is another long day again... Spunky is beat and looks forward to visiting everyone when she returns!
But Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing is 50 today!!!
Crystal has been offline due to surgery and has missed everyone tremendously. Go show her some love and wish her a happy birthday!
And speaking of birthdays, Karen at Following the Whispers turns 61 this Saturday!
Anyone else?
And thank you so much for the comments yesterday while I was traveling. I have another engagement today, but it's relatively close. Thursday is another long day again... Spunky is beat and looks forward to visiting everyone when she returns!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Photo Tuesday - Losing Focus
As authors, there's so many ways we can lose focus.
We can lose focus as we are writing. What began as a great idea suddenly becomes fuzzy.
Perhaps we did not outline a clear path.
Maybe the concept lost steam.
At some point, we'll need to make a decision - go back and redesign the the storyline, set it aside for the time being, or scrap it completely.
A completed project can lack focus.
We discover during the editing phase that things are not clear.
We might be trying to include too many characters or subplots.
Our writing might meander in too many directions.
If our book lacks focus, readers will give up and surrender.
We will need to tighten up our work, possibly relying on test readers to point out the problem areas.
Our initial reason for writing can lose focus.
What began as a passion becomes routine and dull.
Our enthusiasm wanes and we forget what we were trying to accomplish.
The daily grind and endless demands on our time can eat away at our purpose.
We need to return to that spark, to that moment of child-like wonder and rekindle our excitement.
Our future path loses clarity.
Rejection wears on our desire to continue.
Even success causes us to wonder how we will repeat that moment.
We feel as if we are struggling to move forward and our path is blocked.
We grow weary and start to retreat.
This is where the power of friendship comes in. This is where a suuport team of fans, friends, and cheerleaders help us to find our path again. It's the community of those blazing their own trail that encourage us to set new goals and keep moving forward. These very people can help us at every stage, regardless of where we've lost our focus.
I believe in this power!
And where I'm at in my life right now, I am really counting on it, too.
BTW - I'm on the road all day today. Seminar this morning, speaking engagement this evening. The highlight will be the time in between the two events, as I will spend a few hours with my mentor, author p.m. terrell. I will really need that boost, too!
We can lose focus as we are writing. What began as a great idea suddenly becomes fuzzy.
Perhaps we did not outline a clear path.
Maybe the concept lost steam.
At some point, we'll need to make a decision - go back and redesign the the storyline, set it aside for the time being, or scrap it completely.
A completed project can lack focus.
We discover during the editing phase that things are not clear.
We might be trying to include too many characters or subplots.
Our writing might meander in too many directions.
If our book lacks focus, readers will give up and surrender.
We will need to tighten up our work, possibly relying on test readers to point out the problem areas.
Our initial reason for writing can lose focus.
What began as a passion becomes routine and dull.
Our enthusiasm wanes and we forget what we were trying to accomplish.
The daily grind and endless demands on our time can eat away at our purpose.
We need to return to that spark, to that moment of child-like wonder and rekindle our excitement.
Our future path loses clarity.
Rejection wears on our desire to continue.
Even success causes us to wonder how we will repeat that moment.
We feel as if we are struggling to move forward and our path is blocked.
We grow weary and start to retreat.
This is where the power of friendship comes in. This is where a suuport team of fans, friends, and cheerleaders help us to find our path again. It's the community of those blazing their own trail that encourage us to set new goals and keep moving forward. These very people can help us at every stage, regardless of where we've lost our focus.
I believe in this power!
And where I'm at in my life right now, I am really counting on it, too.
BTW - I'm on the road all day today. Seminar this morning, speaking engagement this evening. The highlight will be the time in between the two events, as I will spend a few hours with my mentor, author p.m. terrell. I will really need that boost, too!
Friday, April 16, 2010
And Now For Something Completely Different...
"Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away!"
Special thanks to everyone who has commented here, especially as I've been gone almost all week!
Today's news is a little different. I selected some great bloggers with some fascinating posts.
Talli asks about Writing Rituals
Helen asks Will the iPad open new markets? and gives us hope with How to Succeed as an Author
Galen humorously describes New Mexico Chili Cookofff (I’ve lived there - Galen nails both the chili and a Southerner’s reaction!)
Shannon speaks of the Miracles in her life.
Rayna shares a wonderful Journey
CC covers illiteracy and provides the ladies with some nice Pictures
Alex shares his favorite genre Movies and reviews the IPad
B. Miller shares a fascinating piece entitled Lycanthropy Awareness
And Marvin advises us on writing Show and Tell
Two bloggers are hosting a Giveaway for Book V - you still have a chance to win!
La Femme Readers and Find your Next Book Here
Two again this week - you guys make it difficult to choose!
Christina "Warm window... on mah belleh... feelz niiiiiiiice."
CC "If I could just reach the close yet so far away..."
Jai was sweet enough to give me the Sunshine Award! That's twice now - thanks Jai!
It's baseball season!
Special thanks to everyone who has commented here, especially as I've been gone almost all week!
Today's news is a little different. I selected some great bloggers with some fascinating posts.
Talli asks about Writing Rituals
Helen asks Will the iPad open new markets? and gives us hope with How to Succeed as an Author
Galen humorously describes New Mexico Chili Cookofff (I’ve lived there - Galen nails both the chili and a Southerner’s reaction!)
Shannon speaks of the Miracles in her life.
Rayna shares a wonderful Journey
CC covers illiteracy and provides the ladies with some nice Pictures
Alex shares his favorite genre Movies and reviews the IPad
B. Miller shares a fascinating piece entitled Lycanthropy Awareness
And Marvin advises us on writing Show and Tell
Two bloggers are hosting a Giveaway for Book V - you still have a chance to win!
La Femme Readers and Find your Next Book Here
Two again this week - you guys make it difficult to choose!
Christina "Warm window... on mah belleh... feelz niiiiiiiice."
CC "If I could just reach the close yet so far away..."
Jai was sweet enough to give me the Sunshine Award! That's twice now - thanks Jai!
It's baseball season!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What's For Dinner?
Since Spunky is one the road A BUNCH this week, Marvin Wilson at The Old Silly’s Free Spirit Blog has been gracious enough to provide a guest post!
Swift Wolf has been sitting for two days and one night now, praying. Praying to the Grandfathers and the Spirit of the Deer. His tribe needs meat. He is ravenous with hunger and extremely thirsty, having fasted all this time. It's the Way of the Hunt. He must obey the laws of the Grandfathers and the Great Spirit in order for the hunt to be successful, so that his people may eat and receive good energy and blessings from the food. He sits. Still. Silent.
He hears a rustling, and suddenly the deer presents itself to him. Eye to eye in full view, a short arrow's thrust away in the clearing.
Swift Wolf stands, maintaining eye contact with the deer. Neither of them are afraid, both of them know that what is to happen now is The Way. Swift Wolf puts an arrow in his bow, pulls back the string and saying a prayer of thanks lets the arrow fly. The aim is perfect, penetrating the deer's heart and sending it to the ground in the throes of certain and swift death.
Swift Wolf runs up to the deer, still praying, pulls out his knife and slits the deer's throat to end its life and pain as fast as possible. Blood gushes forth, but the parched Swift Wolf cannot drink yet. First he must pray.
He prays for the spirit of the deer. He prays that its spirit will be received well and be blessed in the afterlife; that its rebirth will be a fortuitous one, that it will be rejoined with its friends and family who have passed on from this world before it. And he prays his thanks, his gratitude to the Grandfathers and the Spirit of the Deer for allowing this transfer of life, this exchange of energy, this gift of food for his peoples' sustenance.
Then, and only then, after finishing an hour in worshipful, respectful and gratitude-giving prayer and meditation, he drinks of the life giving blood and cuts out the deer's heart and eats.
Cameron closed the book. Great story. What amazing connectedness, such enlightenment. Native Americans. So integrated with nature the way they lived their lives, the way they only took what was needed, and always lived in harmony with the universe. So debt free with their karma. Incredible.
Cameron's wife was standing in the sitting room doorway. "Time to eat, honey, dinner's on."
“Great. I'm famished. Haven't eaten a thing since breakfast. What's for supper?"
"Your favorite … steak."
Thanks, Marvin!
Please visit Marvin's blog The Old Silly’s Free Spirit Blog for more silliness.
Marvin's oustanding works:
Owen Fiddler - Amazon
I Romanced the Stone (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie) - Amazon
Between the Storm and the Rainbow - Amazon
And of course, his awesome book trailer for Owen Fiddler!
Youtube Embed:
Swift Wolf has been sitting for two days and one night now, praying. Praying to the Grandfathers and the Spirit of the Deer. His tribe needs meat. He is ravenous with hunger and extremely thirsty, having fasted all this time. It's the Way of the Hunt. He must obey the laws of the Grandfathers and the Great Spirit in order for the hunt to be successful, so that his people may eat and receive good energy and blessings from the food. He sits. Still. Silent.
He hears a rustling, and suddenly the deer presents itself to him. Eye to eye in full view, a short arrow's thrust away in the clearing.
Swift Wolf stands, maintaining eye contact with the deer. Neither of them are afraid, both of them know that what is to happen now is The Way. Swift Wolf puts an arrow in his bow, pulls back the string and saying a prayer of thanks lets the arrow fly. The aim is perfect, penetrating the deer's heart and sending it to the ground in the throes of certain and swift death.
Swift Wolf runs up to the deer, still praying, pulls out his knife and slits the deer's throat to end its life and pain as fast as possible. Blood gushes forth, but the parched Swift Wolf cannot drink yet. First he must pray.
He prays for the spirit of the deer. He prays that its spirit will be received well and be blessed in the afterlife; that its rebirth will be a fortuitous one, that it will be rejoined with its friends and family who have passed on from this world before it. And he prays his thanks, his gratitude to the Grandfathers and the Spirit of the Deer for allowing this transfer of life, this exchange of energy, this gift of food for his peoples' sustenance.
Then, and only then, after finishing an hour in worshipful, respectful and gratitude-giving prayer and meditation, he drinks of the life giving blood and cuts out the deer's heart and eats.
Cameron closed the book. Great story. What amazing connectedness, such enlightenment. Native Americans. So integrated with nature the way they lived their lives, the way they only took what was needed, and always lived in harmony with the universe. So debt free with their karma. Incredible.
Cameron's wife was standing in the sitting room doorway. "Time to eat, honey, dinner's on."
“Great. I'm famished. Haven't eaten a thing since breakfast. What's for supper?"
"Your favorite … steak."
Thanks, Marvin!
Please visit Marvin's blog The Old Silly’s Free Spirit Blog for more silliness.
Marvin's oustanding works:
Owen Fiddler - Amazon
I Romanced the Stone (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie) - Amazon
Between the Storm and the Rainbow - Amazon
And of course, his awesome book trailer for Owen Fiddler!
Youtube Embed:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tales From the Bookshelf
Today's tale covers marketing books for authors!
I was hard pressed to narrow this list to just a few books, as so many great ones reside on my shelf. But I've selected five marketing books that cover the aspects of book promotion in full detail.
Publicize Your Book: An Insider's Guide to Getting Your Book the Attention It Deserves
by Jacqueline Deval
Publisher: Penguin Group
Paperback, 320pp
ISBN-13: 9780399534317
This book starts with how to write a marketing plan and runs through hiring a publicist and online marketing. It's geared toward the author with a publisher, but self-published authors will also benefit.
From Book to Bestseller: An Insider's Guide to Publicizing and Marketing Your Book!
by Penny Sansevieri,
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Paperback, 364pp
ISBN-13: 9781600370854
Penny's book packs in a lot of different ideas in short, easy to follow chapters. She also lists addresses and websites.
1001 Ways to Market Your Books
by John Kremer
Publisher: National Book Network
Paperback, 700pp
ISBN-13: 9780912411491
The most concise and detailed book on marketing. John updates this book often to keep up with addresses and websites. A 1001 ways means that every author will find a plethora of ideas in this book.
Frugal Book Promoter : How to Do What Your Publisher Won't
by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Publisher: Star Publish
Paperback, 288pp
ISBN-13: 9781932993103
Not just frugal - deatiled! Tons of ideas, complete with websites for further exploration. (Which means it could take months to get through all the information - but that's a good thing!)
Jump Start Your Book Sales: A Money-Making Guide for Authors, Independent Publishers and Small Presses
by Marilyn Ross, Tom Ross
Publisher: Communication Creativity
Paperback, 328pp
ISBN-13: 9780918880413
Covers a lot of great ideas, with quotes and blurbs to further spur your imagination. The side notes alone are worth the price of this book.
All of these books are excellent resources for any author or writer, especially those who've not yet embarked on the journey of promotion!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Author Robert Elmer
This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing
Wildflowers of Terezin
Abingdon Press (April 2010)
by Robert Elmer
Robert Elmer is a former pastor, reporter and as copywriter who now writes from he home he shares with his wife Ronda in northern Idaho. He is the author of over fifty books, including eight contemporary novels for the adult Christian audience and several series for younger readers. Combined, his books have sold more than half a million copies worldwide. Like his popular "Young Underground" youth series, Wildflowers of Terezin was inspired by stories Robert heard from his Denmark-born parents and family. When he's not sailing or enjoying the outdoors, Robert often travels the country speaking to school and writers groups.
When nurse Hanne Abrahamsen impulsively shields Steffen Petersen from a nosy Gestapo agent, she’s convinced the Lutheran pastor is involved in the Danish Underground. Nothing could be further from the truth.
But truth is hard to come by in the fall of 1943, when Copenhagen is placed under Martial Law and Denmark’s Jews—including Hanne—suddenly face deportation to the Nazi prison camp at Terezin, Czechoslovakia. Days darken and danger mounts. Steffen’s faith deepens as he takes greater risks to protect Hanne. But are either of them willing to pay the ultimate price for their love?
The book link is:
Wildflowers of Terezin
Abingdon Press (April 2010)
by Robert Elmer
Robert Elmer is a former pastor, reporter and as copywriter who now writes from he home he shares with his wife Ronda in northern Idaho. He is the author of over fifty books, including eight contemporary novels for the adult Christian audience and several series for younger readers. Combined, his books have sold more than half a million copies worldwide. Like his popular "Young Underground" youth series, Wildflowers of Terezin was inspired by stories Robert heard from his Denmark-born parents and family. When he's not sailing or enjoying the outdoors, Robert often travels the country speaking to school and writers groups.
When nurse Hanne Abrahamsen impulsively shields Steffen Petersen from a nosy Gestapo agent, she’s convinced the Lutheran pastor is involved in the Danish Underground. Nothing could be further from the truth.
But truth is hard to come by in the fall of 1943, when Copenhagen is placed under Martial Law and Denmark’s Jews—including Hanne—suddenly face deportation to the Nazi prison camp at Terezin, Czechoslovakia. Days darken and danger mounts. Steffen’s faith deepens as he takes greater risks to protect Hanne. But are either of them willing to pay the ultimate price for their love?
The book link is:
Friday, April 09, 2010
And Now For Something Completely Different...
"O, Knights of Nee, we have brought you your shrubbery."
Heidi shares critiquing hints and etiquette Blood Red Pencil
Great Twitter tips from Simon at Constant Revisions
Self Editing Part One The Old Silly
Book Sales Fall Feathered Quill Reviews
EBook - The Wonderful World of Twitter Marketing Tips For Authors
Clash of the Titans
Do you like your movies with heart? Were you a big fan of the original? Then skip this big-budget remake and wait until it's free on NetFlix - maybe.
I think we are all past the point of being awed by amazing special effects only. This movie was all about moving from one set piece to the next. The writers and director understood most people knew the story, so they just rushed from point A to point B to point C, tossing in an assortment of odd changes. The result - a movie I can barely remember now! There was absolutely no heart to this film and nothing memorable.
Don't toss away your hard-earned money - go watch the original cheesy charmer instead! (And personally, I think Harry Hamilton was a sexier Perseus than Sam Worthington!)
C- / D+
We have another tie because you guys are just too good!
CC - "Secret agent Hobbes tries to infiltrate the Amish mafia.... drat, grabbed the wrong bonnet. Foiled again..."
misskallie2000 - "Izz wearing dis caus I wuzz promised a salmon if I did."
After viewing Alex's post yesterday, I thought it was high time I treat the ladies with some sexy men!
Heidi shares critiquing hints and etiquette Blood Red Pencil
Great Twitter tips from Simon at Constant Revisions
Self Editing Part One The Old Silly
Book Sales Fall Feathered Quill Reviews
EBook - The Wonderful World of Twitter Marketing Tips For Authors
Clash of the Titans
Do you like your movies with heart? Were you a big fan of the original? Then skip this big-budget remake and wait until it's free on NetFlix - maybe.
I think we are all past the point of being awed by amazing special effects only. This movie was all about moving from one set piece to the next. The writers and director understood most people knew the story, so they just rushed from point A to point B to point C, tossing in an assortment of odd changes. The result - a movie I can barely remember now! There was absolutely no heart to this film and nothing memorable.
Don't toss away your hard-earned money - go watch the original cheesy charmer instead! (And personally, I think Harry Hamilton was a sexier Perseus than Sam Worthington!)
C- / D+
We have another tie because you guys are just too good!
CC - "Secret agent Hobbes tries to infiltrate the Amish mafia.... drat, grabbed the wrong bonnet. Foiled again..."
misskallie2000 - "Izz wearing dis caus I wuzz promised a salmon if I did."
After viewing Alex's post yesterday, I thought it was high time I treat the ladies with some sexy men!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Odds & Ends & That's a Wrap
Mostly odds... I am an author after all!
Thanks to everyone who visited Tuesday for Jemi's post about successful blogging. She is amazing.
There are a couple other bloggers doing it right, too:
Elana Johnson
She has over 1000 followers and her posts garner over 100 comments each. She replies to all of them, too! I am in awe...
Alex J. Cavanaugh
He's a new blogger, but barely two weeks ago he had 30 followers - now he has over 60! And he generates 20-30 comments per post.
Arlee Bird
He threw out an A-Z Blogging Challenge that not only increased his traffic, but those participating are enjoying great success as well.
Wrapping up my virtual tour for Book V this week! Which is good - after four weeks, the Spunky is out of things to say.
There's two book giveaways still in process - La Femme Readers and Find Your Next Book Here - feel free to sign up. (I'd love it if one of my bloggy buddies won.) And Friday boasts the final two stops - a Writers in the Sky Podcast and an interview at A Novel Journey. The podcast is 30 minutes long - and it was the second take! Yvonne's machine stopped recording the first time, so we had to do a take two on Monday.
Thanks to everyone who hosted me on this tour and those who have offered me a chance to visit their site in the future!
The 'monthly' newsletter for The Circle of Friends will go to bi-monthly after April. However, I will continue to feature another author (preferably YA but will consider others) in each newsletter - and the slot for April is still open. If you are an author with a book that appeals to teens and adults, please contact me!
The last odd...
The next two weeks, Spunky will be on the road - a lot. I have (starting tonight) three full seminars, three administrative professionals appreciation luncheons/dinners, a TV program to tape in Greenville SC, and a book festival. So during these two weeks, Spunky will be cutting back on her blogging and commenting because I will be physically unable to do it all. Followers new and old, don't give up on me though! After the 22nd, I will return full force and with some changes to Spunk on a Stick's Tips.
Thanks everyone!
Thanks to everyone who visited Tuesday for Jemi's post about successful blogging. She is amazing.
There are a couple other bloggers doing it right, too:
Elana Johnson
She has over 1000 followers and her posts garner over 100 comments each. She replies to all of them, too! I am in awe...
Alex J. Cavanaugh
He's a new blogger, but barely two weeks ago he had 30 followers - now he has over 60! And he generates 20-30 comments per post.
Arlee Bird
He threw out an A-Z Blogging Challenge that not only increased his traffic, but those participating are enjoying great success as well.
Wrapping up my virtual tour for Book V this week! Which is good - after four weeks, the Spunky is out of things to say.
There's two book giveaways still in process - La Femme Readers and Find Your Next Book Here - feel free to sign up. (I'd love it if one of my bloggy buddies won.) And Friday boasts the final two stops - a Writers in the Sky Podcast and an interview at A Novel Journey. The podcast is 30 minutes long - and it was the second take! Yvonne's machine stopped recording the first time, so we had to do a take two on Monday.
Thanks to everyone who hosted me on this tour and those who have offered me a chance to visit their site in the future!
The 'monthly' newsletter for The Circle of Friends will go to bi-monthly after April. However, I will continue to feature another author (preferably YA but will consider others) in each newsletter - and the slot for April is still open. If you are an author with a book that appeals to teens and adults, please contact me!
The last odd...
The next two weeks, Spunky will be on the road - a lot. I have (starting tonight) three full seminars, three administrative professionals appreciation luncheons/dinners, a TV program to tape in Greenville SC, and a book festival. So during these two weeks, Spunky will be cutting back on her blogging and commenting because I will be physically unable to do it all. Followers new and old, don't give up on me though! After the 22nd, I will return full force and with some changes to Spunk on a Stick's Tips.
Thanks everyone!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Author Siri Mitchell
This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing
She Walks in Beauty
Bethany House (April 2010)
by Siri Mitchell
Siri Mitchell graduated from the University of Washington with a business degree and worked in various levels of government. As a military spouse, she has lived all over the world, including in Paris and Tokyo. Siri enjoys observing and learning from different cultures. She is fluent in French and loves sushi.
But she is also a member of a strange breed of people called novelists. When they’re listening to a sermon and taking notes, chances are, they’ve just had a great idea for a plot or a dialogue. If they nod in response to a really profound statement, they’re probably thinking, “Yes. Right. That’s exactly what my character needs to hear.” When they edit their manuscripts, they laugh at the funny parts. And cry at the sad parts. Sometimes they even talk to their characters.
Siri wrote 4 books and accumulated 153 rejections before signing with a publisher. In the process, she saw the bottoms of more pints of Ben & Jerry’s than she cares to admit. At various times she has vowed never to write another word again. Ever. She has gone on writing strikes and even stooped to threatening her manuscripts with the shredder.
For a young society woman seeking a favorable marriage, so much depends on her social season debut. Clara Carter has been given one goal: secure the affections of the city's most eligible bachelor.
Debuting means plenty of work--there are corsets to be fitted, dances to master, manners to perfect. Her training soon pays off, however, as celebrity's spotlight turns Clara into a society-page darling.
Yet Clara soon wonders if this is the life she really wants. Especially when she learns her best friend has also set her sights on Franklin De Vries.
When a man appears who seems to love her simply for who she is and gossip backlash turns ugly, Clara realizes it's not just her marriage at stake--the future of her family depends on how she plays the game.
The book link is:
She Walks in Beauty
Bethany House (April 2010)
by Siri Mitchell
Siri Mitchell graduated from the University of Washington with a business degree and worked in various levels of government. As a military spouse, she has lived all over the world, including in Paris and Tokyo. Siri enjoys observing and learning from different cultures. She is fluent in French and loves sushi.
But she is also a member of a strange breed of people called novelists. When they’re listening to a sermon and taking notes, chances are, they’ve just had a great idea for a plot or a dialogue. If they nod in response to a really profound statement, they’re probably thinking, “Yes. Right. That’s exactly what my character needs to hear.” When they edit their manuscripts, they laugh at the funny parts. And cry at the sad parts. Sometimes they even talk to their characters.
Siri wrote 4 books and accumulated 153 rejections before signing with a publisher. In the process, she saw the bottoms of more pints of Ben & Jerry’s than she cares to admit. At various times she has vowed never to write another word again. Ever. She has gone on writing strikes and even stooped to threatening her manuscripts with the shredder.
For a young society woman seeking a favorable marriage, so much depends on her social season debut. Clara Carter has been given one goal: secure the affections of the city's most eligible bachelor.
Debuting means plenty of work--there are corsets to be fitted, dances to master, manners to perfect. Her training soon pays off, however, as celebrity's spotlight turns Clara into a society-page darling.
Yet Clara soon wonders if this is the life she really wants. Especially when she learns her best friend has also set her sights on Franklin De Vries.
When a man appears who seems to love her simply for who she is and gossip backlash turns ugly, Clara realizes it's not just her marriage at stake--the future of her family depends on how she plays the game.
The book link is:
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Tips from Blog Master Jemi
For those who want to know how to increase blog traffic, look no further!
Just Jemi is a fellow blogger buddy. She and I have about the same amount of Followers, but there's one big difference - comments. Jemi usually averages 70-80 comments PER POST!!! Yes, you read that right. (And here the couple times I've gone over 30, I got excited...)
So I asked her to share her secret with all of us...
Thanks so much Diane for inviting me to guest post over here at Spunk on a Stick. I really appreciate the invitation!
Diane asked me to talk about blog networking and how to generate blog comments. So, here’s the deal... um, I don’t know. I actually don’t pay a lot of attention to numbers. But maybe I can guess. :)
I think the key is fun. I know some people view blogging as a business, as a required activity for writers, as a time-suck. I don’t see it that way. Not at all.
For me, blogging is a great way to meet new friends. I’ve always liked people (and people watching), but I’ve also always been very shy. So meeting people through the written word? Awesome! No worries about awkward pauses. No worrying they won’t remember me – they can just check my name at the top of the blog. No sweaty palms. No... well, you get the idea.
People fascinate me. It’s amazing how people take the same idea (promote yourself as a writer), the same tool (a blog), and yet the products are infinitely diverse. Very cool. I like discovering who bloggers are through their colour schemes, blog layouts, photos, & arrangement of the items on the blog. I find it endlessly fascinating. I’ve met so many great people. So it’s natural for me to ask a question at the end of the post. I want to know how you think. I think that encourages people to respond. At least, I hope so!
Whenever a new commenter shows up at my blog, I get a little thrill of excitement. Who is he or she? How does he or she blog?
When I pop over and check out the new blog, I’m invariably drawn to follow. After all, this person found some connection between us. Otherwise he or she wouldn’t have bothered to comment or follow.
I put all the blogs I follow on my blog roll. I’ve got it set up to show more recent posts at the top. When I have some time, I open all the new posts. Sometimes there are 50 or 60 of them. They open on top of each other, so after I read, comment and close, the next one pops right up. I got this tip from Elana Johnson and her handy-dandy speed blogging tips :) Here’s the link if you’re interested Speed Blogging Tips
I’m also a good multi-tasker. My laptop tends to follow me everywhere. I do bloggy stuff (reading, writing, responding) while I’m: blow-drying my hair, putting on makeup, eating breakfast, chatting with kids, making supper, cleaning up supper, doing laundry, watching TV...
There are a few activities during which my laptop is nowhere in sight. Not too many though :)
I follow well over 100 blogs, and comment on most people’s posts at least a couple times a week, if not more. This probably encourages them to come back and visit me. Don’t know for sure. I do comment on every blog I read. If you’ve said something interesting enough to keep me reading, I think you deserve a comment. Otherwise how will you know you touched me, made me laugh, made me feel less alone, or that you taught me something new?
I also respond to all the comments on my blog. Right now I comment on the blog itself. I know most people don’t go back to see if they’ve gotten a response, but for now I’m going to continue doing it this way. It seems more like a group conversation and I like that. Some bloggers are responding to blog comments via email now. I like this idea too. Anything that makes a connection between you and the reader. Because if there’s no connection, what’s the point?
So, in summary, I think in order to generate comments on your blog, you have to multi-task like a crazy person, read quickly and have fun!! Any tricks you use that I’ve missed?
Thanks again, Diane! I’ve enjoyed the visit.
No, no - thank YOU, Jemi!
Please visit Jemi at her blog - Just Jemi
Just Jemi is a fellow blogger buddy. She and I have about the same amount of Followers, but there's one big difference - comments. Jemi usually averages 70-80 comments PER POST!!! Yes, you read that right. (And here the couple times I've gone over 30, I got excited...)
So I asked her to share her secret with all of us...
Thanks so much Diane for inviting me to guest post over here at Spunk on a Stick. I really appreciate the invitation!
Diane asked me to talk about blog networking and how to generate blog comments. So, here’s the deal... um, I don’t know. I actually don’t pay a lot of attention to numbers. But maybe I can guess. :)
I think the key is fun. I know some people view blogging as a business, as a required activity for writers, as a time-suck. I don’t see it that way. Not at all.
For me, blogging is a great way to meet new friends. I’ve always liked people (and people watching), but I’ve also always been very shy. So meeting people through the written word? Awesome! No worries about awkward pauses. No worrying they won’t remember me – they can just check my name at the top of the blog. No sweaty palms. No... well, you get the idea.
People fascinate me. It’s amazing how people take the same idea (promote yourself as a writer), the same tool (a blog), and yet the products are infinitely diverse. Very cool. I like discovering who bloggers are through their colour schemes, blog layouts, photos, & arrangement of the items on the blog. I find it endlessly fascinating. I’ve met so many great people. So it’s natural for me to ask a question at the end of the post. I want to know how you think. I think that encourages people to respond. At least, I hope so!
Whenever a new commenter shows up at my blog, I get a little thrill of excitement. Who is he or she? How does he or she blog?
When I pop over and check out the new blog, I’m invariably drawn to follow. After all, this person found some connection between us. Otherwise he or she wouldn’t have bothered to comment or follow.
I put all the blogs I follow on my blog roll. I’ve got it set up to show more recent posts at the top. When I have some time, I open all the new posts. Sometimes there are 50 or 60 of them. They open on top of each other, so after I read, comment and close, the next one pops right up. I got this tip from Elana Johnson and her handy-dandy speed blogging tips :) Here’s the link if you’re interested Speed Blogging Tips
I’m also a good multi-tasker. My laptop tends to follow me everywhere. I do bloggy stuff (reading, writing, responding) while I’m: blow-drying my hair, putting on makeup, eating breakfast, chatting with kids, making supper, cleaning up supper, doing laundry, watching TV...
There are a few activities during which my laptop is nowhere in sight. Not too many though :)
I follow well over 100 blogs, and comment on most people’s posts at least a couple times a week, if not more. This probably encourages them to come back and visit me. Don’t know for sure. I do comment on every blog I read. If you’ve said something interesting enough to keep me reading, I think you deserve a comment. Otherwise how will you know you touched me, made me laugh, made me feel less alone, or that you taught me something new?
I also respond to all the comments on my blog. Right now I comment on the blog itself. I know most people don’t go back to see if they’ve gotten a response, but for now I’m going to continue doing it this way. It seems more like a group conversation and I like that. Some bloggers are responding to blog comments via email now. I like this idea too. Anything that makes a connection between you and the reader. Because if there’s no connection, what’s the point?
So, in summary, I think in order to generate comments on your blog, you have to multi-task like a crazy person, read quickly and have fun!! Any tricks you use that I’ve missed?
Thanks again, Diane! I’ve enjoyed the visit.
No, no - thank YOU, Jemi!
Please visit Jemi at her blog - Just Jemi
Monday, April 05, 2010
The Little Things
Just catching up on stuff, and sometimes it's the little things that make our day.
Three years ago, I'd contacted the head coach of Clemson's woman's basketball team. I was doing research for Book V of my series and needed information regarding the duties of an assistant coach. During the course of several emails, Cristy McKinney was gracious enough to answer my questions and filled me in on the details.
When Book V came out, I wanted to send her a copy in appreciation. Unfortunately, she stepped down as head coach on March 10 of this year. I took a chance and did a Google search and discovered her Facebook page. I doubted she'd remember me, but I sent a friends request along with a message about the book.
To my surprise, she replied, and sent me her address! So today a book will go out to former head coach, Cristy McKinney. How cool is that?
In other news, Spunky has a busy month coming up and many miles to log on the road. Appropriately enough, my virtual tour stop today is The Vacation Gals with some travel tips!
Another great review was posted last week at Psychotic State and La Femme Readers is doing a Giveaway for Book V.
So what little things have happend recently that made your day?
Three years ago, I'd contacted the head coach of Clemson's woman's basketball team. I was doing research for Book V of my series and needed information regarding the duties of an assistant coach. During the course of several emails, Cristy McKinney was gracious enough to answer my questions and filled me in on the details.
When Book V came out, I wanted to send her a copy in appreciation. Unfortunately, she stepped down as head coach on March 10 of this year. I took a chance and did a Google search and discovered her Facebook page. I doubted she'd remember me, but I sent a friends request along with a message about the book.
To my surprise, she replied, and sent me her address! So today a book will go out to former head coach, Cristy McKinney. How cool is that?
In other news, Spunky has a busy month coming up and many miles to log on the road. Appropriately enough, my virtual tour stop today is The Vacation Gals with some travel tips!
Another great review was posted last week at Psychotic State and La Femme Readers is doing a Giveaway for Book V.
So what little things have happend recently that made your day?
Friday, April 02, 2010
And Now For Something Completely Different!
"Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, evil Zoot! Oh, she is a naughty person, and she must pay the penalty -- and here in Castle Anthrax, we have but one punishment for setting alight the grail-shaped beacon. You must tie her down on a bed and spank her!"
Penny Sansevieri gives tips on handling social media - Susan Whitfield’s Blog
Dialogue tips from Heidi - Blood Red Pencil
Amazon dumps Colorado affiliates - Southern Review of Books (They dumped NC last year.)
I won a copy of The Undervalued Self by Elaine N. Aron, PhD over at Bookin’ with Bingo
For those who’ve been following my crazy virtual tour, here’s a checklist of tips on how to set one up -
Marketing Tips For Authors
Alex J. Cavanaugh gave me the Soulmates Award!
The Soulmates Award. This award originated with Christi Goddard at A Torch in the Tempest and is one part gift, one part social experiment! Fun!
The rules:
1. Choose five followers/commenters that 'get' you
2. Write something fake (preferably not too mean) about them
3. Link to them, and link back to this post to comment your receipt of the award.
(Alex said I secretly hate cats - so not true!)
I decided to pick on the boys for this one and pass the award to:
Marvin at The Old Silly who really does look like Adam Atom
Stephen at Breakthrough Blogs who didn’t even finish high school
Jamieson at Jamieson Wolf who secretly hates romance
Lee at Tossing it Out who is secretly laughing at those in the A-Z Challenge. (Well played, Lee, well played)
Karen at Following the Whispers was sweet enough to give me the Beautiful Blogger Award!
According to the rules, I am to provide a link to the person who gave me the award (see above), name seven things you might not know about me, and pass the award along to seven other wonderful bloggers.
Seven things:
1- I really hate making phone calls. Residual trauma from working at UPS and having to call people to tell them their package was lost, damaged, destroyed - we don’t know where it is!
2 - I bleached my hair for seventeen years. (Maybe someday I’ll post a photo of blonde Spunky!)
3 -I like snakes and bugs, but cockroaches and centipedes freak me out!
4 - I am a Bath & Body Works fanatic - my husband claims he should’ve purchased stock in the company.
5 - I hate sharp casual - not quite dressy enough to feel classy, too dressy to feel comfortable.
6 - My first real roller coaster scared the crap outta me! (I got over it, though.)
7 - When swimming, I prefer to hang out underwater, as I imagine that’s what floating in space would feel like.
And I'd like to add for those who don't know, I don't use photos here from the Internet - 99.9% I took myself.
I pass this award to:
Jai at Jai Joshi’s Tulsi Tree
Michelle at Redheaded Book Child
Elana at Elana Johnson
Nancy at Room with a View
Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere
Eleni at La Femme Readers
Steph at Steph the Bookworm
Alex J. Cavanaugh - "Nope, you're ugly from this angle, too."
That is so totally what Hobbes would be thinking... she was all cattitude!
Penny Sansevieri gives tips on handling social media - Susan Whitfield’s Blog
Dialogue tips from Heidi - Blood Red Pencil
Amazon dumps Colorado affiliates - Southern Review of Books (They dumped NC last year.)
I won a copy of The Undervalued Self by Elaine N. Aron, PhD over at Bookin’ with Bingo
For those who’ve been following my crazy virtual tour, here’s a checklist of tips on how to set one up -
Marketing Tips For Authors
Alex J. Cavanaugh gave me the Soulmates Award!
The Soulmates Award. This award originated with Christi Goddard at A Torch in the Tempest and is one part gift, one part social experiment! Fun!
The rules:
1. Choose five followers/commenters that 'get' you
2. Write something fake (preferably not too mean) about them
3. Link to them, and link back to this post to comment your receipt of the award.
(Alex said I secretly hate cats - so not true!)
I decided to pick on the boys for this one and pass the award to:
Marvin at The Old Silly who really does look like Adam Atom
Stephen at Breakthrough Blogs who didn’t even finish high school
Jamieson at Jamieson Wolf who secretly hates romance
Lee at Tossing it Out who is secretly laughing at those in the A-Z Challenge. (Well played, Lee, well played)
Karen at Following the Whispers was sweet enough to give me the Beautiful Blogger Award!
According to the rules, I am to provide a link to the person who gave me the award (see above), name seven things you might not know about me, and pass the award along to seven other wonderful bloggers.
Seven things:
1- I really hate making phone calls. Residual trauma from working at UPS and having to call people to tell them their package was lost, damaged, destroyed - we don’t know where it is!
2 - I bleached my hair for seventeen years. (Maybe someday I’ll post a photo of blonde Spunky!)
3 -I like snakes and bugs, but cockroaches and centipedes freak me out!
4 - I am a Bath & Body Works fanatic - my husband claims he should’ve purchased stock in the company.
5 - I hate sharp casual - not quite dressy enough to feel classy, too dressy to feel comfortable.
6 - My first real roller coaster scared the crap outta me! (I got over it, though.)
7 - When swimming, I prefer to hang out underwater, as I imagine that’s what floating in space would feel like.
And I'd like to add for those who don't know, I don't use photos here from the Internet - 99.9% I took myself.
I pass this award to:
Jai at Jai Joshi’s Tulsi Tree
Michelle at Redheaded Book Child
Elana at Elana Johnson
Nancy at Room with a View
Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere
Eleni at La Femme Readers
Steph at Steph the Bookworm
Alex J. Cavanaugh - "Nope, you're ugly from this angle, too."
That is so totally what Hobbes would be thinking... she was all cattitude!
Wishing all of you a blessed Easter!
And Hobbes just wishes I'd take those ears off her head!
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Why Do You Follow?
For those who are lurking, now is a great time to comment! Why do you follow?
Some poeple have tons of followers. Some have less followers but many comments. (And be prepared for a guest post from Just Jemi on this subject, because she IS the master!) And some poeple follow a lot of people.
Why do you follow someone?
So that they will follow you?
Are you focused on promotions and trying to amass a lot of followers?
To learn?
To honestly gain more knowlege?
To postition yourself as an expert?
Are you better qualified than those you follow?
To gain friendship?
To expand your circle of friends?
To share your experience?
To genuinely inspire those around you?
Leave your answer below!
And if you want to state why you follow me as well - great! Whatever I am doing right, I want to keep doing!
As to my answer? Why does the Spunky follow people? That goes back to my definition of success - "True success is based on the number of lives one can touch in a positive manner."
I don't have hundreds of followers. But that's okay. Those who follow me matter. And I pray I can be an inspiration at some point in your life! Because you have inspired, uplifted, encouraged, and informed me.
Some poeple have tons of followers. Some have less followers but many comments. (And be prepared for a guest post from Just Jemi on this subject, because she IS the master!) And some poeple follow a lot of people.
Why do you follow someone?
So that they will follow you?
Are you focused on promotions and trying to amass a lot of followers?
To learn?
To honestly gain more knowlege?
To postition yourself as an expert?
Are you better qualified than those you follow?
To gain friendship?
To expand your circle of friends?
To share your experience?
To genuinely inspire those around you?
Leave your answer below!
And if you want to state why you follow me as well - great! Whatever I am doing right, I want to keep doing!
As to my answer? Why does the Spunky follow people? That goes back to my definition of success - "True success is based on the number of lives one can touch in a positive manner."
I don't have hundreds of followers. But that's okay. Those who follow me matter. And I pray I can be an inspiration at some point in your life! Because you have inspired, uplifted, encouraged, and informed me.
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