Why spend more than you need to for extensive editing and professional formatting? And why spend hours, even days, looking for two separate people to take care of these needs when you can get both of them right when you need them?
If you take advantage of Chrys’ affordable editing, you’ll get a 20% discount on my formatting!
Chrys Fey’s Editing Services:
Short stories (any genre)
Novellas (any genre)
Novels (any genre)
NOTE: I will edit the first ten pages of your novel-length book, or the first 5 pages of a novella up to 50 pages for FREE for you to decide if I’m a good fit to edit your manuscript.
In which I comment on content (plot and characters), check for typos, punctuation errors and grammar. I will cut unnecessary words and sentences, check for redundancies, repeated words, and POV changes. I will also offer easy fixes and suggestions on content.
Price: $1.00 per page
In which I focus on content (plot and characters) with no typo fixes or other forms of editing. I will point out flaws (if any), offer easy fixes, suggestions, and also comment on things I like.
Price: $0.50 per page
- Turnaround time can be anywhere from 5 days to 3 weeks depending on the project or the deadline we agree upon.
For more info on Chrys Fey’s editing service go HERE.
L. Diane Wolfe’s Formatting Services:
NOTE: Once we have decided on the basic design layout, I will format up to ten pages for FREE for your approval.
The Basic Interior Print Design Includes:
Title pages(s)
Copyright page
Table of contents
- Running headers and page numbers
- Properly set gutters, margins, and line spacing
- Text properly justified and paragraphs indented
- Widow and orphan control
- Up to 20 quotes / bullet lists
- About the author page
- Other books page
- Grayscale graphics / photos / logo outside of main body of text
Minimum Fee: $99.00
- Turnaround time is 5 - 8 days. EBOOK FORMATTING:
Formatted for Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, etc., including ePub, Mobi, html, and pdf files.
Minimum Fee: $30.00
- Turnaround time is 3 - 7 days. NOTE: I will correct errors in formatting (extra paragraph returns, tabs, etc.) as they arise. Will include a hyperlinked Table of Contents. Unusual or special formatting or paragraph styles are available on a manuscript by manuscript basis.
For more info on L. Diane Wolfe’s formatting services go HERE.
We look forward to working with you! :)