Several asked how to get more comments.Since I do not excel in the area, I asked some experts to offer their advice. These bloggers get 35+, 60+, and 100+ comments respectively.
Blog comments. The number one way to earn comments on your blog is to leave them on other blogs. I know this is obvious, but it's true. Most bloggers try to visit the blog of every comment they get, to return the favor. Most, but not all. But not all comments are created equal. The best comments show that you read the post, are a mixture of humor (when appropriate) and thoughtful honesty, and answer any questions that are asked in the post. Even better is if you can add new information to the conversation.
The best part though, is that if you've established a pattern of leaving great comments, you can sometimes leave quick jokes, or even just stop by to say hi. If a blogger knows you, and knows that you actually read their posts, and usually leave thoughtful comments, no one is going to be offended if you leave a shorter one sometimes. In fact, if you've built a rapport with someone, you can even skip their blog from time to time, and not offend them. For example, I spent over a year reading 50-100 blogs a day, and building some great friendships. Lately I haven't had time to read any blogs (for like a week or two), but no one has given up on me, because they trust that I'll be back.
The only other way to earn comments, besides being some kind of celebrity, really, is through your own content. The best posts are those that get readers involved, by asking questions, or holding votes, or asking them to chime in on something like a critique of some kind. Images are also extremely important. The most popular posts in the history of my blog are those that had universal images that many people would find in Google searches. The caveat to this, of course, is how much you care about having random visitors who may or may not care about the actual purpose of your blog. Personally, I don't have adsense, and I don't care about selling anything to anyone, so for me, connecting with readers and writers is the only thing that matters.
Next up is a blonde who simply bubbles with enthusiasm and a positive attitude!
There’s no secret to getting lots of comments: all you need to do is comment consistently on others’ blogs. Of course, keeping your posts short and posing a question at the end always help, but the real key is interaction. If you visit other people’s blogs, they’ll come to yours. Keep that up, and before you know it, you’ll have a steady stream of visitors coming your way. Besides getting comments, you’ll build up great relationships with bloggers from around the world. I’ve also discovered that the more genuine the post, the more you’ll connect – blogging is like real life that way. No one wants to see a mask you’ve put up; people want to be let into your world. While writers still need to be professional, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting personal about challenges you might face. So, to boil it down to three things: comment on other blogs; keep it short; and keep it real!
Now, for those of you who said you’d take 100 comments, here’s someone whose average is just that per post - 100 comments.
How do you get more comments? You don’t - you encourage more comments.
Encourage more comments by commenting on other blogs. Relationships are two-way streets. You build them by visiting other blogs and getting involved in the lives of other bloggers. And you do this by commenting.
Encourage more comments by posting interesting stuff. People like information. They like to be entertained. They need to connect with the blogger. If you post about your passions, others will connect. Ask questions to spur discussions. Get involved in blogfests.
Encourage more comments by making friends. Get to know you fellow bloggers. Let them know you understand. Support and encourage your blogger friends. Feature them on your blog. Shout out their accomplishments to the world. Get involved and give back to this community whenever possible.
Now, go make some friends!
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
Any questions for my wonderful guests?