Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sometimes Life Gives You a Break

This has been a crazy week for me. Gone all day Wednesday for a seminar and five clients requiring my service. (I also run a business that involves exhausting, physical labor - let's just leave it at that.) After an overbooked October, I'm beat. I was so tired last night, I didn't even schedule a post for today.

So when I got home and received a call asking if we could postpone my seminar tonight until next spring when we can tie it in with the Chamber of Commerce, I didn't protest!

It's easy to get involved in projects and work and run so hard that we forget to stop and live now and then.

Today, I'm going to live a little! And get caught up on some blogs - I know I've been slacking.

Anyone else need a break?


Anonymous said...

Have fun! Don't forget to eat some ice cream. Gotta have ice cream on your fun day.

Jan Morrison said...

oh man do I! Not sure I'll get it but I just have two more stories to write and several clients tomorrow and and and...the thing is when you're self-employed you simply have to take the work when it arrives. So a nice day to yourself with no blame on you is GOLDEN! Hope you enjoyed it (and still are...)

Arlee Bird said...

I'm always wanting a break, but I think what I really need to take a break from my ongoing break. In other words, I think I need to be working harder!
Glad that you've been staying busy--just pace yourself. And Stephen's suggestion of ice cream sounds pretty good.

Tossing It Out

Summer Ross said...

Need- break- yes...LOL getting one anytime soon- not a chance.

Have fun with yours

The Man-Cave said...

Enjoy your break today. Do I need a break? Absolutely but things are not going to slow down for me until January, so live a little for both of us today.

Jo-Jo said...

Man, I swear I need a break from all the fun stuff I do even! I am looking forward to Saturday morning myself.


I had an enforced break from blogging which I really didn't enjoy but caught up with some reading.


Nicole said...

Not allowed a break till dec... must must MUST get manuscript ready!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane .. you do lead one busy life .. with a few extra lives thrown in .. so hope you're enjoying a brief rest-break.

Enjoy and see you soon .. Hilary

N. R. Williams said...

I think we could all use a break. Enjoy yours.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Stephen, I'm a vegan - so no ice cream!

Jan, I understand.

Geof, I'll go out to eat for both of us then!

Yvonne, I'd like to do that, too.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Everyone needs a break sometime, but it sure can play havoc with your schedule and life when you take one!


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I think all the time I should slow down and enjoy what's happening right now but there's always something else needs doing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Enjoy! At the moment, writing feels like a break to me.

Kitten said...

I NEED A BREAK!!! I have been so busy lately that I haven't blogged in two weeks!!! I can't wait till next week when my life finally has a bit of a chance to calm down. Ohm...

~Sia McKye~ said...

O M G, YES! I need one so bad. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep over my keyboard. Bad for the complexion when you have to be somewhere important and have these marks...

I wanna spa day and a massage, ok?

Jennifer Hillier said...

Yay for breaks! I could definitely use one myself. Maybe this weekend I'll be able to catch up on some sleep, but I don't think so. Too much to do around the house :(

PK HREZO said...

No doubt! Remember when you were a kid and hated having nothing to do??? Ah, the irony!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Monti, I'm okay with that!

Susan, isn't that the truth?

Kitten, two weeks is a long time!

Sia, I know this great place in near Asheville...

Jennifer, it's fall back, so you'll get one extra hour at least.

Pk - yes I do! All that time wasted, doing nothing productive...

Hart Johnson said...

Absolutely need a break sometimes--you'll enjoy it more if you get naked... I'm just sayin'... but you know that is the way my advice usually rolls.

Patricia Stoltey said...

At least your overload was for real work. I tend to trap myself into tons of volunteer chores or non-paying promo events and still end up so pooped I can't move. I'm now in the process of pulling back so I can find more time to write.

Diane, I have something for you at my blog, so please stop by when you have a chance.

Karen Lange said...

Oh yeah, I hear ya! Kind of winding down from a crazy fall, which came after an interesting spring and insane summer...

Relaxing and regrouping - just the thing. Don't forget chocolate.
Happy weekend,
Karen :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Enjoy some relaxation. This is a nutty time of year for me too. I'm totally and completely pooped right now. Desperately need some sleep sometime!

Susan Fields said...

There's nothing better than taking a breather after life's been crazy for a while. Enjoy!

Debbie's World of Books said...

Goodness yes! I've been sick and also dealing with two sick, cranky baby/toddlers. Plus my hubby is out of town this weekend. Maternity leave ends on Monday and I almost see going back to work as a break. lol.

The Words Crafter said...

Wow, you sure sound busy. I'm actually enjoying my routine with nano right now. Discipline is something I lack a lot of and blogging has been a wonder in that area. Then of course, it became an addiction, so, during nano, I'm down to once a week for visiting and twice a week for posting.

Visiting my bloggy friends is a break for me.


I don't know if this will work or not, blogger is being a booger for me today! Grrr!

Jai Joshi said...

I'm glad you took a break, Diane. I've been rushed off my feet the last few days too. So much to do!


Natasha said...

You've described my past week. No tiem to even check my favourite blogs, that's how bad it has been. I would love a breather.


notesfromnadir said...

It's important not to overdo things. Take a rest and you'll feel a lot better about all your projects.

Tamara Narayan said...

Yes, I spent the last six weeks on an exhausting edit/rewrite of the ms. After four days away from the computer, I'm ready to dive back into blog-world. Oh, I think I'm overdue for starting another book too!