Monday, April 30, 2007
Web Of Happiness
David Ambrose is an author and the Happiness Life Coach! He has put together this site to promote happiness and personal development. There is even a weekly "Happiness Minute" directly from David. (And he has a delightful voice!)
Visit him for a little dose of happiness!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
People Power (and Relationships)
"We think of ourselves as individuals, but we are embedded in networks of relationships that define and sustain us."
- Michael P. Nichols
"One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of your attention."
- Jim Rohn
"We make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill
all from the book "People Power" by Donna Fisher
Saturday, April 28, 2007
A Simple Thank You!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Check-out Lines
"It amazes me that in the age of instant messaging, Tivo, and online banking that we are still forced to endure long check-out lines!!!!!
"It's not that I'm incredibly impatient. Okay, maybe I am. But hey, shopping for five minutes only to spend fifteen in line is simply outrageous!
"Let me outline my day. First stop was the post office. Okay, that was not too bad. But then it was the grocery store. ONE person at the register with FIVE of us in line! And the manager was busy yapping away on his cell phone while the other employees sat in the office. (I could see all this from where I was standing.) I might have felt sorry for the girl checking us out, but SHE was busy talking with the boy bagging the groceries and did not care how long it took us to get out of there - she was not gonna call for assistance! Grrrrrrr!
"Last was a clothing store. More of the same. One person checking out the masses while another wandered the store straightening, not caring in the least that a dozen of us were about to take a hostage!
"So I've decided - I'm not leaving the house except for work. Period!
"Okay, maybe I've got a special someone I like to go see ..."
- Heather Jennings, Assistant Coach, Girl's Basketball, Clemson
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Paul Robertson
THE HEIR (Bethany House March 1, 2007)
by Paul Robertson
Paul Robertson is a computer programming consultant, part-time high-school math and science teacher, and former independent bookstore owner in Blacksburg, Virginia. This is his first novel.
Jason Boyer Just Got an Inheritance to Die ForThe fortune wasn't supposed to befall him. Jason Boyer had known all along his father's business empire would pass to different hands. Which suited him just fine. The money was crooked and the power corrupt. But when an accident claims the old man's life, everyone is stunned by the unveiling of the will. With the passing of the Boyer crown, power-hungry politicians and shady business partners all try to force Boyer's hand. Fighting the temptation of influence and riches, he simply wants to be a better man than his father--but attempting to stand for what’s right soon brings murderous consequences. As those closest to him are endangered--and news emerges that his father's accident may be something more sinister--Boyer finds himself fighting for his soul…and his life!
Is There Any Escape for The Heir?All the money he could ever crave. In the splintering crash of a car plunging through a railing, Jason Boyer's life is changed. All the fame he could ever desire. But the last thing he wanted was the throne of his father's corrupt business empire. All the power he could ever wield.The estate should have gone elsewhere, but the will was changed. And now everything is Jason's. But gaining the whole world just might cost him his life.
THE HEIR is a Gresham-like tale of intrigue and murder with a lot of humor and well-drawn minor characters.
Endorsement:"In THE HEIR, Paul Robertson serves up politics, privilege, and murder with a side of acerbic wit. What a fabulous book--a great mix of angst, humor, and ultimately, hope."T.L.HINES--author of Waking Lazarus and The Dead Whisper On

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
And here is the most unique book site I have ever seen - this author is a genius!!
Live Chat
Feel free to drop by and ask the author a question. She might even tell you a little bit about her next couple books!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Interview With Jamieson Wolf
Your next book, "Garden City: Exposed", comes out in June. How did this series get started? How did the "Electric" series begin?
I originally started writing with short stories. There has always been something about the short story genre that has appealed to me. I love Alice Munro, short stories by Stephen King and Charles de Lint. So it seemed a natural place to start.
GARDEN CITY, my first book of short stories, actually took about six years to write. I didn't realize in the beginning that I was setting all the stories in the same location but the stories were linked through a couple characters.
When I was thinking of a book of short stories, I realized I already had everything written. I just needed to find a name for the city. The Goddess of Time names it in her story Times Malaise. It seems that the city wanted to form itself from the beginning.
GARDEN CITY: Exposed is a little more different because all the stories are connected to each other. It's more a novel than a book of stories, but I'll just call it collected fiction.
The Electric Series was a little different. I am not a diligent novel writer. I find the writing of novels to be tedious and I can get bored easily. So I took a page from the old style of novels and decided to write a serial novel.
Stephen King and Armistead Maupin wrote serial novels. I figured it would be a good way to keep myself interested if I didn't know how the book was going to end.
When I started Electric Pink (the first in the series) I didn't know that I had started a series. By the time the book was over, it was clear that not everything had been answered. So I wrote Electric Blue. Electric Red, which I'm currently writing, should be the last book.
But one never knows!
You publish an online magazine, "Musings". What is the focus of this magazine? Where can people find it?
MUSINGS is a magazine devoted to the written word. I've long wanted to work on a literary magazine and MUSINGS is the result of that dream.
Anything having to do with the written word is accepted: book reviews, movie reviews, short stories, flash fiction, poetry. Anything with the written word!
You can find MUSINGS
There you'll find the new April issue available for free download and all the back issue. Also listed is info for submissions, a bio for each of our contributors and much more!
You have two non-fiction books aimed at aspiring readers – what tip could you offer an author hopeful right here & now?
The best tip I can offer an aspiring writer is, simply, to write and read.
That might seem like redundant advice, but it's the best piece of advice you'll ever get. Anyone can write; but it does take practice.
You need to write to find out what you like to write, what style of writing you are most attracted to, what kinds of characters you find yourself creating. Writing is a craft or a trade like any other; without practice, it becomes stagnant.
You also need to read, a lot. If you don't read, how can you possibly write? You'd be surprised at the number of writers I've met who hate to read. I never understand it myself. How can you write if you hate reading?
Read to your hearts content. Reading gives you good guidelines for dialogue, structure, punctuation, vocabulary. If you don't read, you can't write.
Also, follow your instincts. You will know in your heart that you want to be a writer. Follow your dream and anything is possible.
What is it like teaching an online course on writing?
It's different but also very thrilling. I currently teach an online course called The Muse for The Long Story Short School of Writing. You can find that course here:
I'm also going to be teaching at the Muse Online Writers Conference about how to write a serial novel. You can find more info about that here:
Teaching an online course if different as you can't see your students, you can't talk to them face to face, so you have to adapt your course to be taught over the computer.
For me, I have to figure out how to teach others how to write as simply, and as clearly, as possible.
It's also thrilling because it's a different way to be creative, a different way to inspire others. Even though you're teaching online, you still get to watch your students grow and bloom into writers. It's wonderful and exciting.
You have so much going on – how do you keep up with it all? Where do you intend to go next?
I honestly have no idea. *grin* I have a daytimer, but I don't often use it.
Mostly, I try to write something once a day. Whether it be a blog post, a chapter, a poem, at least I'm writing. I run five different blogs, so I try to scatter posts so I'm not posting for all five once a day.
I write my novels or my works in progress in the evening and a lot on the weekend. Mostly, I'm always writing.
But then again, that's when I'm happiest.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Diane!
Please visit his sites at:
Author web site:
Author Blog:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
First Official Signing for Book IV!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Interview With Author/Poet C. Denise Sutton
I recently interviewed my partner in crime! Denise teaches the Publishing & Promoting seminars with me and is very well known in Eastern NC. Her books include "My Words And Me" and "Do You Know Him?", and she has produced several CD's featuring local singers putting her poems to music. Everyone welcome genuine & passionate poet, Denise!
What prompted you to publish your first book?
I was excited about sharing my work verbally with others. A few family members and friends told me that I had a special gift and needed to share it with more than just a select few. I wanted to see how well my writing would be accepted by the public and thus I decided to self publish.
What does “My Words And Me” mean?
While going through some difficult times in my life, I used my ability to write poetry to calm and motivate me to keep moving forward. I soon realized that even if I had no one else around, I could motivate myself to bounce back from setbacks by the words that I spoke to myself.
You have two poetry books now – what has been the response? What advice would you give to someone wanting to do a book on poetry?
Most of the responses have been very positive. The only major negative response came from someone whose religious belief conflicted with something I wrote. This person's reaction really enlightened me about being aware of how others may perceive my work. For the most part, though, many others ask to use my work in their church programs or in tribute of a loved and/or deceased one. My advice to those wanting to do poetry is to do it for the love of poetry. Poetry does not sell as well as other types of books but, if you are a writer like me, poetry flows because it is in your heart! There is so much that you can do with poetry other than placing it in a book. I frame mine. I recite it at functions or on special occasions. I place it in a song. And sometimes, yes, I place it to music and just "rap." I used to pick up Hallmark cards with Helen Steiner Rice's words and say to myself, "That's what I want to do! Encourage others with my writing. Lift other people's spirits. That's me!"
You have done two CD’s – how did that all come about? What is the process of producing a CD?
I decided to do a CD to see how well my songs would do and to attract more attention to my poetry books. So far, it is working. When I tell about my CD's, I have to tell about my books because my songs are an extension of my poetry. Producing CD's is a totally different process than publishing books. I would need a lot of time and space to tell you about that process!
What was easier – the CD or the Book?
The book was easier because I was the only one involved and worked at my own pace and with my own deadlines. With the CD's, I had so many others involved that I had to wait til the singers on the album could come and then, I had to coincide this time with the person who worked in the studio. The CD was also more expensive to do because of the many components involved that I was not originally aware of. With my book, I was aware of all the costs up front because my publishing company explained it in a booklet which I read before publishing.
How did the conception of teaching a seminar on publishing & promoting come about?
Since so many people approached me about tips on publishing books, I thought it would be nice to do a seminar. When the community college that I approached offered to take it in under their small business center, I decided to ask another author to join me in this endeavor. (I bet you'll never guess who this person is - smile). So far, the seminars have been very successful and I am getting a lot of positive feedback from them all.
What is next for you?
I am very confident in my writing. I do not worry about what I will write next. However, I want to try my hand at writing a book that is not poetry. What I am also concentrating on now is marketing and getting more name recognition so that when I come out with my next project, I will have built up a greater following. Words to encourage others is what the world needs more of now. And that is what you will get from me!
Please visit Denise's site at:
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Spunky is Chatting!
To join in, go to:
Link to the chat room there and register - takes all of one minute!
Then join us next Tuesday at 7pm!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Publish America
I've encountered Publish America authors before - most of them unhappy campers - but a few really stuck with PA. However, after reading this, I sure wouldn't!!
This one has a lot of info, too:
A BIGGER LIFE Navpress Publishing Group (January 15, 2007)
by Annette Smith
In 1997, Annette was working as a home health nurse. She traveled the back roads from house to house, caring for ill and injured, homebound people. Because of her unique position in the lives of relative strangers, she often found herself bearing solitary witness to intimate behind-the-scenes situations full of grace and meaning. The desire to honor both a particular patient and a poignant scene involving the woman and her husband prompted Annette to write a fictionalized story, The Anniversary. That first story appeared as a column in the Houston Chronicle newspaper and as an essay in Today’s Christian Woman magazine. Later it became a chapter in Annette’s first and best-selling book of short stories, The Whispers of Angels, that has sold more than 100,000 copies Since then, Annette has penned four more books of stories, two volumes on parenting, and the Coming Home to Ruby Prairie trilogy. Annette and her husband Randy, a High School teacher and coach, make their home on a wooded lot in Quitman, Texas. They are the parents of two young adult children, Russell and Rachel, both out on their own. Wally, a grateful, rescued mutt provides warmth and entertainment and keeps the Smith’s empty nest from feeling too lonely. In addition to writing, Annette continues to serve part-time as a registered nurse. She finds the people she works with and the patients she cares for provide great inspiration for her fiction.
Joel Carpenter did not plan for his life to turn out like this. He never meant to be a single dad, working at a hair salon in Eden Plain, Texas. But after making a careless choice four years ago, his marriage was permanently shattered. Now at twenty-seven, he finds himself juggling custody of his preschool son with Kari, the ex-wife he still loves, and sharing Sunday dinners with a group of other single dads. Joel regrets the choices that brought him to this place, but it's not until the worst happens that he learns how much he still has to give. In the midst of deep tragedy, he learns that forgiveness is way more important than freedom. Hopefully it's not too late!A BIGGER LIFE is a story of love in the midst of heartache, and friendship in the midst of real, everyday life.
The book link is:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Interviews & Questions
Of course, I continue to get that one magic question that I never answer - what does the "L" in L. Diane Wolfe stand for?
The world may never know!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I need to decide what direction to head next.
Do I start my own publishing company? Do I know enough about the industry to survive? I would have to decide whether to continue with Lightening Source, POD and listing in Ingram or to go offset and risk not being in Ingram - plus invest a lot more money. Will I take on new authors?
And what of my current series? Do I keep them as is? Or do I clean them up even further and promote as a Christian series? It amazes me how many people still think my books are not clean enough! I found a wonderful website that promoted clean books, but there could be no mention of sex. All five of my stories revolve around two characters in love, most of whom get married partway into the book - how the heck am I not supposed to even MENTION that sex is involved? Where do some people think babies come from, anyway?
Should I reel back on the writing and focus on the seminars? Should I research even further and really go after full blown, multi-night instructive seminars?
So many questions! But I have to focus or risk becoming ineffective in many areas.
I remember the days when all I had to do was write ...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
In The Public's Eye - Don Imus and Others
"If you haven't heard about Don Imus this week, well you've been hiding under a rock! But his comments regarding Rutgers women's basketball team and firing from CBS have been at the top of the headlines everywhere you look.
"Not far behind that was the 'apology' from Mike Nifong for destroying the Duke lacrosse player's lives with his false accusations last year.
"I have to laugh when news like this crosses my desk. Do people like Imus and Nifong not stop and think before they speak? When in the limelight, you can't just spout off the first thing that comes to mind! You can't react as if you were a child. You have to carefully consider each response and comment, because it could come back and bite you in the butt! These men were idiots and now they are both paying for their moment of stupidity. And Nifong's moment lasted for months ...
"As junior editor of the Sentinel, I do have to control my reactions & comments, but I am so glad I am not in the public's eye. I don't think I have that much restraint! And I am sure my wife would agree I occasionally have a lapse in judgement..."
-James Sheppard, Junior Editor, Orlando Sentinel
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Review of JAMES
"My meager plot summary doesn’t even come close to recounting the gripping plot of this amazing novel. While James is essentially the story of one young man, it is also a study of relationships: mother and son, father and son, boyfriend and girlfriend. It is a study of the depth of the human heart and the choices we make in our lives.
What makes this novel so incredible is its realism. Wolfe deftly manages to draw you into the story and makes you care for these characters. You ache for James and Maria. You want James’ father to love him. You will fall in love with these characters and never want the book to end. I guarantee it."
-Jamieson Wolf
Please visit his website for the rest of this review!!!
Get Inspired TODAY!!!!
Those participating in Promo Day by ordering MIKE from B&N will receive an autographed bookmark, a picture, first chapter of Book V: Heather and a chance to help the author select her next book! She has outlines for two new novels - and wants her fans to determine the one they want to read next!!
Order Book IV from Barnes& on Thursday, April 12.
Email the author proof of your purchase (omit credit card info!) and a mailing address for the bookmark & picture. Chapter One of Book V and synopsis of potential upcoming novel will be sent electronically.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Brandilyn Collins
Zondervan (April 27, 2007)
by Brandilyn Collins
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brandilyn Collins is the bestselling author of Violet Dawn, Web Of Lies, Dead of Night, Stain of Guilt, Brink of Death, and Eyes of Elisha just to name a few.Brandilyn and her family divide their time between the California Bay Area and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.She also maintains an informative blog called Forensics and Faith where she daily dispenses wisdom on writing, life, and the Christian book industry.
ABOUT THE BOOK: The figure remained still as stone. Leslie couldn't even detect a breath.Spider fingers teased the back of her neck.Leslie's feet rooted to the pavement. She dropped her gaze to the driveway, seeking...what? Spatters of blood? Footprints? She saw nothing. Honed through her recent coverage of crime scene evidence, the testimony as last month's trial, the reporter in Leslie spewed warnings: Notice everything, touch nothing...
Leslie Brymes hurries out to her car on a typical workday morning...and discovers a dead body inside.Why was the corpse left for her to find? And what is the meaning of the message pinned to its chest?In Coral Moon, the senseless murder of a beloved Kanner Lake citizen spirals the small Idaho town into a terrifying glimpse of spiritual forces beyond our world. What appears true seems impossible.OR IS IT?
Presently this Kanner Lake Series of books has its own character blog called Scenes and Beans. Stop by and visit the folks from Kanner Lake!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Special Friends & Blogs
(They blog about a very unusual relationship between the two characters, so be prepared! It is funny though!)
Dr. James Wilson
Dr. Gregory House
Guest Finder
GuestFinder is an online directory of authors, experts, and others who are available for media interviews. It is run by Lorilyn Bailey, a fellow ListServe member of mine, and is based right out of Raleigh, NC! She's got a really great deal for authors looking for media interviews, so please visit her site at !!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
When Inspiration Hits...
The answers - it varies, no, and not usually.
I write when I can first and foremost, and that's different every day of the week. (I keep a rather chaotic schedule!)
I will make time when the inspiration hits though, which means sometimes things will go by the wayside while I write. I'm not the faster writer (and an even slower typer) so it can take me days to conjure up one 2-3 page scene! Of course, there's times when my pen flies and I discover I've done five pages in three hours. And that doesn't just depend on my inspiration - a lot has to do with interuption, too!
I try to work on my next book at least a little bit each day, although this one will positively NOT be coming out next spring! This one is getting proper treatment, even more than the first five.
Of course, if it's realeased under a new as-of-yet unnamed publisher, then next fall or later is fine with me!!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Darlene Wofford - Amazing Author!!!!
But Darlene has the most incredible story to tell, and I suggest everyone get a copy of "Edgewise". It is powerful beyond words!!!
Here is an interview with this amazing woman! She is one of my heroes!!
Your book, "Edgewise", is so powerful and emotional - how hard was it to write? Did you have to relive each moment?
The portions that are actual memories flowed effortlessly, once the first vision ignited the initial memory back in 1984. I would say it was more difficult to STOP the progression of memories. I recall wishing my mind had features similar to a VCR with a "PAUSE" button, so I could take a rest from writing. When I came to the unpleasant memories, I wished I could "Fast Forward" through them in order to get to happier times. I did become emotional when I read through my memories and was compelled to intersperse the scenes in the psychiatrist's office to show my/Delaney's progression. I had to relive the sessions in order to convey them into words. That was certainly an emotional time for me. So yes, I did relive each moment, and my emotions ranged from laughter at some of the dumb things I/Delaney did, to tears of anger and heart-breaking sadness. How hard was it to write? I wouldn't say it was "hard to write"--not as hard as the decision to publish it. I've laid my life story out for the world to see, and so my heart and soul are in this book.
To see you today, no one would ever know the trauma you experienced - to what do you attribute that transformation?
I went through a time when I was a complete and utter MESS! I was uneasy around men, I couldn't look at a child without crying, I couldn't see anything that reminded me of those times without crawling back into my shell, or at least wishing I could do so. I am truly blessed in my life that God has sent and continues to channel His love to me through those who support and care for me. My husband, Carl, and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary on June 2nd, and we're more in love today than the day we married. The things we've gone through we've gone through them "together." What didn't break us made us stronger. Our sons, my sister and brothers, my mother when she was living, my friends--the list just keeps growing as God puts them in my path.
Anytime someone expresses concern for you, or cares for you, or even asks how you're doing and are sincerely interested in knowing the answer--those are all forms of love. My transformation didn't really begin until several years ago when I recognized that to be true. I looked around and realized that God really HADN'T turned His back on me as I had thought for so long. As long as I am conscious of the love within my heart and share that love with others, the love within me becomes even stronger. Love is a perpetual thing. In other words, the more people's lives I affect in a positive way, the more positive my life becomes!
I know your son did the cover art - how has your family felt about this book? What was their initial reaction when you announced it?
Yes, our son, Cory did the cover art. It's a silhouette of my head and shoulders with the little girl inside the head depicting me as a child. It has a very significant tie-in with the story. When they first read the manuscript several years ago in the 90s, they cried, they laughed, smiled and cried some more. They each hugged me afterward and told me how much they loved me, and how proud they were that I could put all my thoughts and feelings into words. My husband and both our sons, Kenny and Cory, have always encouraged me to pursue getting it published, but they didn't push the subject. They told me I would know when the time was right. When Cory designed the cover, I was so proud and considered it his stamp of approval and reassurance. My guys have always encouraged me to "Go for it!" and I love them all the more for that!
There are so many people with a story to tell out there - what would be your advice to an author hopeful?
In the brief time, just over a month since my novel was published, I've been approached by several who have shared their story they would like to write, or have begun writing, or have an idea about a story. My advice is simple: stop talking and begin writing. Join a local writers' club, where they'll not only receive support from fellow authors, but acquire knowledge shared from their experiences. Of course, writing courses offered in the local colleges are always helpful.
How did you get involved with Kathy Lewis and the radio show "Your Inner Voice"?
I've known Kathy Lewis since 1989 when I attended Capstone Institute of Mortgage Finance, which she founded. We've been friends since that time, and I joined her at Capstone in 2002 where I developed the Career Services division. I was a guest on the show in October, 2005, and she asked me to co-host with her beginning January, 2006. "Your Inner Voice" is one of my most fun experiences, and I would love to be involved with another radio show again one day soon!
What are your goals with this book? Where do you intend to go next?
I would love nothing better than to have the book picked up by a commercial publisher. My ultimate goal would be to have the book made into a movie with Ashley Judd playing the role of Delaney. Forgive me for visualizing, but I'm a devout believer in "If we can see it and believe it...we can certainly achieve it! Right? "Edgewise: An Assignment to Remember" is the first of three novels in the "Edgewise" series. I am currently working on the second novel, "Seven Years 'Til Sunrise," scheduled for release in 2008, with the third, "Hummingbird Heart," to be released in 2009. Of course, my goals include seeing these two books made into movies, as well. Once again, both of these are based on true events in my life, so they will each reflect the obvious presence of my heart and soul.
Darlene's book can be found at:
Visit to see reviews from other readers.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Her book & story are incredible! Keep watching for an interview with her soon!
Also, I booked a coffee/wine shop tonight, and I don't know the address of the place and the owner and I spoke for about 30 seconds. That will be a fun one to post to my website!!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Gainesville's "Other Sport"
"With the Gators winning another championship in basketball, seems like there is a lot of attention now on the University of Florida. Since both football and basketball teams are now ranked number one, my former college has proven it sports program.
"Of course, with the focus on the two big sports, a lot of the lesser known sports are being overlooked. Florida has always had an outstanding swimming program, which is why I spent two years of my career in Gainesville. Last month, the women's team placed seventh overall in the NCAA Division One Championship. Seventh in the nation is a big deal, but good luck finding a mention anywhere in the news about swimming.
"I did see an article about Team USA regarding the Olympics and by this time next year, there will be many such news articles. Takes something as big as the Olympics to make that happen, though. The public just never hears about swimming at any level otherwise, which is a shame.
"One good thing about being a former Olympic swimmer though - I'm not instantly recognized in public. And that suits me just fine!"
- Lori Anders, Olympic Medalist
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tom Morrisey
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
(Bethany House March 1, 2007)
Tom Morrisey
Tom Morrisey is the author of four previous novels and numerous short stories, a world-renowned adventure-travel writer whose work has appeared in Outside, Sport Diver (where he serves as Executive Editor) and other leading magazines.
He holds an MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Toledo and an MFA in Creative Writing from Bowling Green State University. He lives in Orlando, Florida.
For Patrick Nolan, every climb tells a story. And now maybe it's his own …. He's right at the rim, staring over the cliff's knife edge and wondering how things went wrong so quickly.It all started after arriving home from a weekend climbing trip with his father, Kevin. That's when word reached them. In a silent moment, they'd lost the person most important to them—her death raising unanswerable questions and dangerous doubts.Launching a new life in a new town to escape their pain, son and father find themselves in danger of being torn apart forever. As his father seeks a route to solace on the dangerous high face of the rock, Patrick finds a path to hope with the unlikeliest of allies—a pastor's daughter. Together they must discover the one answer that can bring Patrick and Kevin back from the brink of the precipice.Endorsements: "It is rare to find a 'man's man' who knows the human heart, much less one who can write with such a well-balanced combination of sensitivity and adrenaline-charged adventure."—Athol Dickson, Christy-Award-winning author of River Rising"Beautifully exciting, haunting, and satisfying. Morrisey leaves you hanging by your fingertips."—Lisa Samson, award-winning author of The Church Ladies and Straight Up"Tom Morrisey is a master wordsmith and an expert at weaving gripping stories. If I pick up a book with his name on it, I know I'm going for gold."—Angela Hunt, author of Uncharted

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Review of MIKE
Do check out Becky's Book Review blog as well while you are there!
Nine more days to Promo Day.
Eighteen to my first signing for MIKE!
Monday, April 02, 2007
The debate was over using a college art student and getting the work done cheap or paying a professional and getting it done right.
I think it depends a lot on the illustrator! Art students who are responsible and looking to break into the field will be eager to do their best. I have seen some really great illustrations from amatuers.
Then again, going with a know author can lift the quality of one's book, too - just be prepared to pay the price for it!
Either way can work well for the author. In my case, I have an artist who is a professional but not done a lot of work in the field. He has improved tremendously over time and I find the less input I have into the finished cover art, the better!
I write, publish & promote - think I'll stick to that!