Wednesday, April 07, 2021

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, QuaranCon, and The PRO Act

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s optional question: Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work?

I’ve written both fiction and non-fiction and in four different genres, but I wouldn’t call that taking a risk. I also tend to keep my fiction fairly clean and don’t add controversial topics to the mix. Some authors are bigger risk takers, so I’m curious to see how others answer this question today.

As a publisher, I do notice when a story submission takes a bit of a risk, perhaps taking a genre or trope and turning it on its head. Big Red was that kind of story – Nazis on Mars? But it worked so well! Bloodwalker also had a unique storyline with a killer in a European circus. There is the chance that taking a risk means the story just doesn’t work or seem plausible, but sometimes it does work.

* * *

Dancing Lemur Press will be on a panel for Quarancon on April 10 at 12 pm EST.

The panel is Indie Flavours – Find Your Publishing Path: A panel talking about the pros and cons of starting out as a writer and the different incarnations of indie publishing. From small presses to imprints to going solo, what are the options for authors who want something different to the Big 5?

I'm also doing a reading prior to the panel at 11:30 am EST. 
DLP’s author Damien Larkin is on the panel immediately following ours – Writing Fight Scenes.
So is one of our IWSG anthology authors, Tyrean Martinson - she’s on a panel about disabilities in SF/F at 10am on April 11.

The con is April 8-12 and free to all – please join us!

* * *

And if you are a self-publisher, a book formatter, an illustrator, a freelance editor, etc. – this affects YOU! The PRO Act bill that Dems and Biden are pushing would eliminate the freelance position, making it a W-2 employee situation instead. This would affect millions of workers across America who rely on freelance work to pay the bills.

It wouldn’t impact Dancing Lemur Press, but it would impact me personally as I do freelance formatting, consulting, and speaking. And since many of those come from self-publishing authors, they are not about to mess with W-2 forms – which means a large chunk of my income is gone.

This will affect many of you, too. I hope you let your congressman/representative know that this bill is NOT acceptable in its current state.

Are you a risk-taker when writing?
Tuning in to QuaranCon?
And will you be affected by the PRO Act if it passes? 
Please note, this week is IBPA's Publishing University and since it is virtual, I am finally able to attend - but it kicks off Wednesday with a heavy schedule Thurs-Fri, so I might not be responding here those days.


Jennifer Hawes said...

I do love reading risk-takers in writing. I may need to try some myself in the future!

Jemi Fraser said...

I"m not much of a risk taker in writing, maybe a little more in reading. But I still want a guaranteed happy ending!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm not much of a risk taker in my writing either. Interesting that you do take on books that you feel are risk takers in some ways. Sometimes that can make a story really interesting.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'm about as non-risky as it's possible to be, ha.

A Hundred Quills said...

I've just begun the experimentation. How I worked this out was that I thought trying something out of your comfort zone was like taking a big risk. Haha. Well!

Nick Wilford said...

When you do take a risk, you don't know whether it's going to pay off, but it keeps it interesting. It's good that you're showcasing those more unusual stories.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't consider myself a risk-taker/seeker, but sometimes I do challenge myself which can be risky. Not sure if I can make QuaranCon, but I will definitely look into it. Sounds fun.

Patsy said...

Risks can pay ff!

Gwen Gardner said...

I'm not a risk-taker. Could be why I'm stuck right now ;)

I wonder how the PRO Act works for self-publishers on W2 income when they have out of pocket expenses? It would be interesting to know how it handles that.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You guys enjoy Quarancon.
Pro Act sounds like a bummer.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Hope you have a great time, Diane. This is the first I've heard of Pro Act, being a foreigner. Sounds bad.

Lynn J Simpson said...

Thanks for letting me know about Quarancon! I hope to be able to drop in during the live event! All the best with it! So interesting about Pro Act. I was just discussing it with a friend recently, and it fits in the big picture of where other things are heading, too, if we don't take action.

Ellen Jacobson said...

I just read about Quarancon on Tyrean's blog. Sounds very cool. I'll have to check it out.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Enjoy the conference. You probably see more risks, some that work and some that don't, as an editor.

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm not opposed to taking small risks. Keeps things interesting. And what Alex said.

Rachna Chhabria said...

I love taking risks in my writing :)

H. R. Sinclair said...

Risk-taking is a tough one because what is or is not a risk seems personal, ya know? Or perhaps I don't quite get what is meant by a risk in these terms. :)

Thanks for the information on Quarancon!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I hope that bill fails. Sounds horrible. Enjoy the conferencd. Sounds interesting.

Chrys Fey said...

Big Red and Blood Red Sands really are neat stories with a twist.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Toi, there all lot of fun panels and readings.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Or how those self-publishers are going to generate W-2 forms and file them for all the freelancers they hire.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Oh it does.

emaginette said...

Thanks for the link. I'm looking forward to the online con. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to participate in parts of the conference, as schedule permits.

The PRO Act bill is going to be a nightmare. Talk about the fallout of unintended consequences.

Lynn La Vita said...

This is the first I heard of the PRO Act bill. Another example of unintended consequences.

Here in Mexico, there is a taco stand in nearly every block. We take our laundry one of several services offered by the local folks. They've installed a two or three washing machines along with a couple of dryers in the garage.

These enterprises keep food on the table and help pay for schooling. Unregulated by the government. The entrepreneur spirit thriving.

Thanks for spreading the word.
If you wish to read my post, please use this temporary link:
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Olga Godim said...

Although I'm Canadian, this upcoming bill worries me. If it passes in the US, the next step might be Canada, and as a freelance journalist, I'll be affected. So many other creative people are freelancing. Lots of journalists too. What are they going to do?

Sandra Cox said...

Have fun and enjoy Quarancon.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Oh yeah...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

And it's those people this law will hurt here in America.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I know!! There goes almost half my income.

Liz A. said...

I don't know if I'm a risktaker in writing. I haven't hit a chance to see if I shy away or dive in.

Fundy Blue said...

Have fun with Quarancon! And thanks about alerting me to the Pro Act.

Tara Tyler said...

I'm going to be on a ZOOM MG panel for my local Ohioana book festival in a couple of weeks... we'll see how that goes. Looking forward to hearing how you like doing your virtual con! (I have it on my calendar!)

And I'm so excited to do a LIVE event in June. It's like we're waking up from a hibernation!

Tara Tyler Talks

SpacerGuy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat Hatt said...

Sometimes risks pay off. Never heard of that bill. Dumb.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The trick is knowing when to take a risk and when to play it safe :)

Denise Covey said...

That PRO act bill sounds scary. And unfair.

Damyanti Biswas said...

Thanks for the link. I'm going to check out the online con!

Damyanti Biswas

Leigh Caron said...

The PRO Act bill is scary...but not as scary that many, many people don't know about it and it may get voted on without much protest. Thanks for sharing this information. The bill wouldn't effect me now, but years past I made all my income doing freelance work. So frustrating that the Gov has to interfere with the economy of many.

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm not really a true risk-taker.
But I will push the boundaries when it comes to flash fiction.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane - all the best with Quancon - enjoy all the sessions. Cheers Hilary

Tonja Drecker said...

Have fun at Quancon! And why do I always feel like politicians often make up things without really knowing what goes on in the 'real' world?

cleemckenzie said...

The Dems have a lot of scary proposals, and here's yet another one.

I liked your answer to this month's question and you mentioned one of my favorite books, Bloodwalker. It had such a different story line.

I hope the Quancon is a smashing success. I know you'll tell us what you take away from the sessions.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I didn't know that about the PRO act. What is the purpose? To make sure poor artists are paying taxes on the meager incomes we manage? And so much paper work for everyone. said...

Isn't all writing a risk? I tend to think so.

Anonymous said...

My self-help books are definitely risks for me but one worth taking.

What the heck is up with this PRO Act? I guess I'll be doing some research on it today to see if it affects my YE taxes.


Tyrean Martinson said...

I will definitely be affected by the PRO bill passes...grr. Politics.
And, thanks for the shout-out!

Loni Townsend said...

Quarancon sounds cool. I'll have to check it out!

Diane Burton said...

Enjoy Quarancon.

SpacerGuy said...

I write about Star Trek mostly illuminating the fascinating adventures of Star Trek stories and characters in treks universe.