The Insecure Writer’s Support Group anthology contest 2020 opens on May 6.
We can now reveal the genre and the judges.
The genre – science fiction. (Going back to our first contest, which resulted in Parallels: Felix Was Here.)
Our official judges:
Dan Koboldt, author and #SFFpit founder
Dan Koboldt is the author of the Gateways to Alissia trilogy (Harper Voyager), the editor of Putting the Science in Fiction (Writers Digest, 2018), and the creator of the sci-fi adventure serial The Triangle (Serial Box, 2019). As a genetics researcher, he has co-authored more than 80 publications in Nature, Science, The New England Journal of Medicine, and other scientific journals. He is represented by Paul Stevens of Donald Maass Literary Agency.
Lynda R. Young, author
Lynda R. Young is an Aussie writing fantasy novels as Elle Cardy. Wielder’s Prize is her debut YA epic fantasy. She is also an editor, game developer, 3D artist, graphic designer, photographer, gamer and more.
Colleen Oefelein, agent, The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Colleen Oefelein is an author of YA, picture books, and author promotion guides, a devourer of books, and the owner of the book review site North of Normal. Formerly an associate agent and PR manager with Inklings Literary Agency, Colleen has hosted numerous “Pitch Perfect” and “Rejection Correction” workshops on Facebook and at conferences nationwide, and she’s mentored several authors one-on-one through online pitch contests such as Pitch Wars.
Damien Larkin, author
Damien Larkin is an Irish science fiction author and co-founder of the British and Irish Writing Community. His debut novel Big Red was published by Dancing Lemur Press and went on to be longlisted for the BSFA award for Best Novel. He currently lives in Dublin, Ireland and is working on his next novel Blood Red Sand.
Ion Newcombe, eidtor and publisher
is the editor and publisher of AntipodeanSF, Australia's longest running online speculative fiction magazine, regularly issued since January 1998. His qualifications and employment range from horticulture through electronics into literature and communications.
Julie Gwinn, agent, The Seymour Agency
Julie Gwinn most recently served as Marketing Manager for the Christian Living line at Abingdon Press and before that served as Trade Book Marketing Manager and then Fiction Publisher for the Pure Enjoyment line at B&H Publishing Group, a Division of LifeWay Christian Resources. Recently, she was awarded Editor of the Year from the American Christian Fiction Writers and won B&H’s first Christy award for Ginny Yttrup’s debut novel Words.
David Powers King, author
David's works include Woven, The Undead Road,, and Full Dark: An Anthology. He currently resides in the Mountain West with his wife and 4 children.
Tune in May 6 for the theme and full details.
April 1 question - The IWSG’s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?
Well, in a nutshell, weird.
I’ve tried to stay ahead of the game by maintaining the 2-week supply of food and necessities they recommend. Unfortunately, this has resulted in many trips to various stores to do so. No one store has everything you need.
I work from home, so that is not a big issue. But everything seems so quiet. And since it’s just me and the cats (as my husband is still reporting for duty) I find it hard to focus. I check the Global Map at least twice a day. I also check One America News Network for national news and WRAL out of Raleigh for “local” news.
I don’t worry so much about myself, but more for our elderly widow neighbor, my husband’s elderly parents, and so many others who are susceptible. I was really worried about the economy until the stimulus package went through. So many business owners and workers needed that. With cancelled events and authors who can’t promote their latest book releases in person, I needed that.
I’m keeping up with family and friends, spread across the country and into Mexico and other countries. Which is good. Like last fall when my cousin died from fire-fighting injuries, it has brought me closer to those I care about most.
And I know God will see us through this mess.

The author is offering a tour-wide international giveaway of an Amazon
Gift Card. More information on the giveaway is listed below.
Recognizing and Coping with the Early Stages of Dementia
by Jemi Fraser
by Jemi Fraser
◊ Genre: Nonfiction, Memoir
◊ Publisher: Just Jemi Books
◊ eBooks
◊ ISBN-13: 978-1-9991258-1-3
◊ Publisher: Just Jemi Books
◊ eBooks
◊ ISBN-13: 978-1-9991258-1-3
Dementia and Alzheimer’s touch the lives of millions around the
world, but so much is still unknown.
As first-generation Canadians, we didn’t recognize
the early warning signs. We didn’t know the differences between regular aging
and the early stages of dementia. We’ve made mistakes but we’ve learned a lot.
WITH DEMENTIA will help you:
•Identify those early warning signs
•Use visuals to improve communication
•Choose your words wisely
•Redirect and reassure
•Stay calm and cope with your own emotions
•Consider nursing home options
•Improve caregiver self-care
•Identify those early warning signs
•Use visuals to improve communication
•Choose your words wisely
•Redirect and reassure
•Stay calm and cope with your own emotions
•Consider nursing home options
•Improve caregiver self-care
We’ve learned to dance the early steps of the
disease with our love and laughter intact. If you are looking for help
recognizing early signposts along with practical ways to cope with early
Dementia and Alzheimer’s, this book is for you.
For those
who aren’t familiar with the author, here’s a bit of background on her.

Jemi lives
in Northern Ontario, Canada where snow is always a topic of conversation and
the autumn leaves make everything better.
For more on
Jemi and her writing, visit her following sites:
tour-wide giveaway is for a $20 Amazon Gift Card. The giveaway is
open internationally.
To enter the
giveaway, just click on the Rafflecopter widget below and follow the
instructions. The widget may take a few seconds to load so please be patient.
If the widget doesn’t show up, just click HERE and
you’ll be directed to the widget.
Thanks for
stopping by and be sure to follow Jemi on her week-long tour HERE. You never know what you
might find out. I hope dementia hasn’t touch your family or friends, but in
case it has do you have any tips to share on dealing with this terrible
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What's it been like for you this past month?
Thanks for featuring Jemi Fraser's book Dancing with Dementia. I have read it and can say it is indeed a great book to read.
About Corona, I have no doubts that we will get through this. I know it will pass but I don't know when and that's okay with me. I'm a loner and enjoy the time alone.
Wishing you all the best for April.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Glad to hear you are doing well at this time! I haven't been able to focus on writing because of my ten-year-old being at home:) We are mostly reading and taking walks. Prayers for you and your family.
Diane, thanks for being a part of Jemi's tour and sharing her book. So glad to hear you and your husband are well. Stay safe.
It is SUCH a scary time, Diane. I'm glad you're safe. We still have several in our close circle working. We have several vulnerable people as well. Like you, we want everyone to stay healthy. Hope we all stay safe!
Thanks so much for hosting Dancing With Dementia today - your support means a lot!
Thanks so much, Pat! Your kind words mean so much!
I have Jemi's book and will definitely get a chance to read it, as we move forward into our 21 day lock down.
Stay safe, Diane!
You're most welcome, Jemi.
I am constantly reminded how blessed my life is. But I am also worried about some of my elderly relatives and friends. I have two cousins, siblings who are recovering from surgery. Brother and sister with intestinal cancer. They're both doing well. But now my older brother's surgery has been postponed. His daughter wrote me yesterday to say she's very worried. He's in a great deal of pain. So, I think my husband and I are fine, but I can't help but fret over those I love. Even though fretting is helping no one.
I agree with you that this is a weird time. I thankfully work from home so can still work, and it gives structure to my life. It's important since I live alone. Stay safe and healthy!
Congrats to Jemi on her new book.
God will see us through!
Big congratulations to Jemi.
This is such a challenging time, and I do wonder when we come out of it, in what way will our world be altered? It's nice to see normal things go forward, like the IWSG Anthology contest.
Yeah, it's always there in the mind about family and others close by. And great that those who needed it got the stimulus package indeed.
In many ways, things haven't changed for me since I don't have daily job that I go to, but I'd have to agree with you that it all seems so different, so weird. I find myself checking the news regularly and it can be hard to concentrate on my writing.
So glad to hear you, your hubby, and the cats are doing well. Keep the cat pics on FB coming :)
Things do seem quieter these days. Change is in the air. It might be a different world when we get on the other side of this.
Dementia is so devastating, and we all have questions. Congrats to Jemi on her new release!
Things are definitely quieter where I live, noticeable in a small town. When they talk about people over 65 being more in danger I have to keep reminding myself I'm in that group. Now THAT'S weird.
Big congratulations to Jemi. I think her book is something very much needed and wanted.
Good luck with the book you two. Education can make such a difference when we don't know what to do or what is happening. :-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
Hope you stay safe as well, Michelle!!
It is hard not to check the news.
Thanks, Natalie!
Thanks Alex!
Thanks, Gwen - it sure is a devastating disease!
Thanks, Bish! I hope it will help some people!!
Thanks, Anna! I sure wish I'd known more!
What a worthy topic Jemi covers in her book - useful for so many families.
Yes, God will see us through this. And something good will come of it all - like stronger bonds with those we love.
I hear you about the food. I'm alone, but still I always seem to need something and have to do some searching. Congrats again to Jemi. I have her book already, so I won't enter her giveaway.
Even I tend to get anxious about this covid-19 pandemic, Yes God will see us through this mess. My prayers for you Diane.
Thanks Nicki!! I hope it helps at least a few!
Thanks, Lee! :)
Like you, I have family scattered around the country and I'm worried about them and my elderly neighbors. I'm also worried about some friends with the economic issues that they're facing.
Nice selection of judges.
Huge congratulations to Jemi. Wishing her all the best.
I've been having a really tough time focusing, too. Things are really scary out there. I hope all the others with books coming out do okay.
Congrats to Jemi!
I also find myself making trips to more grocery stores than usual.
Stay safe and well.
These are trying time for us all... no doubt about that... We just need to keep praying and take it one day at a time.
Congrats to JEMI! All the best with you new release. I am sure you will be helping so many people...
It's good you're doing well. Keep taking care of yourself.
Good luck to Jemi on her book tour.
Like you, I try not to get sucked into all the news. Once a day for me, too. I also agree God will see us through. Stay safe :)
It's definitely a scary time. Glad you're able to work from home.
Thanks Chrys!!!
Thanks Robyn!!
I hope so, Michael! And thank you!!
Thanks so much, Olga!
Congratulations on your book, Jemi. It's what I need, so I'm going to order it. These times are strange. All we can do is pray that God will watch over us. Looking forward to the next Anthology. Take care everyone. Yes, I've noticed the bare shelves still in the supermarket where I shop. A reminder o what's happening.
Thanks, Beverly! I hope the book helps you in these very strange times!
Congrats to Jemi!
I know God will see us through this mess, too, but it's been a bit of a whirlwind for me - maybe just being in Washington state, seeing and experiencing the changes going on for so long.
Congrats to Jemi on her release! An important issue for so many people.
Things are, indeed, weird. Like you, I shopped ahead a bit before the official crisis announcement. Toilet paper and wipes are scarce, thanks to hoarders, but food is plentiful, if somewhat limited. We are sheltering and taking precautions, trying to be part of the solution, not the problem.
Very excited about the new anthology! Looking forward to participating!
It has been hard to focus! And I usually like the quiet, but this is different. Good to hear you are staying safe.
Congrats again to Jemi
Thanks Tyrean! Hope you and yours are staying safe
Thanks, Lee! It's an every-growing problem for sure!
Thanks Lynda!
Congratulations, Jemi. I wish you great success with your book on a heartrending topic. What an awesome collection of judges, Diane! And I am so thankful that the stimulus package has helped you ~ You who help so many of us. I worry about all the susceptible elderly people too, especially those who are alone. Take care, my friend!
Things are definitely weird, and I'm also struggling to concentrate. I hope you, your husband, your husband's elderly parents, and your elderly neighbor all stay safe and healthy!
I think by the time this crisis is over, people are going to be much more comfortable with talking with people online or ordering things online. Watch out. Amazon is only going to grow from this. Glad you're doing well.
A fantastic topic, Jemi! One that I can relate to. Best of luck to you!
Life has been a series of adjustments, that's for sure. My hope is that people will stop panic buying products so we won't have to shop at five stores to find everything we need.
Stay healthy and safe,
Hi Diane – I loved Lynda’s Wielder’s Prize … as an adult I enjoyed it! Excellent I know David too … the other judges I don’t know … but so good to know you’ve seconded proud authors … science fiction always appeals …
Wonderful review of where you’re at in the States – similarly here … some helped, others may be … but lots too will struggle. Good to know your family and friends are safe …
Congratulations to Jemi with her new release on Dancing with Dementia … it’ll help ‘carers’ understand the disease as it develops and how it can be helped. Good luck to her.
Stay safe to you and your family - Hilary
Thanks, Fundy! It's a tough one for sure!
Thanks, Elsie! I'm sorry you can relate to the topic - wish dementia wasn't so prevalent!
Thanks so much, Hilary! Being at least a little prepared would have helped us!!
Sorry to hear about your cousin. These are strange times, and it's tough knowing that you can't just go where you'd like to or need to when friends and family are distant.
Jemi's book sounds like an important and helpful one.
Good luck to all the author's out there whether they are working on new material or promoting finished books.
I am so glad the package included small business and those who work for themselves. That's huge.
DANCING looks like a wonderful, helpful read. Dementia hits so many families, mine included.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Sympathy to you & your family. One of my cousins suddenly passed away 2 weeks ago. Then 4 days later his father passed. My heart hurt that we couldn't comfort them in person. Not safe for any of us. So we learn to deal differently with a lot of things. Stay safe. Congrats to Jemi on her new release.
These are truly strange times, and seeing empty streets in the Atlanta area is beyond eerie. Although my hubby and I are "elderly" by anyone's definition and are high risk because of underlying medical issues, I'm more concerned about our children and grandchildren, most of whom have lost their jobs. On the plus side, many people are helping other people, and there's a bizarre sense of unity, even though we can't necessarily meet face-to-face. I always prayed for more unity in the world, but this isn't what I had in mind. Maybe I should've been more specific.
Best wishes to Jemi on her new release. I have it and am looking forward to reading. Y'all take care!
Congratulations, Jemi! I'm looking forward to this one.
Diane - Enjoy the quiet. It won't last forever.
Thanks, Tamara - I'm hoping it can help some people!
Thanks Sandra - as you know it's a tough disease!! Hoping to help some people dance those first steps!
Oh, Diane - that's so hard! Sending you hugs!
Thanks so much, Susan!!!
These are truly strange times - and that unity we're seeing is a light in all the darkness.
Thanks so much, Tonja!
After sitting in Atlanta traffic so many times, it would be beyond weird to see empty streets.
Lynda, it is different. Just an unsettling weird.
Diane, that is so sad.
Congratulations Jemi! And just me and the cat at my place too, Diane! I am sorry to read about your cousin. Loss does make us want to be closer to family and we need to be creative in doing that during these times.
I'm already excited about the Anthology theme. And Yay for Jemi!!
Even with the stimulous package so many people are still hurting for income and bills. Now stores are shortening hours again and limiting the number of people allowed inside when they are open. Ugh, I hate grocery shopping, and having to visit so many different stores at to get my stuff is annoying. I'm thinking about shopping online. I'm still working, though they cut our hours and pay. I still have to do the same hours without pay though cuz I travel, and it still takes the same amount of time to get there.
I sure hope this all settles soon.
Be safe and well Diane.
Thanks Lynn!
Thanks Donna!
I'm excited about the next anthology as well!
Hope you and yours stay safe!
It sounds like an interesting book Jemi has written. One that too many people have been touched by.
Please stay safe during this difficult time.
I moved my blog.
It's hard to keep everything in line during all this, but it sounds like you have a good grasp on things. Luckily, I always did a two week shopping trip, and I did one on the 12th, just before everything went crazy here, so we made it through this week before I had to do the next shopping trip. Continued good luck!
Thanks J Lenni - I hope you and yours stay safe as well!
Congrats to Jemi on new release. Glad you are staying safe and everyone healthy. I seem to be a bit more social with Zoom which has been fun. Belated IWSG!
Glad to hear personal updates from everyone at the moment. Stay safe.
Thanks Juneta!!
It is a bit too quite now.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words.
I'm really excited about the next anthology being for science fiction.
I agree, I think in many ways this whole situation is bringing people closer together, even though they can't always be in the same room. I've seem more of my family member's faces in video, in the past few weeks, than I've seen in person, over the past year.
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