Today’s option question:
How has your creativity in life evolved since you began writing?
I started writing when I was 13. I always enjoyed creating things and writing fanned that fire. I really got into photography at that time and eventually became a freelance photographer. (Portraits, weddings, stock photos in Cat Fancy, Homes Illustrated, etc.) I also learned to paint, do latch hook, make pom-pom critters, t-shirt designs, make stained glass windows (now that’s a fun craft), started building a miniature castle, started a garden and dried herbs, and more. If it’s crafty, I’ve probably tried it.
I never finished that castle and after hauling it around for almost 20 years, agreed to have some fun and set it on fire!
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We also have some big news from Write...Edit...Publish. They are inviting all of you to submit a theme for their February WEP exercise.
Rules: Submit your idea for a WEP February theme by November 12 to Nothing so U.S. culturally bound. Should have wide appeal.

Deadline: November 12. Winner announced in the November newsletter on November 28.
And don't forget to start to prepare for the DECEMBER challenge! It's much broader than a Christmas story! Give us ribbons - a race? Or candles - a tomb?
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Every IWSG Anthology has had its own site.
Now, in anticipation of the next anthology, the authors have teamed up together and created one site: IWSG Anthologies.
You definitely want to be following this site.
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See Dancing Lemur Press for a list of available titles.
To redeem and conditions:
Purchase a print, audio, or eBook from any retailer and send a copy of your receipt, less payment information and shipping, to State the free eBook or audio book you wish to receive.
Books purchased directly from our site will automatically get swag and a free book shipped.
Free eBook cannot be over $2.99.
CassaSeries audio book excluded in the free giveaway.
Offer good until December 15, 2018. Delivery of print books not guaranteed by Christmas after December 10, 2018.
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My October was very busy but a lot of fun. I’ll leave you with some photos from a seminar I taught, my trip to Lake Charles, LA for the Bayou Writers Group Conference, and our weekend at the Fayetteville Comic Con.
I got to meet author Sandra Cox (from Parallels: Felix Was Here) when she attended my publishing seminar in Wilkesboro, NC. She is such a delight! I hope I can see her again soon.
Then I got to meet author Jessica Ferguson (from Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime) in Louisiana. I wish we'd had more time - she has so much life and energy.
At the same conference in Louisiana, I met Sylvia Ney (from Parallels: Felix Was Here) and she was so gracious. It was my month to meet IWSG anthology authors.
Then it was on to the Fayetteville Comic Con! First up is the great Tom Savini, makeup artist legend.
How has writing inspired your creativity?
Will you be participating in WEP next month?
Will you be giving books for Christmas this year?
Will you be giving books for Christmas this year?
I love that you set fire to your castle - how funny :-) It's great how you've had a chance to meet so many of the IWSG anthology authors. I'd love to meet my fellow authors one day.
You have been busy! Love the pictures. And some great specials from Dancing Lemur Press!
I love seeing your con photos—except the clown. That pic was just too creepy. (Excellent costume, though!)
I love that you hauled around the castle for almost 20 years, then set it on fire. Sounds like something I would do.
October sounds like a really great mix of work and play. I love all the pictures. Thank you for sharing them. The fire is a great way to release too :) Happy IWSG Day :)
Loved the photo's great to look at.
Looks like you've been busy! How fun meeting all those creative people. I love that you burned the castle. Hee hee;-)
Happy IWSG day. Blessings!
Love all the photos and all the people you've met. Awesome. And I had no idea you were so crafty and creative.
I didn't want to, but I knew I'd never finish it. Plus it was fun taking photos of the carnage.
I knew I'd never finish it, so why not.
That Pennywise was the best one at the con.
I still have a ton of craft items in my closet, plus all the stained glass. It's so expensive, I don't want to ditch it.
Gah! Pennywise! (What a great costume that was!)
I love seeing all of your adventures as you travel around the county. You were in my neck of the woods not too long ago but somehow I managed to miss you. (I think. You had to reschedule due to the weather). I love your passion, Diane. Also, this may sound weird, but I also love that you set the castle on fire. I think it was a cool thing to do. Like you were giving it an appropriate send off.
Burn, baby, burn!
Cool you got to meet those three ladies.
You reminded me that I have to post about the holiday special on my FB page and in my Sparklers FB group. :)
Giving books for Christmas--what an excellent idea! Since Christmas shopping is such a chore, I might as well do it somewhere I enjoy: in a bookshop! Wishing you happy writing in November.
That makes me gasp just seeing the fire burning! I remember the day my mom made a statement by burning her bra. Good times in house.
Love going to cons, and that Pennywise is legit! Hey, I see Alex's book! Unlike most castles, yours when up in a flash! :)
I gotta say. I love your red hair, but I am also bais as I am a redhead too, but more coppery than deep red, but love your hair.
Really enjoyed the photos. You looked like you were having so much fun.
Hi Diane - yes seeing your fire ... was telling. So glad Lemur Press is so actively engaged with all that's going on ... and there is lots - WEP, IWSG, Anthology ... story telling ... congratulations to one and all - Hilary
Great Pics! and thanks for the info. :-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
Love the pics!!!
I love how many crafts you've done - my daughter is the same! Lots of fun!
I love the pics! And, I love how you've been creative with creativity. :)
Always give some books on Christmas and some gift cards for books. Must have been fun to meet those IWSG in person.
I love all the pictures from the last Comic Con. What great costumes they came up with.
The December WEP theme is tantalizing. I'm looking forward to those entries.
Too bad you never finished the castle. But, I mean, I guess you found a use for it :P
Glad you had fun letting go of the castle. And you look so happy at the conference.
Miniature castle, you say.🏰
So cool! Woohoo, I say.😄
I burn it, you say.😈
THE HORROR, I scream.😱
Great pictures. Looks like you've been having lots of fun. You are very creative.
Nice to see Sylvia and Jessica:) And the Con pictures....purr-fect.
You stay sooooo busy. Let me take a ten minute break for ya:) Heh.
Looks like the conference was busy and fun. It was like your castle had a viking funeral!
haha that is too funny that you set it on fire.
Sure looks like lots of fun was had. Don't trust Deadpool haha
I think your publishing endeavor is another way for you to explore your creativity. You're very versatile, Diane.
Nice pictures from the con.
Hi, L. Diane,
GREAT PICS! How fun to meet so many wonderful authors and new friends! Like you, I've delved into TONS of crafts my whole life... and stain glass windows are amazing to make!
Hi, Diane! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the photos of you with IWSG anthology writers at the conference and at the comic con event. It's been way too long since I've gone to a writing conference. Maybe this year. I'll definitely be checking out the DLP books. Your list of creative activities reminds me that I do more creative things than I realize. All the best to you!
That's awesome that you set the castle on fire! I would never think of doing something like that.
Always love the convention pictures!
Your fiery castle looked cool. You've been busy.
The castle going up in flames seems like worthy end. How fun to meet the anthology authors! And I love seeing the pics from the cons. The costumes are amazing.
I love castles, so seeing one go up in flames hits me hard. If I'd been carrying one around for 20 years, by wife would probably have set it on fire herself. I enjoyed the con pictures.
Great photos and awesome that you got to meet those authors. You are indeed a very crafty person.
Your castle burning reminded of me burning all the models I had built in my early teens. I burned them all! Now I wish I had kept them. They might have actually been worth something now.
Cool that you met Tom Savini at the comic con event. I met him at some event several years ago. His Grande Illusions make-up book was one of our best sellers when I was managing the CA operations of Morris Costumes (based in Charlotte, NC). I believe I still have a copy of it somewhere.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
You've had lots of different crafts. Cool.
I've gone through periods in my life where I did all kinds of crafty stuff, even was a cub scout den mother for a while. Lately, crocheting seems to be my only non-writing, non-reading activity. It would be fun to try something new, though. Maybe a small quilt?
A shame you never finished the castle. That's so cool you got to meet some of the authors from the IWSG anthologies. :)
You are a crafty person, awesome! I used to do lots of crafts too. But now, with the time I have, I focus on writing.
Happy #IWSG
Pat, it was more fun than I thought it would be to set it on fire.
Michael, they are so much fun! That's why I won't get rid of the boxes of glass I still have.
I hope you find some good DLP books to get.
My husband was the one to light the flame.
Lee, that's amazing. It was almost sad. Most of the attendees were young and seemed to have no idea how amazing Tom Savina was. He should've had crowds around him at all times.
Crafts are awesome but sooooo time consuming. I was the mum who created dress ups for her kids and decorated amazimg cakes for their birthdays and sewed swimming costumes and all their clothes and knitted and write.
From Alex I hear submissions are coming in for the WEP/IWSG competition.
That's good to know.
Your October was great! Mine was good, too. Books for gifts? YES, YES, YES. This week at my grandson's school was Scholastic Book Fair. I love going through the books with my daughter (who is usually working at the fair) and picking out the books for all the grandkiddies. (Also, finding out which books she already bought. LOL) I'm looking forward to seeing who the finalists are for the anthology (esp. since I entered. LOL) I'm going to give WEP a try next month. Happy writing.
I built a cardboard castle for my kids and it took six months. I had the fantasy of submitting the design to a toy manufacturer, but alas, after sitting in the basement for several years, I realized it had become the home to several mice. I knew I should have designed a latrine! Anyway, burning would have been fun, but I decided to dismantle, recycle and toss. Still have the pictures. Somewhere.
Oops, six weeks. Six months would have made an impressive castle.
Fun, Friendship and laughter always works at conventions, I bet you had a really sweet time.
It looks like you had so much fun! :) I like crafty things too and wish I had more time for them. I had hoped my son would be crafty, but art is his least favorite subject. He likes to play with numbers like his father instead!
I love all the pictures from ComicCon. Such fun costumes! It's a lot like DragonCon with all the cosplay.
It must have been fun to meet blogger friends!
The December WEP theme RIBBONS and CANDLES lends itself to so many different interpretations!
Should yield an interesting batch of stories...
Those costumes are amazing. Love your leggings:)
How fun for you and the others to meet in person. I remember Sylvia Ney from years ago, when she started blogging. It's extra special to make person-to-person contact.
PS You look adorable, especially in the second to last photo.
Stay well and safe.
My goodness, you have had a full Fall of meeting authors and promoting books. You are a rockstar! I need to post your Holiday same on my website. Thanks for all you do.
I always give books for Christmas! I'll definitely check out your titles.
That's so cool you got to meet IWSG authors. I hope to meet more as well one day. So far, I've met two.
I love that you got to meet Sandra Cox. I adore her. Looks like you have been having a ton of fun. :)
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