Monday, September 24, 2018

Gregory, Sammy, and a fun Halloween Ride!

Please welcome Gregory Green and Sammy!

Gregory: Are you a cat?

*Sammy looks over his furry shoulder at his tail*

Sammy: No. I’m a teddy bear.

Gregory: Then why are you such a scaredy cat? You were even frightened of a cloud! *giggles*

*Sammy crosses his arms* Sammy: Hey, you were scared, too.

Gregory: I was not!

Sammy: Then I wasn’t, neither.

*Gregory sighs* Gregory: Okay, so how are you a walking, talking teddy bear?

Sammy: It’s a secret. My secret.

Gregory: Come on. I’m your pal!

*Sammy shakes his head* Sammy: Stay out of my business.

Gregory: You don’t have any business.

Sammy: I have some business.

*Hanging on to each other, they laugh*

Gregory: Okay. How many people know you can talk?

Sammy: Well, you, our parents, and our friends at school. I only talk to adults in special cases.

Gregory: Do bears eat nuts? You filled your candy bucket full chestnuts from that tree where we found the witch's broom.

Sammy: I’m a different kind of bear. I can eat anything I want. Like CANDY!!!!

Gregory: What’s your favorite candy?

Sammy: Gummy bears!

Gregory: Why did you want to dress up as a pumpkin?

Sammy: Because Mom made the costume for you when you were little, and I wanted to make her happy.

Gregory: Are you going to wear it next year?

Sammy: That’s another one of my secrets. *winks*


BLURB: One Halloween night, Gregory and his teddy bear Sammy go trick-or-treating, hoping for lots and lots of candy. But Sammy is scared of everything and is constantly asking, “What’s that?” Gregory gets annoyed until one of those things turns out to be a flying broomstick. And this broom wants them to go for a ride. Where will it take them? 

*Story picture book Ages 4-8.




Pea Soup Disaster: Amazon / Nook / Kobo

Doctor Mom: Amazon / Nook / Kobo

Elaine Kaye is the author of A Gregory Green Adventure series. She first created Gregory Green after her son, who loved her homemade pea soup.
Kaye has worked as a library assistant and teacher's assistant in elementary schools in the Sunshine State. She currently lives in Florida, but she has called Michigan; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Okinawa, Japan home.
She is a grandmother of three boys.


Enter here to win a signed paperback copy of Pea Soup Disaster, a hand-stitched bookmark, and a pea pod key chain! Open to all from September 16, 2018 – October 1, 2018!


nashvillecats2 said...

This sure was a good post and with Halloween just around the corner very apt.

Have a good weeek Diane.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

A magic broom makes for a Halloween to remember! Great cover, too.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Congrats to Elaine on her latest release. Cute cover :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gummy bears - funny!
Congratulations, Elaine.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sounds like a fun story. Congrats to Elaine!

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to you, Elaine! Cute stories. Wishing you much success.

Diane, thanks for spotlighting Elaine's books. Enjoy your week!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane - Elaine's stories look like so much fun to read - and the Halloween Ride is just so appropriate now ... cheers Hilary

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you for having me, Gregory, and Sammy on your blog, L. Diane!

@Yvonne, I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

@Elizabeth, thank you!

@The Cynical Sailor, thank you!

@Alex, I was hoping someone would catch that. :)

@Natalie, thank you!

@Karen, thanks for visiting and commenting!

@Hilary, I couldn't pass up the chance to do a Halloween story.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Elaine, you're welcome.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Congratulations! It sounds adorable.

Pat Hatt said...

haha gummy bears, nicely done.


Liz A. said...

How cute. Although, gummy bears... Ick. He can't like another candy?

Sandra Cox said...

Looks like something young ones would love;)

Mason Canyon said...

Such a fun story. Congratulations Elaine!

Sherry Ellis said...

Cute conversation between Gregory and Sammy! Nice to see Elaine's book featured here.

Elaine Kaye said...

@H.R. thank you!

@Pat, I chuckled when I came up with that, too. :)

@Liz, haha He loves all candy, but gummy bears aren't real. ;)

@Sandra, thank you. I hope so.

@Mason, thank you!

@Sherry, thank you! I got a few lines from a conversation my grandsons had when they were much younger.

Chrys Fey said...

Hi Diane! Thank you so much for having my mom on your blog for her first official tour. (Before now we did blog hops.) We appreciate your support. :)

dolorah said...

People still eat pea soup? Hmm.

Cute covers. said...

Endearing books. Congratulations, Elaine!

Loni Townsend said... the bear likes to eat other bears...

Cute exchange. :)

Elaine Kaye said...

@Deborah, Oh yes! I eat pea soup a lot and so does my daughter. There are a lot of good recipes out there.

@Rawknrobyn, thank you!

@Loni, kind of. haha At least in gummy form.

Jo said...

Loved that post Diane. Wish I had some kids to share such books with. said...

Congrats to Elaine!

SpacerGuy said...

I can still remember being curious about this type of stuff when I was little, so creatively written. You've written enough to stir the mind.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Chrys, you're welcome.

I love pea soup and have a great recipe for a vegan version.

Elsie Amata said...

I heard this in a child's voice so you know that's good writing. I also love knowing it was inspired by Elaine's children's pumpkin costume. Too adorable!


Elaine Kaye said...

@Jo, thank you for visiting!

@Kim, thanks!

@Spacer Guy, I'm glad to hear that. Thanks!

@Elsie, that makes me very happy. I imagined my grandsons having this convo. :)

DMS said...

Looks like this is the perfect time of year for this read! :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Elaine's books sound adorable. I hope she has a lot of success with this series.

Heh-heh. Gummy bears... cute.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Gummy bears... ha ha ha.

Fun post. Cool books.

Thanks for sharing!

Sandra Cox said...

Nice giveaway.
'Why are you a scaredy cat?' Heh.

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulations! Such fun, writing for children! Great accomplishment!

Sandra Cox said...

Just stopped by to say 'hey'. Hope your week is productive and pleasant.