Tuesday, June 05, 2018

IWSG and News, Write With Fey, Bayou Writers Conference

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

I’m a day early because a new book comes out today that is perfect for writers.

Today’s question - What's harder for you to come up with, book titles or character names?

Neither, really. Most of my characters came to me pre-named. Others came from the Bible. (Matthew, Mark, James, etc.) My fiction series title was a suggestion from my husband and my non-fiction books are titled after seminars I teach. So, I don’t find either challenging.

I’m speaking at several events this fall, including the Bayou Writers Conference in Lake Charles, Louisiana. “A Bridge to Publication Conference” takes place on October 13 and all writers are welcome. I'm doing one session and taking pitches from writers that day.
Plus! I have brochures for the event. If you live within driving distance of Lake Charles, LA (western LA, near Texas border) and would like some brochures to share with other writers, please leave a comment. I’m happy to share them with you. (I live 1000 miles away and not many writers here will be making that trip. LOL!)

IWSG News:

The IWSG anthology contest opens September 5th.
The genre - YA romance.
The theme will be announced on September 5th, so don’t miss it.

The next IWSG Twitter Pitch Event is July 19th. Get the details about #IWSGPit at the site - rules, hashtags, hours, etc. This is the 3rd IWSG hosted pitch party and there are hundreds upon hundreds of agents and publishers invited to check the stream that day.
Do pitch parties work? Yes! Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. signed Sherry Ellis and her book, Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China, comes out on September 4th.

The July IWSG post day will be on Tuesday, July 3rd instead of Wednesday, July 4th. (Fourth of July national holiday here in the United States.)

Today, Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C./Freedom Fox Press is delighted to announce the release of an amazing book that’s perfect for writers! 

Write with Fey: 10 Sparks to Guide You From Idea to Publication by Chrys Fey

Catch the sparks you need to write, edit, publish, and market your book!

Write with Fey: 10 Sparks to Guide You from Idea to Publication offers an abundance of data in one handy book. From writing your novel to prepping for publication and beyond, you’ll find sparks on every page, including 100 bonus marketing tips. You’ll also discover how to write specific scenes and characters, adding depth to your work.
• Spark One: Being a Writer
• Spark Two: Story Essentials
• Spark Three: A Book’s Stepping Stones
• Spark Four: How To
• Spark Five: Character ER
• Spark Six: Editing
• Spark Seven: Publishing
• Spark Eight: Marketing
• Spark Nine: Writing About
• Spark Ten: Final Inspiration
With so much information, you’ll take notes, highlight, and flag pages to come back to again and again on your writing journey.

Available June 5, 2018
6x9 trade paperback, 370 pages, Freedom Fox Press
Creative Writing / Publishing / Marketing
$19.95 Print ISBN 9781939844484
$5.99 eBook ISBN 9781939844491

“Publishing a book can seem overwhelming, but Chrys Fey breaks it down in this indispensable guide for writers. Fey's step-by-step instructions and encouraging style help with everything from pre-writing to marketing a published book.” - Elizabeth S. Craig, author

“Solid, sound basic writing book for the writing daring to be an author. The "10 Sparks" cover a wealth of topics with abbreviated, concise guidance, giving authors a fantastic place to check off all the necessities.” ~C. Hope Clark, The Carolina Slade Mysteries and The Edisto Island Mysteries, Founder of FundsforWriters.com

“A must-read book for those who are serious about writing, but are clueless or doubtful of their writing capabilities. I would suggest this book to all who write as a desk reference book - it will be worth it!” 5 stars - Readers Favorites

Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series and an editor for Dancing Lemur Press. She started her blog, Write with Fey, to offer aspiring writers inspiration, advice, and hope. At the age of twelve, she started writing her first novel, and since then she has been a dedicated citizen in the writing world.

Again, if you live in Louisiana or Texas and would like some brochures for the writers conference in October, please leave a comment.

Now, are you ready to Write With Fey? Visit her site and enter to win some really cool writing swag.


Pat Hatt said...

You sure have a lot on the go indeed. 1000 miles away, quite the drive haha Congrats to Chrys on the new release. Yeah, names and titles both come pretty easy to me too.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad names come so easily for you. I have to search for mine. Have fun at the conference. And congrats to Chrys on her new book.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations to Chrys and good luck at the conference.

Juneta key said...

Congrats Chrys! Wishing a grand time at the conferences.

Sherry Ellis said...

Chry's new book sounds great for writers! I'll check it out.

I don't really have problems with titles or character names. But if I had to choose, I'd say character names, because I have to find some that work for the country the story is set in.

I'm so glad I did the Twitter pitch, and I'm even happier that Dancing Lemur Press liked the story and is publishing it! Thank you!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Pat that's why I'm flying and on their bill.

Sherry, I'm glad you did, too.

Liz A. said...

Good luck with the new release.

Arlee Bird said...

Good for Chrys Fey regarding her book. Sounds like some great info that will hopefully help those who read it. Hope she sells a million copies!

And what a great schedule you've laid out. October in Lake Charles shouldn't be too bad weather wise.

Names from the Bible is often a good route to go. I've used that inspiration a number of times.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Cherie Reich said...

I hope the conference goes well! Congrats to Chrys!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Diane - Sherry's book says it all 'Big Dig to China' ... guess I know what that means ... the story I'll need to find out.

Chrys book looks to be such an amazing offer, with great advice tucked within its pages for today and future reference - good luck to her.

Thanks for the IWSG news and being there for us - cheers Hilary

H. R. Sinclair said...

The food in LA is delicious! LOL Yup, that was my first thought. Is it fun or tiring to hear tons of pitches? Or both?

Nick Wilford said...

Congrats to Chrys! She's such a great help for fellow writers.

Great stuff coming up for IWSG. Good luck at your speaking events.

I have to say I struggle with both character names and titles, but I'm going to save my venting for tomorrow!

J E Oneil said...

Yeah, I don't think I could make a trip that far, but too bad. I'd love to be there.

Sandra Cox said...

Many congrats to Chrys. This sounds like a great addition to the tool box.

Chemist Ken said...

Have fun at the conference. And congrats to Chrys on the new book!

SpacerGuy said...

Its truly inspiring to see Chrys doing so well, spreading the word and showing us wannabies how its done at her speaking events. Often when its only when I'm at the end of an epic I realise, yep a title would be great.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi L. Diane,

Sounds like you have some very interesting events coming up. CONGRATS. And also Congrats to Chrys and Sherry!

Nice to see the IWSG pitches create amazing opportunities for writers! Looking forward to the next one!

nashvillecats2 said...

Much going on Diane. Will look out for the Anthology and as a follower of Chrys I try to keep up with her writing.

Have a good month.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Lots happening on the IWSG and Dancing Lemur fronts. All the best for the conference and huge congrats to Chrys on her new release.

Jennifer Hawes said...

How exciting to speak at a conference! Are you nervous?? I'd be a basket case. Good luck to Chrys on her new book release! Wish I lived closer for the writing conference.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Enjoy the conference! Hope you're flying...that's a long drive!

Congratulations to Chrys!

Bish Denham said...

So close and yet so far. I'd never make it through Houston to get to Lake Charles. I know you'll have a good time and help many writers.
And congratulations to Chrys!

Crystal Collier said...

Congrats to Chrys!

Louisiana isn't super far for me, but October is my insanity season, especially this year as my oldest gets ready to leave home. Fun times, eh? I'll wish you epicness from a distance.

Tamara Narayan said...

Congratulations to Chrys! Always a worthy project to share writing and marketing advice. I've been a fan of her website for years.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

You sure have lots going on this summer. Enjoy your events! I'm like you when it comes to titles and character names. They just come to me. Not sure why, but they do, and they lend focus to the story I'm writing.

Chrys did a great job with Write With Fey! It's a solid writing resource writers should have on their desks.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Lee, I'm excited. I've never been to Louisiana before.

Holly, I'll be sure to eat well.

Jennifer, I'm a professional speaker, so it's no big deal anymore.

Elizabeth, they paid for my plane ticket and everything. It's about 1000 miles which would be a very long drive.

Thanks, everyone.

LD Masterson said...

Re. the question of the day, characters are easy. Until one comes to me with a name I don't want to use but refuses to let me change it. Titles can be much harder.

Best of luck to Chris. Have a great time at the conference.

Chrys Fey said...

Thank you for the shout-out!

I struggle with naming minor characters. Even the bad guys. Usually the main characters (hero and heroine) come with names, but I really have to search hard for names for my other characters. I always feel like I've alreadt used up all the good ones. lol

Christine Rains said...

You are a busy woman! Most of my characters come to me with their names too. And they refuse to change them!

emaginette said...

A lot going on your post today. Congrats to Chrys and thanks for the twitter party reminder. Lucky you getting help from hubby when naming fiction. My son speaks up sometimes and he's given me a few memorable character names I could not resist. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Loni Townsend said...

Grats to Chrys!

Wow, that's quite the travel. I hope the conference goes well for you!

Sandra Cox said...

Di, As always, you have a lot on your plate. Good thing you're a spectacular juggler:)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Diane, my characters too arrive pre-named like yours :)

And I love chapter titles, infact chapter titles help me in writing many scenes.

Congratulations to Sherry Ellis for her new book.

J.Q. Rose said...

We had friends in Lake Charles, LA but never visited their area. Met through a Christian RV group, NOMADS. Have a fabulous trip and conference. Hope you find some entertaining stories and talented writers.
JQ Rose

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Sandra, it's a shame I don't really know how to juggle.

Thanks, everyone.

J.L. Campbell said...

Sounds like an awesome publication! Congrats to you and Chrys.

Tonja Drecker said...

Congratulations to Chrys! Good luck with the conference! Also, thanks for the heads-up on the July IWSG. Now, I just have to remember it.

Anonymous said...

It really touched my heart that your husband helps you with suggestions. I found that really sweet. Have fun in Louisiana and please think of me while enjoying crawfish and gumbo. This NYer misses it! Good luck while you're there :)


Gwen Gardner said...

I can't believe it's almost time for the next IWSG anthology! You sure have a lot going on, Diane. Have a great week!

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to Sherry and Chris! You'll be exposed to lots of good Cajun food over there. Enjoy!

Hart Johnson said...

Hey, thanks for all the news! Probably won't test the anthology this time around. I prefer my romance as a side dish, rather than main course, but i have lots of romance writer friends, so happy to amplify. And the Twitter Pitch Party sounds awesome!

Jemi Fraser said...

Chrys's book sounds awesome! :)

Yvonne Ventresca said...

Congrats to Chrys on the new book!

kimlajevardi.com said...

Congrats to Chrys! I'm looking forward to the IWSG pitch.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

You're lucky with titles and names.
Best wishes for your speaking engagements too

Congrats to Chrys!!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Oh, my. YA romance. I really want to enter the next anthology contest, but that would be stretching me. Well, we'll see.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I would love to attend that conference, but it's too far for me this year. Congrats to Chrys.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

The conference sounds great and they should pay your expenses.
Congratulations to Chrys. Here's to lots of sales.

Fundy Blue said...

Good luck presenting at the Bayou Writers Conference, Diane! I hope you have a great experience. And congratulations to Chrys! Another book on my growing list of books to read.

Misha Gerrick said...

Congrats, Chrys and Shelly!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Sounds like a good conference event for you. Good luck. The Chrys Fey book sounds like an outstanding guide for writers of all levels.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Elsie, if only I ate seafood!

Carol, I intend to.

Rebecca, after your success with the last one, you really should enter.

Beverly, they are, which is really nice. So is the one in Hampton, VA this fall.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Congrats to Chrys!
And wow, that is a long way to travel for a conference!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Congrats to Chrys on her new release! Hope sales go well for you both. It was a pleasure to read and blurb the ARC.

I wish I could come to that writers' conference and meet you in person. I love presenting at writers' conferences--it's always so much fun and I meet such wonderful people. Hope you have blast.

Olga Godim said...

Congrats to Chrys for her new book. Good luck at the writers' conference, Diane.

Leigh Caron said...

So your characters sometimes appear in your dreams? Which came first? The characters or the dreams?

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats to Sherry Ellis!

Denise Covey said...

Hey L Diane. You sound busy. All the best for your up-coming speaking engagements. Chrys' book will be awesome. She always has good content on her website and helps many writers. Hope many avail themselves of a copy.

Stephen Tremp said...

Best wishes for Chrys's latest and greatest! May the day of June 5th be a smashing success for her.

Nas said...

Congratulations to Chrys! Its so awesome about her new book!

M Pax said...

The speaking sounds fun. I sometimes struggle more with titles. Congrats to Chris!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Chrys is on a roll. That's awesome.
Have a good week, Spunk.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Em-Musing, I dreamed Lori and Jason first.

Denise, they need to pick it up.

SpacerGuy said...

Your onto a winner here Fey, so easy to tell you're using passion as the hook to reel us in and why wouldn't it work? I know when I get started 10 SPARKS is the book for me.

DMS said...

So excited to see Chry's book here! Such a great resource for writers. :) Wishing her all the best.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Congratulations to Chrys Fey! And good luck at those conferences. Fun that you're taking pitches.

Sandra Cox said...

Many congrats to Sherry and her publisher:)

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

I haven't really tried to be an author except writing for my blog. But I believe it must be exciting to think about the characters and the plots of your story!