Approximately 45 paid speaking engagements this year.

Numerous virtual tours (thanks again to all of my hosts) encompassing several books.
Many interviews and book festivals.
My goals for this coming year are to expand my speaking opportunities, send Book V of my YA series out with a huge virtual tour, promote in venues outside of the bookstore, visit more schools, and craft another book…
On a personal level…

I will also be streamlining my online presence. I don't want to feel the Internet is holding my life hostage...
That's my 2009. Not a great year, but I survived.
Last opportunity to hit the mark.
And a sad farewell...
Lord, let Book V connect...
How was YOUR 2009? What are your goals for 2010?
Remember, without goals, you have no control...
*Movie update!
Avatar's total for World Wide Grosses just appeared this morning - $637,129,323.00 in just eleven days. It will break $1 billion!
It was a good year for me but I wasn’t as productive as I hoped I would be. I’m looking forward to a more successful 2010.
Hopefully the economy will improve next year, helping sales at book signings and other events, for you and me and all the other writers out there.
Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and successful New Year.
You sound like you had a great year! I will read and review Circle of Friends V and spread the word like crazy so your 2010 is great as well!!
Take care,
Enjoy those roller coasters - we all need some fun in our lives :)
I enjoyed 2009 - lots of fun, lots of family :)
Jane, you said it! Here's to a better economy in 2010.
Money doesn't solve all problems, but when you eliminate the money issues in your life, you can focus on the things that matter!
Michele, thank you! I needed that encouragement.
Now, what's my plan of attack for theme parks in 2010...?
What a busy year! You have some remarkable accomplishments- top that 2010!
Book V will be in my prayers!
Diane, it sounds like your 2009 wasn't half bad. Still, I wish you much personal and professional success in 2010. If I were you, I'd make that theme park trip a priority.
You've had a lovely year, Diane. I'm so glad I was one of the blog tour hosts for your wonderfully inspirational books.
2009 wasn't the best year for me. Lots of personal losses.
One the plus side? I started a Blog, OVER COFFEE, with much trepidation and angst. I took a deep breath and launched 2/25/09. I had 3 whole followers when I started and barely a 100 readers in a month. I published twice a week and now it's three times a week. But I've seen it grow this year to a 100 followers and 500 readers a week. So that feels good.
I've had requests for partials and I intend to concentrate a bit more on getting these stories of mine published.
Like you, I want to streamline my online presence or be more wise in the time frame of my presence, so I can write more. I don't like the feeling of being chained to the computer either.
Raising a glass to you. May 2010 bring you success, joy, and happiness!
Sounds like a fine year to me. And here's to an even better one in 2010!
Marvin D Wilson
I love this site! Thank you sooo much for all your posts!
Oh my gosh! You have been burning up the highway. For 2010, I'll be doing less in some areas and more in others.
Here's to a great year!
Looks like it was a great year, Diane!
And...your retrospective had pictures! You're so organized!
Mystery Writing is Murder
What a wonderful way to end the year. And it's your blog. Part of blogging is being an inspiration for others and you are!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Blogging resources for writers at Writer's Digest 101 Best Website picks
I agree with Carolyn. You really are an inspiration, Diane. Lots to be proud of and thankful for here. Love that you're going to ride some roller coasters in 2010.
Only the best,
Author of Defying Gravity
Congratulations on all your many accomplishments this year.
2009 was tough for everyone. I'm looking forward to the new year and new opportunities.
Happy New Year!
Aw, thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement!
I will continue to work on the inspiration and make 2010 even better!
A lovely New Year's Eve to you and a splendid 2010, dear Spunky!
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