Thursday, June 19, 2008

Websites to Explore

I come upon new websites for writers, authors & speakers on a daily basis. Here's a couple you might find useful:

[link] My Quality Writing lists authors, speakers, writers, etc.

[link] Sharing With Writers & Readers does just that!

[link] Publicly Available Angst has thoughts on writing & publishing.

And [link] Reed 'Em & Weep is a collection of rejection letters, just so you don't feel so alone!

1 comment:

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Diane: I was thrilled to find a link to my Sharing with Writers blog. As a return favor I shall add your blog to my blog roll (it's at the bottom of the Sharing with Writers and Readers blog!). Also, your readers may want to know about one of my other blogs. It's The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor--everything on every aspect of editing from grammar to formatting and indexing. Find it at

Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Author of the award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books on writing.