Wednesday, January 03, 2024

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

The question for today: Do you follow back your readers on BookBub or do you only follow back other authors?

I confess, I am not on BookBub. Again, too busy with DLP authors and work to take care of stuff related to me. I do need to sign up, though.

I’d like to take this moment to do a couple shout-outs.

First is to my cousin Patti. She lives in California with her mother, my Aunt Mary, who is 97. Tragedy took her fiancé a couple years ago and Patti has struggled since. But she is my biggest fan—she has purchased and loved my three In Darkness books and can’t wait for the fourth one next month, The Alien. Patti, thank you. The last time I had a family member or friend this excited was my mother, who loved my The Circle of Friends series and purchased them for everyone in the family. I treasure having that kind of support again.

The second shout-out goes to Sherry Ellis, whose book, Bubba and Squirt’s City of Bones, comes out in two weeks. Sherry is so dedicated to this series and such a hard worker when it comes to promoting her books. She has a tour lined up and a fantastic program for schools planned. The next book, Bubba and Squirt’s Shield of Athena, comes out in May, and the final installment, Bubba and Squirt’s Legend of the Lost Pearls, comes out in October. The series is also getting an audiobook treatment and the first one, Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China, will be available on audio soon.

Who do you follow on BookBub?
Do you have a fan like my cousin Patti?
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season.


nashvillecats2 said...

Happy New Year, it's good to have followers with one's writing.
Hope you are well Diane and take care.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Happy New Year! Congrats on your upcoming book release and to Sherry for all her upcoming releases. I joined the book tour for her current release.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I have a few fans that I love dearly. The ones I don't know are also special. Diane, thanks for all you do. I hope 2024 is your best year ever!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations to Sherry and that's awesome to have such a dedicated fan.

Nick Wilford said...

Those are the sort of fans we all need. Congrats to Sherry!

Yvonne Osborne said...

I'm not active on BookBub, probably another one of those forums an author should be on but I cant even figure out how to update my profile! I have my hands full with Goodreads and FB, marketing packet etc. It sounds like Patti is your ideal reader. We all need at least one of those, the muse that inspires and cheers us on. And congrats to Sherry. Best of luck in the New Year.

Gwen Gardner said...

I discovered I'm on BookBub when I went to look (I don't remember signing up). I don't know enough about it to know who I'll follow. I'm thinking I'll only follow back authors though. I assume readers will follow me because they're fans and want to be notified of new releases.

How nice to have a super fan! That's what it is all about.

Congrats to Sherry on her upcoming book.

emaginette said...

Until today, I didn't know BookBub existed. I'm hoping I'll be enlightened as I hop around. I would like to read more about how Sherry Ellis approaches her marketing plan and why it works for both of you, though.

Make sure you reach out if she posts something, because I don't do much blog visiting the rest of the month. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Natalie, thank you for helping with Sherry's tour.

Thank you, Joylene.

Yvonne, yes we do.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Happy New Year Diane!

My biggest fan was my mother, she was always encouraging me to write and she read all my books. She passed away a couple of years ago and I miss her greatly.

Olga Godim said...

You are lucky to have a family who support your writing.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Happy New Year! Family and friends who love are books are awesome - I'm glad you have someone in your corner.
And congratulations to Sherry! I would love to highlight her books somehow, so I will be keeping an eye out for it when it comes.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Diane, you are amazing in all you do. Bravo! So sorry to hear about Patti. My prayers are with her and her mom. And bravo, to Sherry! I love those Bubba and Squirt books. Way to go, Sherry. Happy New Year!

cleemckenzie said...

Happy New Year, Diane. Great news about your new book release. Same for Sherry. I wish you both the very best.

My new address:

Liz A. said...

Oh, so I'm not the only one who knows nothing of this BookBub. I was worried. Congrats to Sherry.

J.Q. Rose said...

What a dedicated fan! I can't get my family to even look at my books...sigh. LOL.
Thrilled for Sherry and so happy to host her on my blog series, Recipes and Reads in 2 weeks. I love the reason why she chose to share her recipe for crepes.

Sarah Foster said...

That's awesome that you have a family member for a fan!
Congrats to Sherry!

Fundy Blue said...

I'm so excited for Sherry! Her Bubba and Squirt books are great! Your poor cousin, losing her fiancé! My heart goes out to her. I have good family support, but your family members are stellar, Diane! My niece Deirdre is a lovely support. You do so much for others. I really appreciate you!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Cathrina, my mother passed away over 12 years ago.

Tyrean, send her an email - she'd be honored.

Victoria, I'm glad you enjoy them.

J.Q., thanks for featuring her.

Thank you, Louise.

Patricia JL said...

I'm on BookBub but I barely do anything with it outside of follow people back.

Pat Hatt said...

I have it but don't use it. Congrats to Sherry and great to have such a fan indeed

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have two sisters who are fans like your Patti. It does feel so good. Good luck with your new release coming up next month.

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm glad you have Patti! Everyone needs someone that supportive!

I love the Bubba and Squirt stories!

Loni Townsend said...

I love your shout outs. I think the world would be a better place if more people told everyone about the people they appreciated. said...

I hope you have a fantastic 2024!

Toi Thomas said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for visiting my blog.
I love your shoutouts. What a way to start the year!
I don't believe I have a fan like Patty, but it sounds nice.
My family buys my work but I don't think they've read any of it.

Miffie Seideman said...

That's such a sweet picture of you two. How awesome. I have at least one cousin that is an excited fan, who has already pre-ordered my book (coming out in January). She ordered it last July! I truly love her for that. She's not even a writer, but is so excited for my handbook-eventhough it's a writing craft book. And BookBub has been very foreign to me, but I need to jump in with both feet and figure it out. Happy New Year and good lcuk with your writing!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Loni, it would indeed.

Miffie, you have one dedicated cousin.

Sandra Cox said...

Everyone should have a Cousin Patti. My mom and my uncle read all my books and were my biggest fans.
Congrats to Sherry.
Wishing you a joyous 2024.

Sherry Ellis said...

Thanks for the shout-out!
So sad about your cousin's fiance. She sounds like an awesome person!

Happy New Year!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

It's good you're surrounded by such wonderful people!

H. R. Sinclair said...

I hope you have a wonderful holiday! I am on bookbub but I never remember to go over and do anything with it.☹️ said...

I never heard of BookBub. I'm following too much stuff so I won't add to that list.

Patti and Sherry are both gems, as are you, Diane.
Happy New Year to all.

Sandra Cox said...

Good luck, Sherry! I'm sure this is another winner.
'Lo, Diane:)
Have a great weekend.

DMS said...

Book Bub has ben on my list of things to look into. But I haven't yet. Wonderful to learn about Patti! Congrats to Sherry! So excited for her. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane - better late than never I guess ... Happy New Year! Lots of success for you and Vine Leaves Press - cheers Hilary