Wednesday, December 07, 2022

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and What Does a Publisher Do All Week?

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question: It's holiday time! Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

I tend to catch up as Dancing Lemur Press business is slow the second half of the month and I use that time for my own work and to catch up on other projects.

I did manage to finish the fourth story in my In Darkness series, The Alien, last month. It will sit for a bit and then I will tackle revisions. Probably during the Christmas break.

I do want to share with you what my work week looks like. I have no typical work week as it all depends on what is in the pipeline and at what stage. So I will share some of what I did last week:

Edits on stories for Tales From the Valley (Due out March 7 next year. This is a special collaboration with Elizabeth Seckman.)

Review requests for In Darkness: The Shark

Royalty payments and statements for Q3 2022

Finished writing In Darkness: The Alien

Set two events for next year

Back cover for Tales From the Valley set

Formatted half of the stories for Tales From the Valley

Replied to numerous submissions

Completed November bookkeeping

Back cover synopsis for Blood Red Steel set. (The third in Damien Larkin’s Mars series!)

Worked with my illustrator on cover art for In Darkness: The Werewolf

And many other minor details that go along with being a publisher

My husband says I am the worst boss ever as I never give myself time off!

But I do have fun doing it.

As proof, my friend Ticia went with me to man the booth at Havelock Comic Con a couple weeks ago (instead of my poor husband) and we had a blast! Not to mention it was another stellar weekend of sales.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!