Prompt: What is your favorite Latin-flavor recipe?
One thing I remember very fondly from living in Albuquerque, NM for four years is getting authentic Buñuelos at the state fair every year. We’d track down the Hispanic food center and chow down on at least two delicious treats. And they were big, too. They are similar to sopaipillas but flat and round.
Here is a recipe for Buñuelos.
Page Count: 96
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An Ancient Mayan civilization!
That’s what Bubba and Squirt find when they travel through the mysterious vortex for another wild adventure. There they meet archeologists who are unearthing priceless artifacts.
But someone is stealing them. And an encounter with the Tate Duende awakens magic within Bubba. Throw in the mysterious Alux and a new discovery and things get sticky.
Will Bubba and Squirt solve the mystery, or will they be stuck forever in the jungles of Belize?
“Readers will be mesmerized by the story. They’ll eagerly turn the pages to see what happens next.” - children’s author, Deanie Humphrys-Dunne
“From wild action to education to recipes, Ellis’s Mayan Adventure brings it all in this entertaining read.” - Virginia Wright, author
“Bubba and Squirt are delightful characters… I recommend Bubba and Squirt’s MAYAN ADVENTURE for Middle Grade Readers and older readers.” – Beverly Stowe McClure, award winning children’s author
“Highly-recommended for fans of middle-grade Latin American fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, and Mayan Indian culture.” - June McCrary Jacobs, author
“It is a very exciting book… It is right for middle-grade readers who aren’t advanced but are just starting reading chapter books.” – Kids Book Buzz, 5 stars
“…if a child loves a book that is full of action and suspense as well as mysterious, then I would suggest they give this book a read.: - Whispering Stories reviews

About the Author: Sherry Ellis is an award-winning author and professional musician who plays and teaches the violin, viola, and piano. When she is not writing or engaged in musical activities, she can be found doing household chores, hiking, or exploring the world. Ellis has previously published, Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China; Don’t Feed the Elephant; Ten Zany Birds; That Mama is a Grouch; and That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN. Ellis lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
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What is your favorite Latin recipe?
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