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The subject of marketing as it pertains to the author comes up a lot. Writers question the need for a marketing plan and those publishers and agents who request one. But what they don’t realize is the days of writers hiding away just to write are long over. Authors HAVE to market themselves – and they better be ready to do so.
The latest Independent Book Publishers Association magazine’s feature article was all about the “Collective Engagement” – authors and publishers working together on marketing. How important is it for an author to work with them on promotions? Read this excerpt from that article:
I think there is a lot of wisdom and truth in both statements.
A book has a much better shot at success if the author and publisher work together to promote it. More than just the author doing some appearances and the publisher sending out review copies. They have to work together and match & meld efforts. That means a game plan and communication.
And yes, authors will be expected – required – to market. In the IBPA article, Armida Publications states: “All authors, prior to launch, are required to start focusing more on their social media as well as identifying people willing to assist in our efforts to promote the book.”

At Dancing Lemur Press, we work with our authors and prompt them down the promotion path. Depending on their abilities and time available, we map out the best possible way to reach their target readership. We work with them to find more reviewers, set up an online book tour, schedule appearances at libraries, schools, and bookstores, etc. We supply them with marketing materials in the form of files, ads, images, bookmarks, etc. We do our best to ensure they have what they need to effectively market their books. And we try to build that solid relationship with them.
If you are a writer not yet signed, you now know you will have to market – but if you find the right publisher, you will not do it alone. If you are with a publisher or agent, make sure they are also willing to work with you to promote your book(s).
Together you can plan:
• Reviewers and sending out review copies
• Advertising and graphics
• Bookstores, libraries, and schools to target
• Appearances
• Virtual tour
• Media release
• Target websites, magazines, etc.
• And more!
Have you developed a marketing plan? Does your publisher work with you?
This coming weekend - March 22-24, 2019 – FantaSci!
Dancing Lemur Press will be there all weekend with a booth
Location - Hilton Doubletree, RDU, Raleigh, NC
Special guest – author Timothy Zahn
If you live near Raleigh-Durham, come see us!