December 6 question - As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?
LOL! That would be quite the list.
There are a lot of things I would do differently with Dancing Lemur Press. Part of that would include adjusting my time to include more of my own writing. I got a Rocketbook Notebook for Christmas last year and sadly I’ve still not filled it. (When I do, I get to nuke it in the microwave and clear it out for another use.)
2018 will include more writing time for me!
One thing I wouldn’t do differently is the annual anthology I do with middle school kids. It’s a joy to visit the schools and walk the kids through creating their very own character. The result is the best stories created with those characters end up in the anthology - a middle grade book written by middle graders.
And this year’s anthology just came out:
Otter Tales
Edited by Michelle Rutledge & Shanna Williams
Print ISBN 9781939844415
EBook ISBN 9781939844422
Ride along for some otter good fun!
From the worlds of fantasy and science fiction to kids fighting real life battles, you’ll speed along from one adventure to the next.
Written by youth, these stories will amaze you with their creativity, thoughtfulness, and delightful spirit.
Journey in search of dragons. Fight along superheroes. And face the bullies head on!
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo
What would you do differently?
This will be my last post until January 3rd and I'll be mostly offline for the rest of December. Everyone have a wonderful, Minion Christmas!