Audio book sales were dipping these past few years in a trend rivaled only by the decline of the mass market paperback. But sales last year were $1.47 billion, an 13.5% increase from the previous year.
Audio Publishers Association (APA) credits the rising popularity of the digital download and the fact the number of titles available have increased in the past five years:
Year # of Audiobook Titles Published
2014 25,787
2013 24,755
2012 16, 309
2011 7,237
2010 6,200
What kinds of audio books are selling? The article said:
"Fiction continues to represent the vast majority of audiobooks sold with roughly 77.4 percent of audios being fiction vs. 22.6 percent nonfiction. The unabridged format continues to dominate with 91 percent of audiobooks sold being in this format."
Are you taking advantage of the audio book revolution as either a reader or an author?
The Realms Faire is coming!
From November 9-13 there will be games and prizes.
Last year, I hosted the Dragon Hunt. This year, House Wolfe presents the Unicorn Hunt:

You are charged with tracking down the unicorns!
Every day, a new blogger will host a photo. You will have to find the unicorns in the image, much like the famous “Where’s Waldo?” Leave a comment stating how many unicorns you find in that image. The most correct guesses wins.
Grand prize:
Ebooks: Hot Pink in the City by Medeia Sharif, 30 Seconds by Chrys Fey, One Good Catch by Heather M. Gardner, A Lizard’s Tail by Bish Denham, and The Circle of Friends Series by L. Diane Wolfe
Plus: a $20.00 Amazon or ITunes gift card
Five images - many unicorns - only one winner!
More prizes are needed. Contact M. Pax if you can donate something to the pot.
Several of the games need more participants:
M. Pax - The Joust
River Fairchild - Beware the Vortex
Cassandra Webb - Dueling Bards
Get involved and have fun!