For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All Photos taken by me.)
Are you using Google Alerts?
Google Alerts keep you on top of topics important to you - or about you! Alerts arrive via email with links to sites mentioning the words or phrases you requested.
To set up these Alerts, go to your Google account (or create one) and click on Alerts. Enter your words or phrase and select how often (daily, weekly, etc.) you wish to receive them. Google will search the web for you and deliver all related posts to your inbox.
What’s on your Google Alerts list?
Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE
And your daily photo - "Going Down!"
And I completely missed it - March 22 marked 7 years of blogging for me! I was thinking it was April. Wow!
$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0
Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and
I use Google Alerts, but it doesn't have much to alert me to usually :-)
Congratulations on 7 years - that's awesome!!
Great advice... I must admit I am still pretty much a point and click internet user, I'll be trying this out. Also love the photo!
Good advice, and congratulations on your 7 years blogging.
First off, congrats on 7 years! That's amazing. I haven't used Alerts but I just signed up for "New Agents Actively Looking" and I'll see how it goes. Thanks for another timely tip!
Whooo, my tummy did a flip looking at your photo. And congrats on your 7 years blogging, that's pretty good!
Congrats on 7 years. And not using Google Alerts. I'm going to start though now. Thanks.
Scary photo!
I use Google Alerts for my pen name, name, and a couple of book titles.
DayDreamer, it's actually a small drop, less than 100 feet.
Elizabeth, that's what mine are set for.
Don't need Google Alerts, but see several people react when I write something about them so assume that's what they are using.
I guess 100 ft is a small drop, don't go on roller coasters any more, used to when I was younger but now I am too chicken.
7 years-congratulations. I haven't gotten into using Google alerts yet, but probably will sometime here in the future.
I get google alerts... and a lot of strange notifications, but it's worth it to catch the stuff I wouldn't otherwise. I am always shocked though, just how many assaults occur on Azalea street, court, way and circle...
Happy blogversary! Seven!
I like Google alerts but sometimes they let me know days later, instead of present time like I asked for. *shrug*
Great photo!
I never knew that something called Google Alerts even existed! Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on 7 years of blogging!
Writer In Transit
Wow, 7 years. That seems like forever.
I have google alerts for my name but it occasionally tells me when I've put up a post (and I already know that) but that's it. People have mentioned my name in posts, but google alerts never tells me. It's pretty useless as far as I can tell. :( I've heard the same complaint from other people.
Congratulations on seven years!
I do have google alerts and their interesting to receive. I've been surprised a time or three. :-)
I've never heard of Google Alerts. Where have I been?
That was a well-timed photo!
I used to use alerts, but for some reason, I stopped. Hmm... :-/
P.S. Congrats on your bloggerversary!
I have Google Alerts set up. Need to do a new one for the next book.
Congratulations on seven years!
Whoa, that photo woke me up. ;)
Congrats on your blogging anniversary!
I have a few Google Alerts set.
Goals, Glinda, and the Great and Powerful Oz
The Daille-y News
Thanks for the info, L. Diane...
Never knew we could do ALERTS on google... COOL!
I use Google alerts too. I love it because it let me know of a lot of pirate sites.
I do use Google alerts. Currently it lets me know when the Dalai Lama is in the news.
Google Alerts is a wonderful tool. I do not get hits often, but when I do I am relieved to have the information pushed to me rather than having to go out and search for items daily. ~~Emmly Jane
I hadn't used this but I will now. Thanks!
Wow congrats on seven years...that's quite the achievement!
I've never used Google Alerts, but sounds like something I should look into.
Great post!
Left and Write
This is excellent to know. I'm heading to google alerts now.
Thank you!
Hart - LOL!
Laura, they aren't always accurate, but better than nothing I guess.
Stina, some things just don't show up. No idea why. But I have caught things I would've missed otherwise.
Michael, I won't!
Congratulations on the seven year anniversary. I haven't started using Google Alerts - probably another one of those online things I need to do.
Congrats! Seven is a lucky number :D
This is amazing-tossing virtual confetti at you!
OMG on that pic! lol I can feel my stomach flip-flop when I think about it! ;D
Great G post!
That's a lot of blogging about. I don't think I even knew what blogging was 7 years ago! Actually, I'm pretty sure I didn't ;)
I do get alerts of emails, but cut out the alerts from google+ because it can be a bit much.
I didn't know about Google Alerts! Thanks for the tip. And yikes, that's a scary photo. I'm not a big roller coaster fan, lol!
Congrats on 7 years of blogging!
Happy Blogaversary! I do use Google Alerts. And just looking at that picture makes my tummy drop. Yikes.
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! :)
I set up a Google Alert for my other website, the Eagle Directory. I've only found a couple of legitimate links through the service, but not many people link to it by title so that was expected.
My editor told me to try Google Alerts, but I never actually did. I should take another look at it. I love the photo too, that's awesome! Looks way fun. :)
From A to Z, Kristen's blog:
Wow, seven years! That picture made me alittle ill. I don't do well with heights.
I need to update my google alerts to include some of my more recent publications.
Kristen, it's not perfect, but you will find things through Google Alerts you wouldn't find otherwise.
Hi Diane,
I occasionally get a Google Alert. Life is a roller coaster.
Wow, congrats on realising you have just gone past your seventh anniversary of blogging.
Now then, back to the alternate alphabet.
I'm afraid of heights—that is one scary picture.
Yay! Finally, I'm doing something right—I do use Google Alerts. I also joined the Google Authorship Program. Now instead of my Google+ account (which I rarely use) coming up first in a name search, my Webpage and photo come up. That's a plus, I think.
Happy blogversary!
~VR Barkowski
Congrats on 7 years. I hit my 400th post the week before the Challenge, and am 2 followers away from 500...but will have to celebrate after April...
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
I use google alerts to watch for mentions of my kids on line. Happy Bloggy birthday!
Visiting from AtoZ #41
Seven years!? Wow. Also, cool photo. I didn't know there was such a thing as Google Alerts. I'm going to try it.
I don't know that there's much that Google can tell me yet, but I will definitely be employing this down the road.
Also, congrats on 7 years blogging!
Lyre at Lyre's Musings
Congrats on 7 years of blogging!!! I've used Google alerts quite a bit, very cool:)
Erick @ A Brief Sinfonia: Loving You're Wife From A-Z
I use google alerts for Reflexology, setting it up for a weekly message is good too.
A lot of people don't know about it, but I'm sure every celebrity does. Another informative post Chief Spunky Soldier :)
Reflex Reactions
Thanks for the Google tip alert, Diane. I've never tried it but sounds like it can be pretty useful. And congrats on your 7 years blogging! That is quite mile stone! :D
I love Google Alerts! I manage my company's blog, intranet news and web news and it's GREAT to find articles out there that pertain to my company that I can pass on to our readers.
Hi Diane .. and Randi (comment above me) gives an excellent article on their application ..
I don't use them .. but one day I can see they'd come in handy .. cheers Hilary
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