I was always an avid reader and won every reading contest in grade school. As an only child, I often had to amuse myself, so I developed an active imagination.
The writing bug hit when I was 13. I found a newly released paperback book called The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. The cover captivated me and later led to a love of artist Michael Whelan. I devoured the book within a week and was soon reading all of her books.
Anne McCaffrey always focused on the characters, and I liked that aspect of her books. I began writing my own stories, including short stories, song lyrics, and two never completed novels. I easily wrote 5000 words every week for years.
But it was that day in the bookstore that sparked my urge to write. I envisioned my name on the book cover instead of Anne’s. Right there and then, I set my goal of becoming an author.

Visit the hosts for others participating in the blogfest. And let me know what sparked your desire to write.
Thanks for sharing your story, Diane. Congrats on your writing success and achieving your dream!
Diane, I've missed you!
And how lovely that I come back and see some back story to how you came to be a writer.
I can only imagine what it must have been like to be an only child. I had three sisters and a brother to torment me through my childhood years.
There's always that one book or series that lights the spark. Thanks for sharing your origins!
Back when I was in middle school, our local library had a summer reading contest. One of the things you got after reading a certain number of books was a poster with The White Dragon cover art. I loved that poster! I wonder whatever happened to it. . .
I posted my blog Yesterday as I am off tomorrow on the first leg of my vacation to the US.
It seems most people started young, me was the opposite. I waas a late starter but I do too have my name on a boo0k cover.
Enjoying this blogfest, good to learn more about you! I've always liked to write but the "bug" got me in my twenties. I have many directions I'd like to go with writing now.
The White Dragon was the first, but certainly not the last, Anne McCaffrey book I read. I love her stuff.
I like your story, Diane, ant that you had the courage to dream and follow that dream!
You're proof that there really is no substitute for just writing, whatever it is you're writing about :-)
Wonderful origins story, Diane! The writing bug hit me when I was a very little kid and learned to read on my own. Writing my own stories gave me more of what I wanted until someone could take me to the library for more books to read!
McCaffrey and Pern were some of my first loves too!
What a wonderful story and how nice to have come full circle from love of words to seeing your own in print!
Whelen did paint some inspiring covers.
Thanks for participating in the blogfest!
Hi, Diane. I've nominated you for an award. You can stop by my blog to pick it up.
Susanne Drazic
Hooray for dreams come true!
Jai, I've missed you!
Sean, I have an authentic print of The White Dragon framed and hanging in our media room.
Thank you, Susanne.
Wow, that is a lot of writing for a 13 year old! I always wonder if I am or will inspire some young writer, which would be perhaps the highest compliment ever.
Hi Diane!
I'm dropping by from the Origins blogfest.Loved reading your Origins story, especially since it started with Anne McCaffrey's The White Dragon. I love her books and that book is one of my favorites.
Hi, Dianne,
Though I'm not an only child, I was the only child at home and so I understand having to entertain yourself. Guess that's why I read so much.
You've definitely made your dreams come true.
Wow, great story! I suspect it took a lot more than spunk to fire your success. Must be a boatload of talent in there, too. Congratulations for living the dream. Count me in as your newest follower.
Thank you for sharing, Dianne. For me, the bug came when I had to write something in class.
Sounds like you have a great series of YA books! Nice to meet you via the bloghop.
Isn't that the ultimate compliment for an author, when a reader wants to become a writer because of their book? That's one of the goals of mine...to inspire someone else to write (and not because I suck so bad!).
You've achieved one of your goals. Thank you for sharing your ORIGIN today! :)
First, let me just say I love Michael Whelan's art!! Okay, now that that is out of my system, good post! I'm enjoying reading these posts today of where everyone started and what suddenly prompted them to become a published author. I feel more connected to all of you because of it. :D Thanks for sharing!
Someone told me if you picture it, it's a done deal. Looks like you proved that theory to the max!
My love started with Little Golden Books.
Steven, that is the highest compliment. Or being told your book motivated someone to pursue his or her dreams.
Nutschell, it's my all time favorite book.
Susan, I'm a redhead, so stubborn determination was a factor, too.
Caledonia, I have several of his books. Love Michael Whelan!
Mary, it's true.
What a cool story. 5000 words a week is amazing!
Love how you had a vision of your dream and then worked to reach your goal. Nice to know your origins.
Great story! Love your determination.
Definitely an inspirational story! You've done well for yourself. And I have yet to read any Anne McCaffrey all the way through. I think I last tried when I was a kid.
Great story! The cover reminds me of those on Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's books!
You were really working out to build some writing muscle. No wonder you've done so well with your writing.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Stopping by from the bloghop! Nice to meet you!
What a cool origin story! And it's cool to see that your dream came true multiple times!! Great job :)
Following along!
I read all of McCaffrey's dragon novels, and liked her conception of Pern. Then I moved into reading science fiction.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Am now following and came here from the Origins blog. I'm still going through the list. Nice to meet you.
Enjoyed reading your origins story, very inspiring. Congratulations on your writing successes.
Love it! I didn't discover Anne M until I was an adult - but I adore her world and her stories :)
Wow, look at you, starting early. I admire that. I had no idea what I was doing at age 13.
Congrats on seeing your name in print! Very exciting.
Thanks for sharing your writing origins story. Yeah on reaching the goal of having your name on the cover of a book you wrote.
Tagged you for 'I've Been Tagged' list. You are asked to answer a few questions, list some new blogs you've discovered and ask your own questions for the people you select.
My post, the list of 11 bloggers and all the details are HERE:
DG Hudson - Rainforest Writing
Hope you can participate. I'm just letting you know about the tagging.
The link for DG Hudson - Rainforest Writing
DG Hudson - Rainforest Writing
Great story and I'm so glad your dreams came true many times over! Julie
Cover art snares another victim! *g*
Cool Origins, Diane. Even cooler that you've arrived!
Great to *meet* you here in the Fest!
Thanks for sharing your story.
Such a wonderful story. just keep it up and you have long way to go..
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