It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.
The question for today: November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?
I never have. Too busy with Dancing Lemur Press and life. Maybe someday.
The question for today: November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?
I never have. Too busy with Dancing Lemur Press and life. Maybe someday.
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One of the biggest challenges I’ve had with this series, both in enticing reviewers and gaining readers, is that it is CLEAN paranormal romance as opposed to the 95% out there that is STEAMY and SEXY. In searching for authors who could provide blurbs, all of the books except one that I found was basically R-X rated. My books are PG at best with one sliding a bit into PG13.
I know there are readers out there who want a more innocent style of paranormal romance. Still trying to find them. (And if that’s you, let me know! Or check out the series: Dancing Lemur Press)
Participate in NaNo?
Are you a fan of paranormal romance?
I don't read many paranormal novels so I had to giggle when I read that 95% include sexy, steamy scenes. Seems to me that the" paranormal" should be so interesting one doesn't need more. to entertain the reader.
I appreciate a "clean" romance! I would love to be a tour stop! I'm not a sci-fi or romance site. I'm fantasy but I have hosted for other sci-fi authors.
Maybe run an Amazon ad with "sweet romance" readers as the targets?
No official NaNo for me, but I'll see how much I can get done on my current book.
Kinda sad they are all steamy. It's science fiction, so I can host.
I love NaNo - totally works for my brain :)
I'm too busy for NaNo too. I can shout out about your book in my Follower News. Congrats on releasing a new book. You're on a roll.
I'd be more than happy to be a tour stop. Maybe this time, I will get the date right. Ugh.
I would love to host you again. Congrats on having another book so soon.
Sue g
With all you have going on you don't need to do NaNO. And you've proved to yourself and everyone else that you can write and publish a novel so no need for you to bother with it.
I can't say I'm a fan of paranormal romance, but I don't think I've read any either. I do prefer to like what I read (or watch) to be clean. That's hard to find in our modern world which is why I usually stick to the older stuff.
I never participated in NaNoWriMo. I'm too slow a writer for the frenzy of that endeavor.
I like clean romance, paranormal or not. Georgette Heyer is one of my all-time favorite romance writer, and she wrote clean. But I never before lent my site to another writer. Maybe it is the time to start. Although I must admit: my site is not a popular destination on the web and doesn't get many visitors. It might not benefit you to appear on it in your tour. But if you want, Diane, I'm willing.
If it was paranormal with only a few romantic elements, I might like it. I'm more of a mystery fan than anything. hehehe
n ad would be a way out
Not a NaNo fan. I'm perfectly content to hear the reports from other writers.
Need a place to showcase your new book? Let me know when and what you'd like and I'm happy to host you.
Freaking life, am I right? All we want to do is writer, but life has to have other plans. LOL
I would probably do NaNo every year if that pesky life wasn't getting in the way LOL
You seem to manage a lot of writing without any help from NaNo! Sometimes I think it's those of us with less to do and less structure in our lives who benefit the most.
As for the book, I'm wishing you all the best with that, but I'm not really a reader of either paranormal or romance, so not much help there.
I'm willing to throw in a shout-out (spotlight, without review) on launch day, though I won't be home to supervise it.
There is certainly a market for clean Christian romance so why not? Finding fans is hard but you'll do it. I'm too busy traveling to help, sorry.
Count me in:)
Congrats! You're getting these out faster than I can read them. But it will be fun to pay catch-up.
Karen, you would think.
Holly, thank you! I will be in touch.
Elizabeth, not had much luck with Amazon ads, but I might try one.
Thanks, Alex!
Natalie, thank you very much.
Elizabeth - LOL! Love to.
Susan, thanks. Novellas and they have been done for a year. So, easy.
Arlee, clean is SO hard to come by.
Olga, I really appreciate it.
Lee, thank you.
Rebecca, thank you, sweet offer.
Sandra, thank you.
Tonja, thank you for reading them.
I'm not a NaNoer either. November is always way too crazy. And my brain doesn't work that way. Paranormal romance is great, depending. I like some tropes, but others make me roll my eyes, so it depends.
You have been busy! Congrats on another impending release!!
I hope you find some clean romance reviewers. I'm not a romance person myself. Unfortunately, all the people I know, you visit already. Best of luck!
I'd love to have you as a guest blogger. Contact me at: dmburton72ATgmailDOTcom
I dont read a lot of paranormal romance but I do read paranormal that has romance in certain scenes. I might be interested in serving as a tour stop. What does it involve?
I don't do NaNo either. I'm usually too busy with my other writing.
Yes, I would be happy to host for the new release. Clean romance/paranormal is my jam. I have an opening on my blog series, Recipes and Reads in February.
Diane, I have never participated in NaNo. The mere thought of writing 50K words introduces anxiety! Lol. I have a 16 year old daughter that likes the romance genre. I'll need to introduce her to your series. I'm not much into it myself but in supporting those that support me, I'd like to give it a go.
Hi Diane - I can quite understand why you've never participated in NaNo - with your Dancing Lemur Press hat on out there helping others. Cheers Hilary
Cool cover. Great work and good luck, Diane!
I've never done NaNo, either. Too busy. Like you.
I really like your paranormal series. It's refreshing to read something that's not R-rated!
Thanks for stopping by my blog last month. Sorry for not making the rounds. I have thoroughly enjoyed your series and, due to life, have just started my ARC copy of this book, but so far so good. I'd be happy to help spread the word on my blog and social media platforms if you're still looking.
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