The Realms Faire is here - hosted by M. Pax!
This week, I am hosting the Dragon Hunt.
Thread is falling on Pern and we need dragonriders! Find the hidden dragon on each of the participating sites, note the name of the dragon, and then email me your answers. (wolferock AT earthlink DOT net) A name will be drawn from the correct entries and the winner receives a copy of How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now and a $20.00 Amazon gift card. (Email me by Saturday, Nov. 15 - winner announced Monday, Nov. 17.)
Find the dragons:
And there are many more games to be had this week:

Twitter Hashtag - #grogz

2014 Events:

The Joust, hosted by M. Pax
Cheer up to 3x daily for the knights. Win prizes daily.
Soak-a-bloke and Drench-a-wench, hosted by Christine Rains
The rules of this event are simple:
1. The dunkee is chosen by committee.
2. I post a link to the dunkee's blog and you click on it.
3. You leave a comment, soaking the person in blog love.
4. You're entered into a drawing for a chance to win ...

Stockade Brigade, hosted by Mary Waibel

Who is on trial for wizardry this year?

Dueling Bards, hosted by Cass Web

Wordsmiths battle it out in this fun and interactive game. Prizes awarded daily.

Riddle Me This, hosted by Cherie Reich

Description: Come one, come all! Guess the creature and win. Is it a dragon? A phoenix? Read the riddle and decide what creature I'm talking about. Every correct guess posted in the comments section of Cherie Reich's blog ( each day during Realms Faire will enter you in for a chance to win a prize pack.

Phasers, hosted by Untethered Realms
A simple word game on Untethered Realms. Ie, if the posted word of the day is Phasers, you might type in 'stun' in the comments. The next commenter then goes off 'stun', perhaps by typing 'gun', and so on. Prizes daily.

Dragon Hunt, hosted by L. Diane Wolfe

Thread is falling on Pern and we need dragonriders! Find the hidden dragon on each of the participating sites.
Wisdom of the Creative Realms, hosted by Nicki Elson

Our 2013 Joust champion, Lady Elson, seeks wisdom from the creative realms to deepen the thoughts at her Not-so-deep Thoughts blog. Throughout the Faire, she asks subjects to share bit of wisdom they’ve gleaned from the creative arts. Each day features a different media---books, movies, music & Jester’s Choice. Beauteous prizes to be had.

This is such a cool idea! I'll run by M. Pax's site later. Hope you have a good week, Diane!
Huzzah! Off to find dragons.
Very cute! I love me some dragons.
So much happening around the blogosphere! Already cast my vote for Ninja Knight. Have a great week!
Let the hunt begin! Lemme just dig up my armor--or at least a few tough pots & pans and I'll be off to find me some dragons.
Off to hunt for dragons!
What a neat idea! And fun!
Happy to be even a small part of this.
Those dragons are very wily.
Aye, Lady Mary, those dragons are wily and elusive. I shall have to don my best dragon seeking cloak to find them in this hunt!
Fare thee well Lady Di.
I'm off on a dragon hunt!
Good luck finding those dragons!
Hey, I found Heth!
Diane, this sounds like lots of fun and games. Haven't been around much this past week with a major project completed yesterday. Lots of cool stuff. Thanks for the drenching!
Going to be a fun week!
What a fun game! Loved all the dragon pictures!
Love the dragons of Pern!
I hope people are finding those dragons. I don't want the one on my page eating any more text! :)
Looks super fun! :)
Hi Diane - dragon hunt while NaNo is on .. and just after Halloween and just before Thanksgiving ... lots to consider for the dragons as they nest at their bloghost's site ...
Fun to see - and good luck to one and all - Hilary
I'm currently obsessed with dragons, so this is great.
You're a fun, creative bunch of dragon slayers.
Huzzah for Realms Faire!!!
Haha! How fun is all of this??? Loving it!!!
That dragon hunt was fun!
A dragon hunt? I better start clicking! :)
I'd better start hunting!
Where is my trusty steed? And my sword?
I got here joust in time. My comment wont dragon. Let's just "Soak-a-Smoke."
I'm outta' here.....
With my internet cutting in and out, it's a good thing I didn't make any promises this month. Hope everyone does very well in NaNo.
Good luck to all those who are out hunting dragons. : )
I always love a good Dragon hunt! Fun idea!
Guess I didn't keep up with these posts too well. The story of my life of late.
Tossing It Out
Looks like a heap of fun for one and all.
SO many fun events! I have been fun checking out the different events. I missed getting in this one for the dragons- but what a cool idea. :)
Good luck with the dragon hunt! What fun when the Realms Faire comes along!
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