I’ve known and worked with Paul J. Krupin for many years. He owns Direct Contact PR and is one of the top media experts in the business. A while back, he’d bounced an idea off me and sent me a sample of a revolutionary new marketing resource.
I was blown away. It was simple but pure genius.
And now, the series is available for everyone with more titles on the way.
From Paul’s own book, this is how it works:
Click on an icon link. Your results open up for you. Then you go looking for knowledge and ideas you can implement and benefit from, or people you want to contact. This is how this ebook works.
The goal of Search Word Pro is to help you improve your marketing success using the best and most current knowledge available. This is a very special personal tool designed to help you discover powerful and actionable information.

Paul provides details and tips how to use the book to get the most potential. The benefits and possibilities are endless. And it’s not just books to benefit writers - there are health and business-specific titles, too.
Visit the Search Word Pro Website or this page on Amazon to see all of the titles.
I’m still going through the Nonfiction Book Marketing eBook and can’t recommend it enough. Go check out his books now!
Here’s just a sample of the titles for writers and authors:
Search Word Pro Book Marketing Series
Book Marketing
Nonfiction Book Marketing
Fiction Book Marketing
Children’s Book Marketing
Young Adult (YA) Book Marketing
Romance Book Marketing
Erotica Book Marketing
LGBT Book Marketing
Cookbooks Book Marketing
Memoir Book Marketing
Christian Book Marketing
Science Fiction Book Marketing
EBook Marketing
Kindle EBook Marketing
Bookstore Marketing
See a book that might help you?
It's genius, but why no mystery subsection? 😊 Have a great week!
It looks like Paul has definitely thought this though and done his research. A helpful tool indeed that will save time while providing valuable resources.
Clarissa, he's putting them together as fast as he can, so I'm sure a mystery one is in the works.
What a cool concept! I like that the results are the most recent and relevant.
What an awesome concept. Wow.
Looks like a very helpful concept and best of luck to Paul!
Brilliant idea! Off to check them out! :)
There's one for science fiction - cool!
Great idea. As the market changes, so do the results!
Sounds like a great resource.
People do come up with brilliant ideas don't they?
An amazing resource!
Sounds like a great resource. Thanks so much for sharing it! :)
It appears, like magic, that the one resource all writers need most is here. Thank you, Spunk and Paul. Wow. I'm filing this one.
I have to check this out. See at least three I want to look at.
What about other genres? Are they all lumped under fiction?
Sounds really great!
Hey Diane,
What an ingenious approach. Very clever, indeed.
Most of us are so busy with life and responsibilities and trying to balance both writing, social media, and everything else. A book like this helps cut back on time so we can use it wisely. Why reinvent the wheel when you have a book that gives lessons on creating a better more efficient wheel. Makes perfect sense to me.
Sia McKye Over Coffee
This sounds great. Thanks for sharing about it.
Good luck, Paul!
Safe travels to your seminar. I hope you have a ton of fun and learn lots. :)
Wow--he's done a TON. I would agree with a need for different tactics for different kinds of fiction but this looks like a great resource.
Looks like a great series and resource, and I see YA.
Non-fiction marketing. I like it!
Thanks for all that you share.
Mary Montague Sikes
Since marketing is almost a foreign word to me. I see stuff. But I will admit I'm a little confused as to how it works.
I see a few books that interest me. Thanks for sharing!!
What a genius concept. Off to check out the books right now. Thanks for the tip!
A great idea for writers!
All success to Paul.
This is excellent, Diane. I'm passing the link on to everyone.
I'll be watching for a mystery/suspense volume.
I honestly think you might be the most connected person I've ever "met," Diane. :) I just love how knowledgable you are--it's so helpful for writers like me. Love it.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Wow, this is really cool!
Hey, this is great, will check it out now.
Thanks for the tip. He's definitely done his research.
His Children's Book Marketing would be exactly what I'd use! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Diane .. I'm late - but another really useful resource .. which I've kept for future ref ..
Cheers Hilary
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