I took the past few weeks off to reassess some goals and tackle a few projects. I’m still working on those objectives, including redesigning and moving my website, but it’s coming together.
On the writing front, I’m excited about a couple projects. I taught my publish and promote seminars on Monday, and nothing is more invigorating than being around excited author hopefuls. They inspire me, and I learn from them, too.
Sometimes we need that–to get around the excitement again and remember why we started this crazy journey.
I’m excited to tackle writing again–are you?

Champion in Flight by Tyrean Martinson
Clara won the battle for Septily, but her battle isn’t over.
Champion in Flight is the second book in The Champion Trilogy.
Find Champion in Flight at Smashwords Amazon Goodreads
More details and other new releases at The Circle of Friends blog.
Cover reveal -
Secrets of Honor by Carol Kilgore
Once upon a time, there was a jewel thief. Her name was Katia. She worked for The Government. Yes, that government. But one day, Kat took something she shouldn’t have. She really shouldn't have done that.
You can connect with Carol and her books here:
Blog Website Facebook Twitter Goodreads Amazon
Happy to have you back. It's nice to step back and reassess every one in a while. Your the second person who has stated they are excited to write again. I need some of that enthusiasm.
Glad you've been productive. I've been too, though in other different things I've got to attend to.
Hope you had a nice break from blogging. But you've still been busy!
Wish I could take your publishing class.
Best wishes getting back to writing.
How wonderful to be around a bunch of wide-eyed excited folk. I bet that is so invigorating. Fun!
Congratulations on another successful presentation. It IS invigorating getting out there and interacting like that. I do much smaller gigs, but doses of it help me get back to tackling the daily grind.
Much success to Carol and Tyrean!
Workshops are invigorating for the presenter and the students, aren't they?
Great IWSG day. Glad to be a part of it each month.
Good luck with getting back into writing. Sometimes we need a break--I'm often inspired after a break too.
Enthusiasm is invigorating for all involved. Wonderful that you are presenting programs to inspire and help others. That's true support in the writing community!
Mary Montague Sikes
We definitely should get back to the original excitement we had when we first started writing. I try to do that when I get overwhelmed with marketing. I hope you can get back to your writing soon. :)
Hi, Diane,
I know what you mean. Just about 10 or so crazy days before I can get back to fiction. When I can't make up stories is when I remember why I do what I do.
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol.
It's good to know that no matter how bad things may seem, we can always sit down and make something new. It's pretty cool. Congrats to Tyrean and Carol!
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol!
We all need a break now and then for reassessment, glad you're back and ready to tackle writing. I'm excited to write my butt off as well. :)
Glad you're excited again!
Congratulations to Tyrean and Carol.
It's easy to become a little jaded as a writer, but being around those who are just starting out definitely helps.
Sydney, I will send some your way.
Jay, you ever get close to NC, let me know.
Holly, it was. And I featured your book on my other site today.
Lee, yes they are.
Mary, and I enjoy doing them. Someone needs to learn from my mistakes.
Steven, yes it does.
Congratulations to Tyrean and Carol. Lots of productivity going on.
I saw a stat that said we learn the most when we're teaching. Sounds like you've been very busy.
Thanks for sharing my cover, Diane. And congrats to Tyrean on her new release. I appreciate the supportive comments from everyone.
Congratulations to Tyrean and Carol!
There is nothing like being excited about something. I'm glad your seminars are going well. One can learn from everybody as much as we can teach them.
I want to be excited about starting book 3 but I'm still trying to find out if anyone wants book 2. :)
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol!
Enjoy every moment!
I've been reaccessing my time management.
It's great to be inspired and also excited about writing! I'm happy you're back. :)
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol on their releases!
I am happy things are coming along!
Your energy is always spot on-someday I hope to come to one of those seminars!
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol!!
You are not a Goonie bird..lol
It's funny how we find that excitement in different, often unexpected places. But we always find it again.
I can't wait to get back to my fiction! Congrats to T. And C.
That kind of enthusiasm is contagious I'll bet L!
If you move your website will that mean your blog will be on a different platform too? Please don't make it complicated to comment if you do change the blogging platform.
A Faraway View
So glad to hear you're motivated again. It must be tough sometimes to be a MOTIVATOR yourself and then try to jump into your own projects.
Glad your students motivate you!
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol! ALL the best ladies!
I always feel re-inspired when I'm around other writers. There's such energy and enthusiasm. Welcome back!
I think we all need a break from time to time. It regenerates the thinking processes.
Thanks for the visit L.
Taking that time away and stepping back from other things does help get a better perspective sometimes. Sounds like you may have some intriguing projects in the works. Congrats to Tyrean on the release and Carol on the cover reveal.
Sounds productive and inspiring! :)
I meet with a group of women most months for lunch [we make crazy lunches of cupcakes and candy], all levels of writing - aspiring & on bookshelves - all forms of publishing, and we all learn so much from each other. It is exciting to be around other authors and learn.
Congrats to Carol & Tyrean!
Happy Writing!
I think students can revive a teacher. Your posts always make me feel invigorated, Diane. Oh, and I love Carol's cover. Great to see it on so many sites.
Thanks, Diane!!! And yes, it is exciting to teach and regain that excitement. I'm so glad you had that opportunity!
Again, thank you for showing my book!
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol.
I'm very excited about the projects I have for this summer.
I'm glad to read that your reassessment is going well. All the best. :-)
Everyone needs a break. Reassessing takes analytic focus on a project. Glad you had the time away to do that.
I've found being around any writers talking ideas is something that gets one's own creative juices flowing.
Sia McKye Over Coffee
Hope your self-imposed break has helped :)
Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe
Hi Diane,
Reassessment of goals and redefining can be a catalyst of progress.
I don't tackle writing. It seems to tackle me :)
Thanks for the mentions of Tyrean and Carol.
A peaceful weekend to you, Diane.
Yay for writing!
Congrats to Tyrean and Carol!
I'm almost always enthused about writing. Maybe because I have so little time to do it that it seems precious to me. Even if I'm having a bad day, the next morning I'm all ready to hit the computer again.
Hi, Diane. Welcome back!
CONGRATS going out to both Tyrean and Carol!
Always important to pause and ponder; glad your fire (spunk?) is going strong. And good on you for promoting our fellow writers. Those covers look great.
Sounds like your break was a good shot-in-the-arm to get back to the basic joy of writing. Thanks for hostin IWSG.--Okay I'm a bit late in getting around this month, but better late than never!
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