I am venturing into new territory today!
As you may or may not know, in addition to being an author and speaker, I also format print and eBooks. (Call me weird but I love doing this kind of detail work.) A full list of my formatting services can be found HERE. In addition, I do private consultations with writers, helping them find the best publishing path and supplying them with resources. Details HERE.
Now I am taking another big step and combining my writing with my photography - and offering stock photos for book covers and other uses!
I’ve been a professional photographer for 23 years, doing weddings, portraits, stock photos, magazines, ad work, and even an album cover. In the past few years my photography shifted to more artistic, fun stuff and images better suited for book covers and ad work. I’ve already had three of my images used for covers. Now it’s time to take it up a level.
I have a page on my SpunkOnAStick website set up for stock photos and I’ll continue to add to the images over the next few months. Photos are $25.00, royalty-free, and I’ve listed the dpi and pixels of each one. You can view my gallery HERE.
I’ve already decided that when someone orders one for a book cover, I will remove it from the gallery. A book cover should be unique. The last thing an author wants to see is his or her cover art on someone else’s book.
Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to offer my photos. It would be wonderful to see any of them on a cover!

Good luck with the new venture.
But this is fantastic! Diane, I've recently thought that your type of services are now essential to the publishing world we live in today (for me, it's the advice an author needs on their novel). I'll be in touch for sure. Good luck - but I do think you've found a very necessary niche. (If I was any good at any of those things, I'd have gone for it, but I just like writing).
I'm going to look into this. I hope you have some shoe pics.
Hugs and chocolate,
Thank you, Susan.
Shelly, I may need to take some shoe shots.
This is a great idea. I have lots of photos, but I just use them on my blog posts. I once wanted to become more involved in stock photography. But I just never had time with a full time job and three kids.
Oh, good luck in your next adventure! I will have to keep you in mind. I don't know how much I'm going to self publish, but at least some, now that this serial thing is going, so it's good to have a resource!
How unique! Good luck with your ventures!
What a great idea, Diane! I sure hope I see one of your photos on a novel. Who knows, maybe one of mine!! :)
Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines
You are one talented lady! Best of luck in your new endeavor.
Writing with photography sounds nice. Good luck with the new venture.
Stina, photography is just as time consuming as writing.
Thank you, all!
Beautiful photographs on this page! Best wishes on your new venture!!
Oh wow-- what a fantastic resource you would be from start-to-finish. So very good to know. I'm going to bookmark your sites. Thanks!
Good luck with the photo service. I think there is huge market there.
Elizabeth at Scribbling In the Storage Room
YAY! Glad to hear your new business is a go - you have a wonderful eye for beauty! :)
Hi Diane .. sounds a great idea - good for you .. and I like the concept of keeping the photo unique for that book ..
Good luck - cheers Hilary
Congrats on the new venture! I remember your photos from April and I was thinking, "Man, she's like a professional" with no idea you actually were! Congrats on taking that one step further! I wish you all the best with that. Off to check out what you got...
Tina @ Life is Good
That's a cool idea - good luck!
Good luck with this Diane. I had a commenter a while back suggest I do the same thing... I may bug you with question later on down the road if I ever get around to doing something similar. Love you photographs by the way.
Oh yes. Your photos need to be on some covers. I've really enjoyed seeing them.
Good luck with all of your ventures!
An excellent idea and love that last photo. I will have a look at your gallery, since I know the quality of your work. Nice to know of the new venture, and will keep your info at hand for future use.
That's awesome!!! I'm looking forward to looking through your picture gallery!
Thank you, Diane!
You are amazing!
Thank you, Julie.
Hilary, I know how I would feel if another book shared my cover.
Tina, it was one of my goals to be a professional photographer.
Elise, you should. And I still need to submit a photo to Vine Leaf.
Thank you so much, everyone. I will keep adding to the gallery over the next few weeks.
Wow, that is so great. I don't have any self pub books ready in the near future but I might by next year.
What a fantastic idea! And good for you for thinking of ways to expand your income with content you already have...I'm just starting to do that kind of thing (not, obviously, with photography), and it definitely makes sense.
Wow, that's a cool idea, Diane. I have my covers illustrated, but I've been thinking about (thanks to Stina) doing photo excerpts. I'll go check out the photos.
Very cool! I am in need of some stock photography for my new edition of my first book, which takes place in North Carolina.
I am impressed with your diversity. How cool will it be to see your photo on book covers everywhere???? I love it!!!
I always enjoy seeing the different means by which creative people feed their creative spirit. Rarely is there only one expressions of creative work--most play with several. It feels good to be diverse.
You do take good photos and I've enjoyed the ones I've seen. You also have quite a creative well of skills. I'm glad to see you making use of them!
Wishing you the best!
Elizabeth, I realized they were just sitting there doing nothing - someone might as well enjoy.
Steven, that's where most of the photos are taken.
Sia, I used to build popsicle houses too - LOL!
Diane, that is so cool and best of luck! Have you discovered Instagram yet? I've been playing with it this summer and love the way it makes my pictures look.
Oh, awesome that you do all this.
I'm going to check out your photos right now. :)
Good luck with the new venture. I take a look at your images and check them out.
LOVE this. And I especially love that you will remove a photo when someone uses it for a book cover. I wish you the best of everything in your new venture!
Hey Diane,
Once again, my sheer euphoria knows no boundaries. Thank you for being an ongoing contributor to the "IWSG" aka "I Was Seeking Gary." Delusion has passed.
Right then. You take wonderful photos and I wish to someday take photos as good as yours. You have a lot of talent, Diane.
That's wonderful!
Best of luck!
Your photos are just beautiful. I loved the ones you shared during A to Z!
Best of luck with the new venture! :)
That is fabulous news L Diane. I'm so thrilled to see bloggers launching out and offering services sorely needed in the 'sphere. I'll be interested to see how you've set up your photography on your blog. I've been looking into this too...
This is good to know. Your photos are beautiful. You're a woman of many talents.
Congrats on taking on something new.
What a fantastic venture. I love the site and your pictures.
praise you for helping authors stay unique! and love your new venture, you're so multi talented!
That's a lot of stuff, Diane. You sound incredibly busy - or soon will be once everyone starts calling. :) Thanks for the tip. I will definitely keep you in mind.
Sorry it's been forever since I've visited. Hope you and yours are well.
Wow Diane! Impressive~ I have been thinking about using my photos this way, too! Great ideas!!! Thank you for sharing :D
Your photos are gorgeous!!
Johanna, I've seen it but just been too busy to try it.
Margo, it wouldn't be fair to sell it to another author.
Denise, I set it up on my website and it took a bit to get it right.
James, at least this will be something simple.
Thank you so much everyone. Had a seminar this morning so just checking back in.
Wow, Diane, that is GREAT! I'm SO excited for you.
L.Diane, that is awesome! And you are certainly a talented photographer.
I love the dappled/streaming sunlight photo... what a great angle!
Writer In Transit
That's a great idea. Your pictures are wonderful. You should get some money for them.
That's exciting new, Diane. I'll keep you in mind when I hear of someone looking for cover art.
Woohoo! Congrats on the new business venture and I'm sure it'll be a hit.
Your pics are great!
Great idea, Diane. I've provided art and photos for many book covers and have not charged (not good business). A couple of years ago, my publisher bought a stock photo for the cover of one of my books. Later I saw the same photo on the cover of the book of someone else. Terrible feeling! Definitely outstanding you will make the cover photos one of a kind!!!
Mary Montague Sikes
Diane, you are truly a Renaissance woman! Best of luck on the new photo enterprise!
Gorgeous photos! I suspect you'll do good business. :)
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