Friday, April 26, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Writing

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All photos taken by me.)

There’s many things we can do to improve our craft. The two most effective are reading and writing!

Just like working out muscles, writing skills need to be worked and stretched every day. However, that doesn’t mean you kill yourself trying to add another 1000 words to your manuscript! Some days it just doesn’t flow. Some days we don’t have enough hours. And some days we’re just beat!

But writing something - anything - is better than nothing.

What should we write? Blog posts, articles, letter, emails, writing prompts - anything to maintain the daily habit! Elizabeth Spann-Craig posted a great list of Writing Warm-ups that will give you ideas.

Are you writing something every day?

Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE

And your daily photo: "Wooly"

$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and Powell’s.


Anonymous said...

Good W post, Yes I do write every day it helps I find if I have problems.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Thanks for the mention!

I think the more we write (even non-WIP-related writing), the better we get. :) And it can really keep us from getting blocked up.

Nick Wilford said...

You are a pretty great nature photographer! That is one hairy caterpillar.

The only thing I'm writing during April is a daily sentence for my Challenge story, but it's sparking off lots and lots of side ideas!

Leigh Caron said...

I'm back now at writing every day and feeling the joy.

Unknown said...

I try to write everyday because that's when I feel happiest. I love reading Elizabeth's blog.

baygirl32 said...

really like the photo!

CommonWeeder said...

Good W advice. With a blog one almost HAS to write every day. I keep thinking of the 10,000 hour rule - that's how long it takes doing anything to become really expert.

Unknown said...

I do write most days, but tend to take the weekends off. It's the only way to keep my family from revolting.

Bish Denham said...

I must confess, I don't write every day. Never have. But I sure do have a lot of draws full of stuff for someone who hasn't! Love the photo!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Wooly is cute. I'm so impressed with your pictures. I write nearly every day.

randi lee said...

Sad to say I have NOT been writing something every day--work's been taking up all of my free time. But I've managed to gather up some free time this weekend, so a writing marathon, it is!!

Rhonda Albom said...

I wish I had more time to write more. I am working towards that.

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Elizabeth, you're welcome.

I'm glad everyone like the wooly. He was less than two inches long.

Mark Means said...

I've been doing this since January, writing (at least) a blog post between my two blogs.

And you're absolutely right...writing something, anything, is great for working out the writing (and creative) muscle :)

Great picture, by the looks sort of alien, though!

Anonymous said...

I do write daily. I also have a journal I write in although it may not be daily but several times a week.

I'm trying to get back into my fiction writing. I think I fall into your too beat to write or even think category.

I'm getting myself back in balance.

The Caterpillar is so pretty!

Since I can't get into my google for whatever reason today, I'm trying out my Wordpress id. I HATE glitches like this.


M.J. Fifield said...

I do try to write every day. Some days work out better than others though.

Steven said...

I write every day or I don't eat. The more you write the better you become at it.

cleemckenzie said...

You're right. If you don't read and write, you can't expect to improve.

That is one beautiful wooly critter.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Many times we stare at a blank page when just writing anything will do.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I hope writing blog posts and comments count.
That is one orange caterpillar.

David T List said...

I am definitely writing something everyday this month! At the end, I think I'm going to go through and see exactly how much I truly wrote during April... then try to hold myself to that standard every other month!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Sia, I'm sorry you are having Google issues.

David, that is an excellent goal.

Ella said...

I love your Wiggly photo ;D
Yes, we all are caterpillars as be begin planting our wordy wings!
Great W!!!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Another cool pic and tip...

I write everyday because I am ALWAYS in the blogosphere. LOL.

And let's not even start on my INSANE Theme for A-Z. I finished the last one last night... A breather... finally! LOL.

Barbara White Daille said...

The perfect Day W word! Yes, I write something every day, no matter if it's just a sentence or two on the craziest days.

I love writing prompts, too. Off to check out Elizabeth's blog.

Honoring W Blogs in this A to Z
The Daille-y News

LD Masterson said...

I need my writing momentum. If I take a break for too many days, it's much harder to get back in the groove.

Johanna Garth said...

Reading and writing, simple, but good advice!

Sherry Ellis said...

Blogging is a great way to make sure you keep writing!

Carol Kilgore said...

I can hardly wait to write fiction again come May!

Jo said...

I write every day except, possibly a Saturday, take a little rest from blogging that day.

That photo is fantastic.


Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Great picture. Yes, I write every day, even if it's just a list of whta to write. :)

Golden Eagle said...

This month I've been writing every day--the A to Z Challenge is keeping me to a relatively consistent schedule!

Chancelet said...

This a-z challenge definitely helps with practicing writing! But I do love writing prompts.

Q: On my blog you said you hadn't done a book signing at a bookstore in a long time. Where have you had them? Writer’s Mark

Heather M. Gardner said...

I probably do write something each day.



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane .. Elizabeth is a great source of help, advice, tips and plain common sense as you are ...

Your joint knowledge helps us so much ... Writing being the essential .. cheers Hilary