"What dung?"
"Your dung. Three hundredweight of heavy droppings. Where do you want it?"
"I didn't order any dung."
"Yes you did, sir. You ordered it through the Book of the Month Club."
"Book of the Month Club?"
"That's right, sir. You get 'Gone with the Wind', 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo, 'The French Lieutenant's Woman' and with every third book you get dung."
"I didn't know that when I signed the form."
"Well, no, no. It wasn't on the form - they found it wasn't good for business."
Larado, Texas becomes the largest city in America without a bookstore - CNN
Amanda tells us what she’s learned from writing - that doesn’t have anything to do with writing! YA Highway
Purpose of a paperback, according to one librarian, is to tear out the pages to share. Really! You gotta read it to believe it… Write About Now
Helen Ginger’s guest, Kendra Bonnett, gives tips on how to prevent drowning in anonymity at Straight From Hel
Want to learn about Steampunk? Jemi Fraser of Just Jemi discloses the truth at Michele’s Southern City Mysteries
Just announced! The top 100 blogs for writers - Universities and Colleges
Have all those Internet terms got you confused? Go to THE online dictionary - NetLingo
And in case you missed it, I was a guest at Michele's Southern City Mysteries giving tips on book tours.

Yes, I am indeed a cat person. Or is that purrson?
I am passing this on to The Book Kitten because she is just about a cat purrfection as one cat get!
In case you missed it Monday morning... Avatar passed Titanic to become the highest grossing film of all time. As of yesterday, the total sits at $1,849,317,325.00. Considering how much it jumped last weekend, expect Avatar to cross $2 billion this weekend.
This was a NetFlix rental and one I've wanted to see for quite some time.
Now, I have to be in just the right mood to watch a drama. I almost never see them in the theatre. But Frost/Nixon intrigued me from the very beginning. The two leads are quite good. Michael Sheen as David Frost had such a naive but eager aura about him. Of course, I kept staring at him thinking "That's Lucian from Underworld - and he looks so different!" Don't let his former werewolf role fool you - Michael can act!
Frank Langella as Nixon was pure genius. Wow, he really looked and sounded the part! I can see why he was nominated for an Oscar for this role. Watching him toy with Frost was like a cat playing with a mouse - until the end, when Nixon finally provided Frost with the incentive he needed to discover the truth...
I was too young to remember Watergate and this movie did not change my opinion of Nixon. He knew he was doing the wrong thing but did it with the best of intentions. (And unlike most of our presidents, he just happened to get caught!)
My rating - A
If you are not following CC Chronicles, let me tell you a little something about this woman! She is one of the most considerate, generous individuals I have ever met. You make friends with CC, you have a friend for life!
She'd surprised me with a gift box a few months ago, filled with Avon body wash, spray, lotion, lip balms, and delicious Mellowcreme Pumpkins. (Those didn't come from Avon!)
Well, I asked her last week if I could buy some of the body wash from her, as I'd just run out. So what does she do?
She send me ANOTHER box of goodies, including a new scent!!!
CC, you are awesome! I need to make a road trip and take you out to dinner!! (And I can do that, too!)
Here's my goodies:
Sweet! You got quite a haul there!
And, as usual, some great links to check out. I'll be busy.
Morgan Mandel
Wow, lots of links today!
Thank you for all the great links.
Ooh, I'm jealous of the Avon goodies. Enjoy them!
Straight From Hel
You always have such great and intriguing posts, Diane! I don't know how you do it!
WOW, love your goodies. Definitely will check out all these great links, especially the one about internet terms. I get so confused.
Congratulations on the award, well deserved.
Congrats on your award! Very well deserved. :)
Thanks everyone! I love putting these together. SO much good info out there.
of course, I really enjoy tracking down the weekly Monty Python quote! Thought today's fit rather well.
And thank you, J. Kaye!
Am I the only person in the world to have not seen Avatar?? Apparently. Gotta correct that.
I also thought the Frost-Nixon thing was very good.
Best Wishes Galen.
Imagineering Fiction Blog
Great links! Those poor texans without a bookstore. I couldn't live there, I have to have atleast one bookstore near by, preferably several.
Galen- You are not alone. I still haven't seen Avatar yet either. I plan to just buy it as soon as it goes on sale.
Such great actors in Frost/Nixon, haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but it is on my list.
Thank you so much for the praise! I'm glad you love the goodiesand the kitties enjoyed the packing peanuts. I didn't make a good Avon rep, but they do have awesome products. Glad you will enjoy them!!Oh and actually the cucumber eyepads are from World Market. They are fabulous, very soothing.
Another fine link-packed and photo enhanced "different" post, Diane!
Marvin D Wilson
Galen, get to your nearest theatre now!
And CC, I am still blown away by your thoughtfulness! We need to do lunch...
I always try to be different, Marvin!
Great post - chock full of great stuff. Those goodies look like fun. Hope you have a terrific weekend!
We definitely need to do lunch. Not sure how far you are from here, I know you are north of me. I may be visiting family in New Bern one weekend in Feb. If that's closer maybe we can meet then. You have to see the dashboard dragon.
I love all the blog links. Thanks so much -- now I'll never get to farming! LOL!
Thanks for all the links! Time to get some reading in...
Mystery Writing is Murder
Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen
Thanks for the great links - and for the mention :)
What a great goodie bag!! Lucky girl :)
Jemi, happy to mention you!
And love posting the links.
CC- we'll talk!
The "paperback, tear a page out, librarian" story really floored me. :)
Fantastic, thank you! And I, too, enjoyed Frost/Nixon! Glad you did as well.
Oops...Congrats on your award...You do have a purrrrrfect blog!
Thanks Michele.
And Allyn, it blew my mind as well. I had to include it here.
It's nice to have friends who do sweet things for you.
When did you live in Arkansas? I lived there near an Air Force base in high school.
Sharon, I lived there from 1985 to 1990 and yes, lived in Jacksonville by LRAFB. Also lived in N. Little Rock for a year.
I went to HS in Cabot, graduated in 83. Small world. I taught back in Cabot starting in 1990...
I found you through a comment you put on DL's blog. :)
Your opening paragraph sounded like something out of Monty Pythons Flying Circus.
Stephen Tremp
Um, Stephen... that's why the post is called "And Now For Something Completely Different." It's always led off with a Monty Python quote.
And Sharon, too wild! My husband's parents moved to Cabot in 1988.
The first paragraph made me roar with laughter! Isn't that just how things happen sometimes in real life? We get much more than we thought we signed up for.
I'm another one who hasn't seen Avatar yet but I'm sure that could be remedied. All I'd have to do is say the word to my husband and we would be out the door :)
Thankee for the award and the sweet sentiments! :) SQUEEEEE!!!
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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