The excerpt comes from her upcoming book, “Woman this is WAR! Gender, Slavery, & the Evangelical Caste System”
While tracing the relatively parallel courses of emancipation for the slave and emancipation for the woman, Woman this is WAR! Gender, Slavery, & the Evangelical Caste System, addresses the caste system imposed upon fundamentalist and evangelical Christians through the doctrine of headship and submission as taught from the Complementarian theological position. Although leaders of the Complementarian view attempt to distance themselves from old school, traditional, views concerning men and women, with the exception of a few “loophole pluggers,” their doctrine is virtually identical to that which has historically been taught among evangelicals and fundamentalists regarding sex roles within the church, family, and society.
This doctrine is not only false but directly responsible for much of the suffering taking place within contemporary Christian homes, including the sin and trauma of domestic abuse and domestic violence. Complementary doctrine, although it claims to be the salvation of the contemporary church and family, is not only unscriptural but dangerously divisive, pitting fellow Christians against one another, husbands against wives, and wives against husbands. It binds Christian men and women into a rigid, implacable, caste system while at the same time embroiling them in a vicious gender war.
“Woman this is WAR...,” takes a new look at old scriptural arguments traditionally used to keep men and women enslaved in illegitimate bondage based on sex. Just as the Bible did not condone the sin of slavery based on skin color, it also does not condone a slavery-like caste system based on gender. The scriptures do not teach a Divine order of Creation or a Divine Mandate placing males in authority over females in either the church or the home.
In addition, Christians have been seriously misled by respected leaders and authors concerning Christian history in regards to women and women’s rights. This book will set the record straight.
Jesus said we would know the truth and the truth would set us FREE.
Let us allow His Light and Truth to bring an end to the evangelical gender war while challenging Christian men and women to embrace and appreciate our God-given gender distinctions without giving place to haughty spirits of superiority, degrading feelings of inferiority, hatred, prejudice, fear of one another’s differences, or the sinful need to either be in charge or to submit in an idolatrous manner. Let us break the bonds of a cruel, unbiblical, caste system by applying the healing salve of repentance, forgiveness, love and truth to the deep wounds inflicted on both the men and women of God by the relentless “slaveholding spirit” present in evangelical thought and practice regarding women.

Jocelyn also contributed a chapter of "Woman Submit!" to my book "Overoming Obstacles with SPUNK!" and is one of my co-authors! We've not had the opportunity to meet yet, but I certainly hope to one day soon!
Good for Jocelyn to not only have triumphed over domestic violence but to bring the subject matter out in the open to help others as well.
Great topic. I'm glad someone is addressing this problem!
Mystery Writing is Murder
"Let us allow His Light and Truth to bring an end to the evangelical gender war while challenging Christian men and women to embrace and appreciate our God-given gender distinctions without giving place to haughty spirits of superiority, degrading feelings of inferiority, hatred, prejudice, fear of one another’s differences, or the sinful need to either be in charge or to submit in an idolatrous manner. Let us break the bonds of a cruel, unbiblical, caste system by applying the healing salve of repentance, forgiveness, love and truth to the deep wounds inflicted on both the men and women of God by the relentless “slaveholding spirit” present in evangelical thought and practice regarding women."
WOW! that is SO spot on and true. Thanks for the lead on this remarkable sounding book and author.
Marvin D Wilson
It takes a lot of courage to remove one's self from the prison of domestic violence. This speaks so hightly of Jocelyn and all that she has accomplished.
And taking that victory even further by writing this book is admirable, to say the VERY least! I'm sure it aided in her own 'recovery,' while at the same time not only helping others, but enlightening so many as well.
Interesting subject, Diane. I've never really understood domestic violence. I was taught at an early age "boys do not hit girls." I was mortified at around the age of 12 when I got in a scuffle with a tomboyish neighbor and punched her in the stomach. I've never done that again.
To me, guys who try to belittle women are only revealing their own insecurities.
You're always introducing me to new books. Thanks, again.
Straight From Hel
Chester, I'm a girl, and I was told never to hit anyone! it's just mortifying to think a man would beat a woman for any reason on earth.
Fascinating post. I'm glad to hear that this lady is out of a bad situation and also that she's using her experience to help others. That is very admirable.
Jocelyn told me about her book, and I've been waiting for it. She is such an encouragement to me--she has the guts to say it as it is. Perhaps this is the key that will turn the hearts of the nay-sayers and cause them to look seriously at this issue. It is high time the collective church takes another look at how they are misinterpreting scripture, and do the hard work to get it right and teach it God's way.
WOW Jocelyn this is so exciting! I truly enjoyed your first book, and I will be looking for your second one on this subject.
I have this feeling your new book is going to get alot of attention. I truly hope it helps people stop and think how it enables things they don't seem to realize. I pray that people at least hear what you have to say so they can stop using spiritual pixie dust, and use the Word Of God as it is intended. They have a bottleneck they don't even want to acknowledge.
Thank you Lord for the Skills he has blessed you with!
People should check out Waneta's book as well. Its a story I feel most people can relate to in their own personal ways.
Congrats Jocelyn!
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