J. Kaye was sweet enough to award me with the Who Loves You Baby! award!
This award is designed with one purpose in mind. Pass this on to other bloggers who have awarded you in the past.
Spunky's memory isn't what it used to be, but I'd like to pass it along to these people:
Elizabeth Spann Craig
Morgan Mandel
Marvin Wilson
Thanks again, J. Kaye!

This award was given to me by Missy at Missy’s Book Nook She is just so sweet and I love the variety of her posts. She is beautiful and so is her blog. Thank you, Missy!
The rules:This award was started by Bookin With BINGO and here are the rules:This "B-I-N-G-O" BEAUTIFUL BLOG AWARD means that this blog is...
B: Beautiful: Kristi at The Story Siren
I: Informative: Helen at Straight From Hel
N: Neighborly: Karen at Following the Whispers
G: Gorgeous: Jo-Jo at Jo-Jo Loves to Read!
O: Outstanding: J. Kaye at J. Kaye’s Book Blog
Thanks again, Missy!!!
Congratulations on your very cool awards!
Thanks, Diane,
Cute looking award. I will be passing it along after my tour ends.
Morgan Mandel
Thanks Diane! That is so very sweet of you for thinking of me! I appreciate it!
Thank you Diane! I've not heard of the Bingo award before now. I shall ponder who to give it to and then blog it.
Straight From Hel
All I can say is wow! Thank you so much for thinking of me!
You are simply the best!
(Guess I said more than just "wow"...lol)
Everyone is welcome!!!
And yes, J. Kaye, that was a little more than wow - bet you didn't know you had it in ya!
Hey wow - I stop in for my daily dose of Spunky and get awarded and award! Spank you very butt! lol
Well deserved (you), and nice of you to pay these forward. :)
Marvin D Wilson
Thanks so much! And congratulations to you for your own award. :)
Elizabeth (beaming!)
Mystery Writing is Murder
Congrats on the much deserved award.
Congrats on your awards Diane and thanks so much for passing it on to me!
It's always lovely to be recognized by our peers. Congrats!
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