We don’t really understand this blogging thing, or the Internet for that matter. We know we have our own website over at My Cat Space. We’ve got numerous virtual friends and they send us funny photos. Diane posts photos of us at her Deviant Art site as well. Rocko’s photo is one of her most popular:

We’re pretty busy in the real world, too. Rocko has a list of things she’s not supposed to do and at least once a week she runs through that list – just in case an item has been removed! Spunky does his best to fur up the keyboard. (It’s looking pretty furry right now, too!) Otherwise, we love to play in the tube, chase furry mice and super balls, and sleep. Okay, not so much sleep for Rocko. She’s usually wired from licking coffee grounds off the floor…
Oh, and we’re supposed to announce the winners of Diane’s book giveaway! There were two – she had such a huge response from her Deviant Art fans & friends, she did a separate drawing just for them. So Richard Woodruff and Deborah “FunyGirl38” on DA were the winners!
Okay, we’re going to go swing from the ceiling fan now…
Thanks for listening. If you have kitties, please tell them to come say hi at My Cat Space! http://www.mycatspace.com/me/RockoandSpunky
Cool cat pic! Now THAT's a stretch!
Happy Birthday!! Hope it's a fun one.
Happy Birthday to You!
The cats are keeping me entertained. I'll have to check them out on their website. What's their address?
Rascal is on DoggySpace at
Morgan Mandel
too cute for words.
Oh, how cute! I love the photos!
Hope you had a nice birthday celebration and enjoyed your day off from blogging. :)
I have no idea what that cat is doing, but it sure is funny! Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Sooooo cute!! Happy belated b'day! Hope this is your best year yet.
Well, I have a very talented black Great Dane but she can't hang from a window like a trapeze artist!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
The Smart, Frugal and Tuned-In Editor, www.thefrugaleditor.blogspot.com
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