Wednesday, October 02, 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today, Alex has a big announcement - the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website is now open! 

The site features oodles of information for writers, with links to sites that will help with writing, publishing, promoting, and more.

There is even a Facebook Page.

Behind the scenes was a team of admins working hard to put together the site. Many thanks to Alex for asking me to be a part of the site! The others are Alex J. Cavanaugh, Joy Campbell, Michelle Wallace, Joylene Nowell Butler Susan Gourley/Kelley, and Lynda Young.

We are still working on the site - any suggestions you have are welcome. We are looking for any site that would benefit writers. (Not individual posts.) There is a page where you can leave your suggestion.

Help us spread the word about this great site!

If you read my last IWSG post, you’ll recall I was going to cut back. LOL! I didn’t even post on Monday because I had six formatting orders come in last week. But I have cut back in one area and will cut back even more. My dedication to this new site, my services, my speaking, etc. - those come first.

And maybe someday I will even start writing again!

* As a side note, my husband will be home for a while. Since the government failed to get its act together with the budget, he got into work on Tuesday and everyone was told to go home - and they are expecting it to be a couple weeks. (He works for a contracting company on base.) We are fine financially, but it was totally unexpected! I feel bad for those with no vacation time or savings.


Anonymous said...

Great about the Facebook page.
Sorry to hear about your husband, hope all sort it's self out soon.


Natalie Aguirre said...

I hope to get to writing soon too. Glad your business is going well. So sorry about your husband.

Love the website!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Looks like a great resource for writers! I've tweeted it. :)

Annalisa Crawford said...

It's good that the formatting business is booming. But I hope you get back to writing soon, and that everyone gets back to work soon!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you Elizabeth.

And the plus side to my husband being home is he's going to trim hedges this morning. He claims we will have the most immaculate yard in the neighborhood by the weekend!

Stina said...

The situation in the states is weird. Nothing like that happens in Canada. We have several political parties here, and they gang up on each other and form alliances. It's like an episode of Survivor some days. *snort*

Good luck with all your projects, Diane!

Huntress said...

I am so ready for this new IWSG site.
Congrats on you effort to slow down, LOL.

Diane Burton said...

Do what you love. When you're ready to write, you will. Best wishes.

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, L. Diane.

Glad to hear your new business is taking off! Sorry to hear about hubby, but I hope he gets to do something he enjoys for the next few weeks...

CONGRATS on the new site... and THANKS! You guys are just AWESOME!!!!

Tonja said...

Good luck on your new gig - very exciting. The site looks fantastic.

I created a new blog and new blogger identity. I refollow. My new blog is

Michelle Wallace said...

Slow down? You are such a busy and productive person, that I'm wondering if "slowing down" is possible... no matter how necessary it may be...

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Diane,
I'm sorry to hear about your husband. The shutting down of the government is such an alien concept to me because of our Westminster system. Even though my husband has explained it to me, I still don't understand it, but I hope it ends soon. Can't be good for Americans or the economy, and of course, it's going to have an impact on the world if it continues indefinitely.

Man, you have lots going on, but you seem so organized. I could take lessons from you.

Johanna Garth said...

Formatting is such a great business because it really does take a huge amount of time and a detail-oriented eye. Sorry about your husband. Hopefully Congress will figure out their mess very soon!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Stina, maybe we need more parties.

Michael, this morning he trimmed the hedges. Not sure he enjoyed it, but the hedges look great now.

Michelle, my husband says I'm the Energizer Bunny.

Joy, it is so bad for our economy right now.

David P. King said...

With your hand in the mix, the IWSG site is going to rock the writing world! And here's to getting the country back on track for your husband's sake. :)

Unknown said...

Had no idea the site went up today! (I'm going to go back and add that to my IWSG post...) So exciting. :D

It's amazing how the more we get pulled into this writing stuff, the less we actually write sometimes! LOL Hoping you can get some words down soon.

My wife is also on 'paycheck' hold until this mess gets sorted, LD. (But she doesn't get to quit working--convenient!) Like y'all, we're fine financially speaking, but it's a little nerve-racking not knowing when you'll see another paycheck. And my heart definitely hurts for those who are going to be put in a terrible bind financially by all of this.

Christine Rains said...

It's a big day for the IWSG! Great site. :)

Crystal Collier said...

Hey, way to cut back--even when it's difficult. Here's hoping you are able to find time to get back into writing soon!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I noticed you weren't here on Monday. Glad you and your husband had planned ahead.

Laura S. said...

Oh no, I'm sorry about your husband's job, but I'm glad you guys are okay. I hope this squabble gets taken care of soon. My heart goes out to those who are negatively effected by this.

The IWSG website looks great!!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Here in Canada we watched what happened on the news. I feel for those effected by this. Diane, hope you and your husband enjoy the short time together. Hopefully it'll be resolved before people start hurting.

Gwen Gardner said...

I've been to the new site and it's wonderful!

That government shut-down *shakes head* is just so wrong...

Al Diaz said...

I already checked the site and I love it. You guys did a wonderful start! Dragon hugs!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks for being a part of the team. Sucks that your husband isn't working right now.

cleemckenzie said...

Hi, Diane! I'm back from that greatly needed break and found the new IWSG webpage. It looks wonderful. I'll have to stop in at the fb page later to say hi.

Sorry about your husband's layoff. Hope this insanity ends soon. I feel like I'm living in Italy the way our politicians are behaving.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I hope you get some real writing time in. Also, that you see your husband's time home as a blessing and not a curse in life.

Unknown said...

Glad your new business is doing well. Love the new IWSG site! Hope you get through your hubby's layoff without too much stress. I don't know about you but having gone through a similar situation before, the worse part was having him around all the time and frustrated.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm headed over now to check it out.

SK Anthony said...

Glad you are continuing to manage to cut back and yay for more work, as busy as you get, getting work is good. Sorry about your husband though, hope you two get to spend some more quality time together at least ;) said...

Thanks for all you work on the IWSG website. What an endeavor.

I'm sorry about your husband. Yes, those who are shutting the government down are idiots!

Keep faith,

L. Diane Wolfe said...

EJ, that's rough.

Susan, it was just too much on Monday!

Siv, it will take some adjustment. He respects my time, but still!

Kimberly said...

The IWSG site is awesome, thanks for all you do!

Hopefully the govt crud will work itself out soon!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Love the new IWSG site and facebook page! You are amazing at all you do!
I'll be praying for your husband and everyone affected by the government shut down.

Robin said...

This post is very inspiring in terms of thinking about how to best use your own efforts. You are culling the things that do not benefit you most. Writers and non-writers would all benefit from following that course of action.

Unknown said...

I loved the new site. Thanks to you and the whole team who pulled it together. Very well done!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

ooo, now I must click over and take a look!

farawayeyes said...

the IWSG site is extraordinary. Thanks for your efforts.

Jennifer said...

I'm so excited about the IWSG site.

Sucks what happened with your husband. Hopefully it will only be for a short time.

Leigh Caron said...

I went...I saw...I got blown away. What a great website. It's going in my 'favorites'

Rhonda Albom said...

I love the new site! Congratulations to you and the team. It has already encourage me to join in and finally be brave enough to write an IWSG post (plus a bit of encouragement from Alex.) Sorry about your hubby's work situation.

Ella said...

I too am excited about the new site for IWSG :D

I understand and am glad you are okay in regards to the goven't shut down. My husband applied for two contract jobs and they are now in pending mode.

Thank you L.Diane for your contribution to the site! :D
You rock

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

We should all feel insecure if it means learning more about our profession. You go, Alex!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Loving helping writers get read with my HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers including the multi award-winning second edition of The Frugal Book Promoter ( .

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your dedication :-) Really tired of our gov't pissing match . . . my bro is one out of a job for the time being with no savings or vacation time b/c he just started the job, grrr!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol, yeah I was going to start cutting back too, but this opportunity was too good to pass up. It's great working with you, Diane.

Anonymous said...

I love the site and I hope you're back to writing soon.

Morgan said...

Oh my gosh... TOO FUNNY, Diane. Just when you were going to cut back. Laughing! Wonderful opportunity though. Such a fine group of people!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the IWSG site looks great! I look forward to stopping by often.

Unknown said...

Love this site!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Rhonda, that means you're just a little less insecure now.

Ella, that's a screwy place to be, isn't it?

Jamie, that is so unfair.

Lynda, I know!

Mel Chesley said...

Hope he gets back to work soon!

Sylvia Ney said...

It's so hard to find a balance. Best of luck getting back to the writing!

Maurice Mitchell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maurice Mitchell said...

You guys have done great work with the support group. It's a good thing you and your family have some cushion for the shutdown, but at least you get to spend more time with your husband.

Jemi Fraser said...

Hope the government gets its act together soon!! Glad to hear you've got lots of good things going on!

Arlee Bird said...

Maybe someday I'll start writing again too! You and your husband should take a little vacation with his time off.

Wrote By Rote

Robin said...

Dedicated a little something to you on the Thursday post. Hope you like it:)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Maurice and Lee, he may be on vacation, but I still have work to do!

Thank you, Robin.

klahanie said...

And to think that the group dedicated to me. Sorry, ignore that. And to think that the group now has a 'Farcebook' page and the founder of the group isn't on Farcebook, sorry, Facebook.

That government situation over there just beggars belief. You would think that the politicians would go without pay during the shut down. Then I woke up.


Anonymous said...

Glad the group is growing -- writers supporting writers is always a good thing. Here's hoping Washington can get its act together...but I'm not holding my breath.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane .. IWSG has been a great boon to so many .. it's always interesting to read everyone's stories ... and the FB page will be great.

I bet your husband is able to take full advantage of his time off - ridiculous situation though .. but glad you're ok (as such - not working) with it ..

Cheers Hilary