Friday, February 01, 2013

The Big Day Approaches!

Right now I am frantically preparing for the launch of my seventh book next week. My husband calls it “spaz mode.” (Add panic to my hyper-spunky-type A personality and yes, you get spaz mode.) However, he has taken over the household duties so I can get everything done. I think he might be avoiding me, too.

And if you missed the opening of the sign up list for the A to Z Challenge, it’s this POST.

The next few days I will be focused on book stuff (which includes formatting two books for clients - not sure why I felt the need to take on even more) but I will be back full force Monday morning when my blog tour kicks off:

Feb 4 - Guest post on filling a need and find one’s niche at Mystery Writing is Murder
Feb 5 - Release day! Those who comment will be entered to win an autographed copy of my book plus some swag
Feb 6 - First Wed. of the month, so I’m posting here for The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and my tour stop will be a review with Stina Lindenblatt
Feb 7 - Guest post on writing articles at Tyrean’s Writing Spotv Feb 8 - Guest post on author mistakes with Alex J. Cavavaugh
Feb 11 - Guest post on book returns at Just Jemi
Feb 15 - Guest post on how to pitch to the media with Jennifer Shirk
Feb 18 - Interview and review at Write Now
Feb 22 - Guest post on the timing of one’s book release with C.M. Brown - and she will be doing a guest post here
Feb 25 - Guest post on review copies and free books at Under the Tiki Hut
Mar 7 - Guest post on the publicity window with Patricia Stoltey
Mar 13 - Guest spot with Jessica Bell

I’m also giving away three e-book copies to those who post about my book any time between February 5th and 8th. If you haven’t signed up but would like to, fill out the form below.

Thank you! Now I’m off to spaz some more. (And I just realized I went over 700 followers this week.)


Jessica Bell said...

You've missed your post on mine! :-) March 13.

Leigh Caron said...

Much success! on your seventh! And I just signed up. Have a great weekend.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Gracious! I can see why hubby had to take over household duties. I've feeling anxious just looking at your schedule. I'll be looking for all of these posts. Good luck!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Jessica, you're right, I missed it! It's listed now.

Yvonne, that's not even a smidgen of what I'm trying to complete before next Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

My Diane you are going to be busy, Good luck and congrats on your 700th followers.


Karen Jones Gowen said...

Yay! As much as I enjoy free ebooks, I plan on getting a print copy of this one.

shelly said...

Sir Poops and Hair Ball would love to read your books.

Hugs and chocolate!

Laura S. said...

Congratulations, Diane!! Wishing you calm moments between all the spazzing. :)

Jo said...

Wishing you all the best on your launch and relaxation from spazzing.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you all! Yes, I'm in full spaz mode at the moment...

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I got your information. Thanks. I've also given you an award. You can see it at

Have a wonderful week.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane .. Spaz mode - glad you forewarned us ... thankfully your husband knows you well - and what a blessing he must be ..

I just have a feeling your blog tour will rock and roll - and the book will do you justice ...

Have fun - I'll be around .. cheers Hilary

Arlee Bird said...

Big events for an important book for authors! Wishing you lots of success.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

All set to host you next week!

randi lee said...

I'm so excited for you! And I can't wait to pick up a copy of this book. I'm REALLY looking forward to it!!!

Johanna Garth said...

Good luck with launch Number SEVEN! That's such an achievement!!

LD Masterson said...

Gotcha on my calendar. Good luck on the tour.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you, all. Will visit you soon. No longer in spaz mode but still busy.

Laura Eno said...

Spunky-Type A-Panic...I'd hide from you too! I hope spaz mode lets you get some sleep. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Lots of great places to visit - looking forward to it :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Spaz away. I'm sure you're super organized and ready.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Wow, so much excitement. I can feel the energy here, Diane. Have fun on the tour.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your (almost) release day! Woohoo! I wish you much success. :-)

Ciara said...

I'm all set for your release day. I'm so excited for you!

DL Hammons said...

Is this book going to be e-book only...or can I arrange to get a signed hard copy?

Morgan said...

"Spaz mode" <---LOL!

All so exciting, Diane. And holy 700 followers! So awesome. :D

TerryLynnJohnson said...

WOW! I'm just catching up with all that's going on with you! HOW EXCITING!!! Huge congrats, Diane! You rock! Your book will too!

Anonymous said...

I'll be happy to help with annoucnements for your tout stops.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes with everything! I'll be posting on Wednesday and doing some Twitter blasts too.