Monday, January 13, 2014

Announcing Chasing Anya and National Wormhole Week

Available today from J. L. Campbell - Chasing Anya!

Been there. Done that.

Feisty and independent, Anya Davies lives by her own rules. The one thing she’s hell-bent on avoiding is a conventional relationship. Nor is she interested in romance, thanks to her abusive ex who refuses to stay in the past. The second complication in her life is a secret that condemns her to constant guilt and a solitary life. A series of near misses and escalating threats are a third and worrying factor. Only a special man would understand or live with Anya’s challenges and demands.

Casual not having that.

Enter Christophe Mondesir. Two years ago, Anya dumped him without explanation. An accidental meeting shoots Anya back on Christophe’s radar. He refuses to be denied and plans to breach the fortress Anya has built around her heart—if she’ll commit to more than a casual liaison. He’s also determined to find out what she’s hiding. That’s if the stalker who’s after Anya doesn’t end her life first.

J.L. Campbell is a proud Jamaican, who is always on the hunt for story-making material.

She writes romantic suspense, women's fiction and young adult novels. She is the author of Anya's Wish, Chasing Anya, Contraband, Christine's Odyssey, Dissolution, Distraction, Don't Get Mad...Get Even, Retribution, Saving Sam, and Hardware (written under the pen name Jayda McTyson).
Author site

2014 National Wormhole Week! 

Hosted by Stephen Tremp, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and myself.

This blogfest, also known as “Wormfest,” runs March 10-16, 2014, and is a celebration of Stephen’s upcoming release, Escalation.

Rules are simple:

Name one thing where science advances mankind, and one where technology will go too far and set us back. They can be the same thing or different.

Example: De-extinction or bringing back extinction species through backbreeding, genetic engineering, and cloning. (Article here.) With all the breakthrough discoveries mankind is on the cusp of, are we playing God?

Sign up here:


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane - JL's story sounds an interesting one, where lots of twists will abound.

I've signed for your blog-hop and know what I'll write about ..

Happy New Year and cheers Hilary

Stephen Tremp said...

Good luck to JL and Chasing Alana!

And looking forward to 2014 Wormfest!

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks a million for hosting me. I'll all signed up for the Wormhole event. Have a great day!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'm glad you signed up, Hilary.

Joy, you're welcome.

David P. King said...

Oh, you KNOW I'm entering this blogfest. I can't exactly say no to Einstein on a snowboard. :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm excited for JL and all in for Wormfest.

Karen Lange said...

It's nice to meet JL! Thanks for the intro, Diane! Wishing her all the best.

Have a great week! :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats to Joy on the release!
And I need to give more thought to the Wormhole Fest... said...

Ooh, there's a stalker. I'm intrigued. Much success to you and Stephen, JL.

Thanks for this info, Diane.
Be well.

Jemi Fraser said...

JL writes terrific stories! This sounds like another winner!

Carol Kilgore said...

National Wormhole Week! I think going through a wormhole would be like Alice sliding down the Rabbit Hole. But so interesting!

I just read about Joy's book on another blog. I wish her much success.

Stina said...

Perfect timing or J.L's book. It's National Stalking Awareness Month. Yep, I only found out about that today because of my book and blog post.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading Joy's book.

That hop has me stumped, or otherwise I'd join right away. I guess I'm not as science-minded as I thought I was.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, L. Diane ....

CONGRATS JOY! All the best with your newest novel!!!

Already signed up for National Wormhole week!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats to Joy!! It's a beautiful cover!

Ellie Garratt said...

Congratulations to Joy! Another book to add to my TBR list.

I've signed up for the Wormfest. Can't wait.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

There's a bit of Joy everywhere!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

J.L., I love Jamaica. Good luck with your book. Thanks, Diane, for hosting her.

The blog fest sounds interesting, but baseball spring training will be in full swing then. I can hardly wait!

Mary Montague Sikes

M Pax said...

Woo hoo for Joy! She's such an awesome writer.

Best to Stephen on his new book, too.

Unknown said...

Good to see Joy everywhere on the blogosphere today-- congratulations, Joy!

And Happy Blitz Day, Diane :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting JL, Diane. IFabulosity Reads really appreciate the help and so does JL... <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting JL, Diane. IFabulosity Reads really appreciate the help and so does JL... <3

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

That sounds like an interesting blogfest!

Happy blitz day by the way!

Unknown said...

Hi Dianne,

Just dropping by to wish you a Happy Blitz Day!

I hope life is treating you well, I have been busy of late, with a lot of inconveniences, but hopefully I will be back on track soon.

Congrats, and the cover looks great!

Unknown said...

Wormfest sounds like it is going to be fun. Happy Blitz day.

DL Hammons said...

I've been familiar with J.L.'s work for some time now and it looks like she has another winner!

I'd love to do the Blogfest, but my manuscript comes first and I only have time to....

BLITZ! Surprise. :)

Unknown said...

Looking forward to Wormfest!

Petre Pan said...

Oooh I love the wormhole blog idea! I wish I could participate...we'll see, maybe I can! Also, the book sounds interesting. I like the possible themes, and it sounds intriguing--before I check it out, is it erotica, or romance? I avoid erotica and pro-casual-sex books, but I'm looking for a good black romance to cuddle with.

Oh also, happy blitz day!

Christine Rains said...

Congrats to JL! I've been seeing her around a lot. And happy Blitz Day, Diane! :)

Susan Stuckey said...

Sounds like a very interesting book and like the cover. Best of luck. Happy #Blitz Day

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Oh my God, I've been Blitzed - ack!!! Thanks everyone.

Joanne said...

Blitz beyond the Wormhole
Happy 2014

Miranda Hardy said...

Campbell's book sounds great.

Happy Blitz Day!

DL Hammons said...

I forgot to mention earlier, Julie Flanders is also being BLITZED today...just in case you want to drop by and say HI. :)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Stopping by from the Blitz… :)

Have a great day!

From the desk of... R.E. Hargrave said...

Congrats! Happy Blitz Day :D

PK HREZO said...

Congrats to JL!!

And happy blitz day!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!

Donna Smith said...

Blitzed! I'll have to come back in March and read some Wormhole ideas. Sounds like an interesting topic!

AJ Lauer said...

The wormhole stuff sounds like fun!
Happy Blitz Day!

Greg Pattridge said...

Sounds like you have a lot of great things forthcoming. Enjoy your blitz day.

Tim Knight said...

That blog fest idea has got my mind racing - may well throw my hat into the ring with this one.

And Happy Blitz Day!

Lori said...

Oohh, Anya sounds like a wonderful character to read about! I hope you enjoy your blitz today! :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an intense story. Happy Blitz Day to you!

~Sia McKye~ said...

JL's story sounds intriguing. I like feisty characters and a man who knows what he wants and is willing to adapt to get it. :-)

I'm still contemplating the wormhole blog. Mostly on which idea works.

Have a great day Diane!

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Amy Jarecki said...

Congrats to JL for an exciting release! And good luck with your blog hop--it sounds like a ton of fun! Happy BLITZ DAY!!

Lyre said...

JL's book sounds like it's got great pacing, I'll be adding it to my Goodreads "To Read" Shelf (which is just getting bigger and bigger...) :-)

Happy Blitz Day!
Lyre @ Lyre's Musings

Theresa Milstein said...

Happy Blitz Day!

Great to see Joy here.

I love that poster! Awesome!

Suzanne said...

Happy blitz day! Debating about the wormhole fest - will probably decide the day before the link closes!
Suzanne @Suzannes Tribe

Bish Denham said...

Well, I hope you know how I feel about you and all the help you've given me and continue to give.


Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!! Chasing Anya sounds wonderful and I will have to get my copy asap.

Wormfest is going to awesome and I have to sign up soon.:)

Tyrean Martinson said...

JL's book sounds like it hits some hard heart issues. Way to Go, JL!

Diane - I'm signed up for the fest, and congrats on being blitzed!

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulations to J L - sounds like a love story for our time!

And congratulations to Stephen - and Escalation!

A scientific blogfest - oh dear, now I'll get to show how really silly I am! LOL

M said...

Happy Blitz!


Anne Mackle said...

Happy blitz day! Good to find your blog.

Julie Flanders said...

Happy BLitz Day, fellow Blitzee! :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Good luck to JL and Chasing Alana! Happy blitz day!

Michael Di Gesu said...

HAPPY BLITZ DAY, L. Diane!!!!!

Summer Ross said...

Beautiful cover. I never did get into sciency stuff much- so luck to those who participate.
Happy blitz day!

Anna Tan said...

Woah.. the blogfest sounds cool.

Happy blitz day!

Kelly Hashway said...

Happy blitz day! And best of luck to J.L. with her book.

Unknown said...

I love the name of your blog!

You've just been blitzed! :)


Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!! :)

Unknown said...

You guys are so talented. Congrats & Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

Nice review--Best of luck for her new book!

Stephen Kozeniewski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tiana Smith said...

Her cover is beautiful!

Stephen Kozeniewski said...

Blitz! Congrats, J.L.!

Sherry Ellis said...

Happy Blitz Day! The book sounds really good!

Crystal Collier said...

Sounds like a fun hop! I'm going to seriously thing about it...and maybe hop on board--once I'm through revisions and feeling sane again. =)

Hey, you've been blitzed! Hope you feel the love, wonderful lady.

Jennie Bennett said...

Sounds like a fun bloghop. Something to consider, for sure :)

Kate Larkindale said...

The book sounds great. And wormhole week sounds like fun!

Happy Blitz Day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Having a good Blitz day?

Unknown said...

Wow. You have a lot going on! I admire your energy and your support of so many authors!

Michelle Wallace said...

Happy Blog Blitz Day Diane!

Dobson said...

Way to go J.L. Moving forward is something I crave oh so much. Happy blitz day to you Diane. I am glad to find your blog.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

geesh you got lots of friends, if i could only be that lucky... Happy Blitz Day!

now i except for you to offer us all something to drink and maybe cookies too! all smiles!


S.A. Larsenッ said...

YAY for J.L.! Sounds awesome.

Hmm... Wormhole. Geez, I don't know what I'd choose. I'll have to think about it.

Happy Blitz Day!! I've seen you all over cyberspace and for some reason have never connected with you. *Hi* I'm following your site now.

Chrys Fey said...

Happy Blitz Day! Thank you for sharing Chasing Anya.

Best of luck to J.L.!

Julie Dao said...

J.L. is a great blog buddy and I'm so happy for her! This book sounds wonderful. Happy Blitz Day to you!

L.G. Keltner said...

Happy Blitz Day! I'm definitely looking forward to Wormfest!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Already commented but Happy Blitz Day!

LD Masterson said...

Best of luck to J.L. and Stephen.

And happy blitz day to Diane!

Lauren said...

You've been blitzed!

ELAdams said...

Happy blitz day! :)

Al Diaz said...

I have seen JL's book everywhere. That hop sounds like fun. Happy blitz day, Diane!

Beth said...

Happy blitz day and congrats to JL on her book.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Happy Blitz day!!!

The blog hop sounds interesting. I was going to cut back on my bloghop participation this year, but this is very tempting.

Chippy said...

Happy Blog Blitz Day!!


Heather Musk said...

Looking forward to this years Wormfest!

Happy Blog Blitz!

baygirl32 said...

Happy Blitz Day!
now to sign up for the wormfest (love the name)

Unknown said...

Happy blitz day, Diane! Best of luck to J.L. on the new release!

Zan Marie said...

Happy Blitz Day, Diane! It's great to see J.L.'s book mentioned.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats to JL on her upcoming book! And happy happy blitz day to you Diane!

Tracy Jo said...

Happpppy Blitz Day! JL's book sounds right up my alley. Will check it out. Have a great rest of your day!

Bevimus said...

Happy Blitz Day, L. Diane! Just signed up for the Wormfest, sounds like a ball!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...


I did Wormhole Day last year and had a blast. Looking forward to a whole week of Wormfest gun in March! :O)

Amanda said...

I see events like this and I wish I were a fiction writer. *sigh*
Happy Blitz Day!

Maurice Mitchell said...

He's breaking through her defenses. Joy always writes such powerful blurbs.

J.L. Campbell said...

Diane, I hear you were blitzed! Coming by to add my voice. :D

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Wow, this is overwhelming!

Elise Fallson said...

Happy Blitzday Diane! Congrats to Joy, love seeing her cover over the blogosphere. And I have to say, the word 'wormfest' made me laugh! :D

Nicki Elson said...

Congrats to J.L. - she is a writing machine! Interesting blogfest idea...looking forward to seeing what people come up with.

And Happy Blog Blitz Day! ;)

Erin L. Funk said...

Best wishes to J.L. Campbell and her new book! Wormfest sounds like fun & I'd be tempted to join in if things weren't so hectic lately. Love the pic of Einstein on a hover board--or is that a snowboard? Enjoy your Blog Blitz day! :)

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne said...

Hi Diane,
stopping by for blitz Day to say hello and hope you're having a great day.

Unknown said...

Stopped by for the blog blitz, to find an interesting blog hop going on in March. Really got me thinking, thanks.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Wow! Great job J.L. Campbell! What a great cover too. Best of luck.

I think when this blog hop is over there will be a plethora of new sci-fi movie ideas!

You've been blitzed!
Have a great day, L. Diane!

Suzanne Furness said...

Hope you are having a fabulous Blitz Day!

KellieS said...

Hi, nice to meet you and your blog!

It has a spectacular presence!

Mary Hill said...

Hi, happy Blitz day. Hope you have a great one. The book also sounds interesting. I will have to check it out because i have something in common with the main character.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you so much, everyone! I hope to catch up on comments by 2015 at the latest - I promise.

M.J. Fifield said...

Best of luck with your new novel, J.L.!

Hello from the Blitz!

Mark Koopmans said...

Hey Diane,

Nice new header (and if it's been there for ages - you know now why I was never a great investigative reporter :)

I am in like Flynn re. Wormfest and this should be a good one :)

PS... if you enjoy a beer... Hoppy Blitz Day :)

Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Happy Blitz Day! Congrats J.L. and Stephen.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Enjoyed my visit a lot!
Happy blitz day!

With great respect!

Unknown said...

Always appreciate your perspective, Diane. Once again, glad I stopped by. God bless, Maria

Christina Mercer said...

Happy Blitz Day!! :-D

farawayeyes said...

I've been seeing JL's book around in blogland. It looks interesting and has an amazing cover.

Enjoy your day. You've been blitzed.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Congrats to Joy! I'm still on the wormhole into the form too many more times and I'll sign up...even though I have zero clue what to write about!

Trisha said...

How could anyone resist Wormfest? That's what I'd like to know. :D

Happy Blitz day, Diane!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!! And all the best to you in 2014!! :)

VR Barkowski said...

Best of luck to J.L. and CHASING ANYA. Thanks for sharing this Diane!

Happy Blitz!

VR Barkowski

Dani said...

National Wormhole Day sounds cool!! Happy Blitz Day!!

Laura S. said...


Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Abby Annis said...

Happy Blitz Day!! I hope it's been a fabulous day! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blitz Day to you, Happy Blitz Dsy to you....

Hi there! Nice to meet you. The Anya books sound entertaining!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Beautiful cover. Sort of reminds me of where we are right now. The Romantic Zone, otherwise known as Bucerias. Huge success, Joy. The story really sounds appealing.

Connie Keller said...

Happy Blog Blitz Day!

The Wormfest sounds really cool.

Leandra Wallace said...

Congrats to J.L.! It looks like a great romance. And happy Blitz, Diane!

Stephen Tremp said...

You've been Blitzed!

Jeff Hargett said...

Nice to see a neighbor getting blitzed. :-) Wormholes, huh? I can't get away from time-sucking black holes long enough to worry about time-warping wormholes! LOL

kjmckendry said...

Wormhole week sounds fun! J.L.'s book sounds great! :)
Happy Blog Blitz!

Tracy Campbell said...

Hi Diane, nice to meet you, and Happy Blitz Day! :-)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you, everyone! Wow, I am drowning in comments. I will visit every single one of you, although it will probably take me through the weekend to do it.

Charmaine Clancy said...

J L Campbell is such a talented writer - readers will no doubt get a treat with this new novel!

PS Happy Blitz!

Kimberly said...

Congrats to J.L. on her book!

Wormhole Week sounds cool!

dolorah said...

Hello Diane :) and congrats to Joy on the release of her latest novel. That's a good blurb.


Rhonda Albom said...

I was early into that wormhole blogfest. Congrats to J.L. and happy blitz day to you :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Sounds like a terrific book and a super blogfest. Not sure if I'll play in the wormhole (so to speak) but I can definitely read that book. Thanks for the heads up!

Oh, and Happy Blitz Day, too! You do so much for the blogging community. Now, it's our turn to thank you with a blitzy salute.

Cassandra said...

Thank you for sharing :) Happy Blitz Day :) It is always great to learn about new books and authors :)


Spanj said...

Sounds like a cool bloghop. Not sure my brain is scientifically-minded anough to join in though!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late for blitz day. (Darn 8-hr time zone diffs) But I'm so glad to get a chance to see your amazing site.

Anonymous said...

And happy blitz day! :)

Allison Bruning said...

Hello I'm popping over from Book Blitz. I love your site. I'm also a member of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I'm an author and publisher. I love that you have a blog to help other writers.

Allison Bruning said...

Hello I'm popping over from Book Blitz. I love your site. I'm also a member of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I'm an author and publisher. I love that you have a blog to help other writers.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Diane. Sorry I'm a little late in wishing you a HAPPY BLITZ DAY!

Unknown said...

such a fun blogfest. and you've announced it early. people will have time to spread the word about it.

cleemckenzie said...

Great to see J.L.'s book here and I loved the sound of her protagonist.

I know the Nat'l Wormhole Week will be fun. I'll pop in, but can't sign up for this one. Maybe Gary has contaminated me.

SK Anthony said...

That sounds like an interesting blogfest ;)

Congrats to J.L. and Happy blitz day to you! (sorry I'm late)

Anonymous said...

A belated Happy Blitz Day!

klahanie said...

Hi Diane,

First of all, I find it most disrespectful that some folks don't seem to actually read your post, but only make mention of it being this blitz thing. Sorry, rant over.

I'm delighted to make note of J.L and her book, "Chasing Anya". It's very good of you to do this, Diane. I shall duly share your posting.

And no, please, I beg you, make all these blogfests stop. Thank you :)


Ella said...

Congrats to Joy! Happy Blitz Diane, I have missed you~ I hope you n' hubby and your furry family are doing well~

Unknown said...

Happy blitz day (a day late and a dollar short)! Your site looks great!

Deniz Bevan said...

Happy belated blog blitz! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Carrie-Anne said...

Sorry I'm so late for the Blitz!

I love the typeface used for the title of J.L.'s book. Is it Chopin Script or Polonnaise?

sjp said...

Happy belated Blitz Day ;) I've seen this book featured around alot, congrats to the author :)