Thursday, May 20, 2010

200 Followers Uber-Beyond-Belief Contest!

Celebration dance coming! I am about to hit 200 followers, which means it is time for massive contest giveaway.

It's been a long time in coming. Want to know how to blog the wrong way? Make you schedule so insanely busy you don't have time to visit but a handful of blogs each day. (After almost three months of insanity, I mean to correct that problem.) Start a blog but never comment on anyone else's blog. (Would you believe this blog is five years old? I didn't start following other blogs until November of 2008. Sad, huh?) However, I did finally figure it out, and now am about to crest the magic 200 number. Thanks to all of you who follow Spunky's ramblings!

So you're asking - what are the prizes and how do I win???

Lots to win - many ways to enter - and prizes may vary!

Here's the scoop -

This contest is open until May 31st, 2010. (Cutoff time - 10:00pm EST)

Leave a comment here with your email address and your entry totals-

+2  Old Follower - 193 or less
+1  New Follower - 194 or more!
+3  #200 Follower
+1  Follow my blog through Facebook (new or old)
+2  Tweet this contest - #Spunkycontest (counts only once)
+2  Add contest in your sidebar
+2  Mention this contest in a blog post (leave address of post)
+10 For a big blog post about this contest (leave address of post)

Yes, lots of ways to enter!

Now, what will you win?

One grand winner will receive-

A $30.00 gift certificate to either Amazon or Barnes& - your choice

And a complete, autographed set of The Circle of Friends - a $102.00 value

But wait! There's more!

If I hit 250 followers before this contest ends, the winner will also receive:

A basket of treats from Bath & Body Works
A basket of edible, gourmet treats
Your choice!


This contest is open to everyone, however...
Those outside the Continental USA will receive eBook copies of the series instead - and I will be happy to mail you a packet of bookmarks & stuff! And instead of a basket of goodies, your Amazon or B&N gift card will be $60.00. Sound fair?

Thanks again to all of my awesome followers! This contest would be no fun without you.

Well, what are you waiting for????


DL Hammons said...

FUN!!! And our contests end on the same day...maybe we should just swap prizes and call it even. :)

There will be lots of happy bloggers on May 31st, and that's always a good thing! Congrats on reaching 200 and thank you for generating such great content to read!

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations on nearing that 200 mark. You'll be there and over in no time. Very awesome contest.

Thoughts in Progress

L. Diane Wolfe said...

DL - LOL!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's cool!
Old follower and I'll add this to my sidebar - +4

Jessica Bell said...

Old follower! And I'll write a big post about it on Monday. I'll come back and add the link. You can trust me though. So is that, um, 12 entires? Wow!

email: jessica [dot] carmen [dot] bell [at] gmail [dot] com

Ok, so how do you know Paula B? :)

StephTheBookworm said...

WOW this is great!!! I've been wanting to read the rest of your series, so please enter me in!

+2 old follower.


stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks, Jessica! I trust you. And I did a segment for The Writing Show a couple years ago. Paula also contributed a success quote for my non-fiction book. She's awesome!

Steph, that would be great if you won!

Arlee Bird said...

Congratulations on the soon to come 200th and not far behind 250. I surprised that you're not there already, but then again you are right about following and commenting. But it can be so darn time-consuming and you have your priorities in the right place I think.

I'll mention this in my Saturday post. I'm not too concerned about the contest because quite frankly they are too complex for me to understand and keep track of (that sounds dumb doesn't it), but good luck to all who are in it.

Yay, Diane!
Tossing It Out

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks, Lee. Enter anyway - I can tally your points.

Unknown said...

Wow. This is a great contest. I am your newest follower. Hope you get to 200 soon... :)
You've got a great blog here. Smiles:)

Laura S. said...

Congrats on 200! Your prizes are fabulous and super generous!

+2 Old Follower
+1 Follow my blog through Facebook
+2 Tweet this contest (@LauraMarcella)
+2 Add contest in your sidebar

Lucky number 7!!!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Now *this* is how to run a contest! Of course I want to enter...I'll shoot an email later. Congrats on the followers!

The Old Silly said...

Cool! Ok, leaving the comment, obviously, and will tweet now too...

ally said...

Awesome contest!!!
+2 Old Follower
+1 Follow my blog through Facebook
+2 Add contest in your sidebar:

Karen Jones Gowen said...

You are already on my side bar +2
I'm an old follower +2

I'm not on FB but I will be posting about a couple contests later on so I'll let you know when i do that.

I totally hear you about the *way to win followers and influence people* There's a knack to it and you either do it or you don't. When I'm super busy I don't, and then my followers stay the same. congratulations on your milestone!!

Helen Ginger said...

Congratulations on the Followers! That's fantabulous.

Straight From Hel

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks, Elizabeth - I wanted to make it special.

Thanks, Karen, and yes - I can tell when I slack!

Jo-Jo said...

Thanks for commenting about your contest Diane! I will definitely add it to my post next week.

In the meantime I have added it to my sidebar.

I'm also an old follower.

joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on the 200 Diane - awesome :)

These are terrific prizes!

I'm an old follower & I've tweeted +4

You've got my email already.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Jo-Jo and Jemi - cool!

angie said...

Congrats on the followers!!

+2 Old follower
+1 I am following through facebook
+2 I tweeted
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

Susan Fields said...

Congrats on almost 200 followers! I'm an old follower and I'll add your contest to my sidebar, so that's 4 points.


Have fun with your contest!

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Wowee, Girl! You deserve a huge pat on the back. Why not write an article on how to accumulate 200 committed followers!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Tweeting writers' resources at

Donna McDine said...

Woo Hoo! I'm an old follower and will be posting a blog post about your contest and it will appear on my blog on Monday, May 24th. I recently achieved 100 and was thrilled. 200 is certainly a milestone!

Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
The Golden Pathway Story book Blog

Donna McDine said...

What can it be...I just realized I was a follower through Networked Blogs, but not a Follower through your. I'm a new follower now too. I will also Tweet and Facebook. I think that brings my total to: 8.

Best wishes,

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks Angie & Susan!

And Carolyn I can think of a thousand bloggers who did it much better.

Donna - gotcha!

Donna said...

I'm a new follower--congrats on your milestone.

Jessica Bell said...

My post about your contest is scheduled for Fri 21st 4:01 EST :) which is midnight Sat 22nd in my neck of the woods :)

Lisa_Gibson said...

What a fun contest. You're almost there too.
I'm and old follower. +2

My email is lisadgibson (at) live (dot) com. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Congrats to you! And don't worry -- it took me forever to figure out blogging. And I still don't have it figured out!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

SOunds good, ladies!

Creative Chronicler said...

Congrats on the followers!! No need to enter me in the contest. Just happy for you!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Whoot! Congrats on all these awesome followers! I can't wait to read your books, and I will whether I win them or not :)) Here's my entry 411:

Old follower (and by that, I mean I've been loving your blog way prior to #193...not that I'm old...'cause 'old' is a state of mind, right...I mean, there's something to say about the young-at-heart...anyhoo...) ~ +2

Sidebar shout-out ~ +2

There's four, for now!

Unknown said...

I'm such a fool... so few points and I can't even add those...

ongratulations on your HUGE flock!

So, let's see...

new follower 1
tweet 2 (me=tessasblurb in twitter)
big post 10 (
on my contests page 2 ?

So if my contests&blogfests page counts as +2, that makes....ehm...15 pts

find me here: tessaconte (at) gmail (dot) com

Riv Re said...

New follower.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Welcome!! Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I am a new follower, so 1 point for me. I was # 199, crap. I should maybe get an extra point for paving the way for the next follower, LOL. Ok, forget it, just 1 point for me.

Denise Covey said...

I got bored with cleaning kitchen cupboards and checked out my lovely blogs. I saw your competition on Tessa's Blurb. Thanks Tessa! And *Yowie Kowzie* I am No 200!!!!! Take that! Phew, now that I've calmed down, congratulations on an awesome blog and I'm so glad I found you! Haveagreatweekend...:)

Arlee Bird said...

Congratulations on #200!

Tossing It Out

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Trudy, so close!

L'Aussie - good job!!! Woo-hoo!

Thanks, Arlee - you caught it as it happened, too.

Corinne O said...

+5 for me! What a terrific contest!

+1 - new follower *waves hello*
+2 - for a tweet (@corinneoflynn)
+2 - sidebar (

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, these books look very cool ! Awesome contest ! Thanks for giving me the opportunity ! :D

+1 New Follower (Hi ! *waves*)
+2 Tweet ! (
+ 10 (Big Blog Post?) I'm not quite sure which this one fits into:

Thanks again !


Debbie's World of Books said...

Congratulations! That is totally awesome.
+1 New Follower(I can't believe I never officially followed you. I always forget to do that when I add someone to my Google Reader)
+2 I posted a link to your giveaway here:


throuthehaze said...


+1 new follower

+1 follow on FB-Rae Pavey

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Angela McCallister said...

I'm a newbie follower plus I'm adding the link to my sidebar.

Thanks for the contest! It's awesome you're up to over 200 followers.

Where'd the time go? It seems to fly when I'm checking out the blogs (doesn't help my internet is painfully slow).

Unknown said...

Here are my totals:
+1 new follower with comment
+2 did a tweet
+2 did blog post with your url in it at (Feel free to follow me. I'm still little.)

And, oh yeah, my email address:

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats on the followers! I wandered over here from 'Tessa's Blurbs'

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Awesome! I'm in-- and I'm tweeting this!


I am now a very proud follower.
I just need 10 for my own 200th follower.
Enjoy your week-end.

India Drummond said...

OOh.. I do love contests!

india [at] indiadrummond [dot] com

+1 for new follower
+1 for following on Facebook

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Wow! Welcome to all the new followers! I hope my Spunky blog is fun to follow.

prashant said...

Congratulations on nearing that 200 mark.
data entry work from home

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower, popping over from Arlee's blog. Good timing too! You have a lot of great stuff happening here!
After this, I'll be tweeting and adding your contest to my Monday post. Congrats on the 200 plus followers now!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful contest you have going on!!!

The Alliterative Allomorph is giving you some wonderful blog love!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Appreciate it, Lynn!

And yes, Jen , she sure is!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Okay, small announcement in my Saturday blog post - another 2 points.

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Congrats on reaching the big 200!

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...


follow you on Network blogs-Lisa Ann Richards

follow you on GFC-Lisa Richards

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Simon Hay said...

Hi. I love contests and we cross paths occasionally. I'm a new follower, I followed on fb, and I'll tweet you as well. +2.5 with the tweet? Congrats on the new followers. Smooth marketing.

Cheers, Simon.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks Alex, Lisa, and Simon - good luck!

Sugar said...

congrats on reaching 200! I am a new follower, I have blogged, tweeted and linked on my sidebar for a total of 7 entries! woohoo!! I can't believe I haven't followed you already :) Can't wait to stalk-er-read your blog :)

Melody said...

+1 for me (#218)! Maybe more, if I get around to blogging today - I'll blog about you. :)

TL said...

Congrats on 200+! You deserve it :)

I'm an old follower and I'll link you in my sidebar.

Caitlan McCollum said...

+1 for a brand new blog to follow you from!#219 I think...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks, ladies!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on 200+ followers!

+1 I'm a new follower!

Anonymous said...

OOPS! Just noticed I forgot to include my email addy in my last comment!

+1 Following blog through Facebook!


Jackee said...

Hooray for an awesome contest! Thanks, Diane!

Let's see... I'm up for FOUR points.

And count me in from the huge smile upon my face. Congrats for hitting 200+!

Hannah said...

Put me down for 4!

I'm a new follower and I have a sidebar link! Yay!!

I love your blog title!


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks, Jackee!

Palindrome, yes Spunk On A Stick draws attention. Thanks for following!

Kristi said...

Can't believe I almost missed this uber-awesome contest!!! A huge congrats on the +200 followers and what great prizes!!!

Put me down for +2 for Old follower. :-)


Janet said...

thanks for the great contest! I am a follower, not sure if considered an old or new one, I follow on facebook (networked blogs) and added it to my sidebar. I would love to win the gift certificate and books! Congratulations on 200 followers.
my email is wvsmarties(at)yahoo(dot)com

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Yeah, Kristi and Janet!

Anonymous said...

I'm an old follower (the grey hairs attest to that, but I blame that on the kids), and I'm pretty sure I follow your blog on FB too. And, um, yes. I think I just ran out of things to say. Which is strange for me 'cause I'm usually quite garrulous.

I'll tweet too, so I get 5 pts. Whee!


Anonymous said...

I'm an old follower (the grey hairs attest to that, but I blame that on the kids), and I'm pretty sure I follow your blog on FB too. And, um, yes. I think I just ran out of things to say. Which is strange for me 'cause I'm usually quite garrulous.

I'll tweet too, so I get 5 pts. Whee!


Cindy W. said...

Congratulations on your 200+ followers!

+1 comment
+1 New follower

Cindy W


Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway. I have been wanting to read the series and this would be a great way to do it.

+1 I am a new follower.
+1 Following Facebook's Networked Blogs.
+10 Posted this on blogger:
+ 1 I tweeted about the giveaway:

That's a total of 13 entries.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Womanek said...

Hey Spunky! As always entering one of your contests! :D

New follower + facebook follower :)

Congrats on the bg number here! :)

carmen said...

I'm a new Google Friend Connect follower!

Womanek said...

Here's my full entry! :)

+1 New Follower
+1 Follow my blog through Facebook
And I posted it to my journal on DA - it's your decision if it's big or small! Here's the link :)

Have a great weekend! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on all your followers!

+2 for me!


Zoe C. Courtman said...

Slidin' in at the last minute! Found your blog recently - glad I did! Fun contest - I have a total of 6 entries:

+3 #200 Follower, +1 Follow my blog through Facebook (new or old) and +2 Tweet this contest

Thanks for hosting such a cool contest!!

Jolynn said...

+1 I'm a new follower (actualy I'm
44 yrs. old, so maybe I'm an old follower) LOL
+1 I signed up to fan on facebook

Aimee said...

Congrats on 231 followers!
I'm an old follower

So 4 for me. Best of luck on reaching 250!


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Welcome everyone!!!

Crystal said...

new follower!

Crystal said...


Crystal said...

follow blog through facebook

Tracy R said...

I am a new follower "Tracy R" +1
I tweeted @tracylr233 +2

great contest. thanks very much!

Wendi P said...

Congrats; you are now well on your way to 250 followers, yay!

+1 New follower
+2 tweeted:

parodi821 at yahoo dot com

Rowan said...

Not quite sure if I'm late...
sheerie(dot)thefay(at)gmail(dot)com :)
I am an old follower

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Contest still going!! You made it.

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Great giveaway!

+1 New Follower - 194 or more!

prpldy (at) comcast dot net

Deb K said...

Please enter me in this great contest!

I am new follower and I also follow with Networked Blogs


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Congrats!! :-) I'm a new follower.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Amanda said...

You're getting closer to 250!! I'm a new follower - thanks for the great giveaway!
winnieayala at yahoo dot com

Nelsby said...

Thank you for hosting this generous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Entry #2 --> Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Entry #1 --> Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I follow you on Facebook via Networked Blogs (Aimee Waerhouse).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a new follower of your blog on Google Friend Connect (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Marie said...

I'm a new follower :-)

Marie said...

Sorry, I didn't do that right!

Old follower -- +1
+200 folllower -- +3


Kristin Rae said...

What fun!! Can't believe I almost missed it!! Boo for blog breaks!

+2 old follower

kristinrae023 at gmail dot com

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks to everyone who entered!

Giveaway now closed.