Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Garden Booming

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

The question for today: What are your favorite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools? Why do you recommend them? And which one is your all time favorite that you cannot live without and use daily or at least whenever you write?

Word I use daily, but I also use Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software. (It works better for nonfiction than fiction.) Plus Word Cloud is always fun to see what words one uses the most in a manuscript.

Those of you who are members of the IWSG Facebook, don’t forget to add your link there to the Wednesday IWSG post.
* * *

Some of you saw this on Facebook, but it’s a good portion of my garden, growing like crazy. Quite a few herbs are on the back deck and the blackberries are out of sight to the left.

Through with raspberries and now blackberries in full swing. Also harvesting squash (which I DIDN'T plant!), lettuce, green beans, basil, cilantro, rosemary, catnip, and oregano. (I love my Hydro dehydrator.) Soon we'll have tomatoes (also DIDN'T plant), potatoes, jalepenos, more lettuce, garbanzos, carrots, green onions, more herbs, and a squash Kerri sent me from Texas. (Plus I grow sprouts year-round in the house.) Hope to try rhubarb in the fall along with fall lettuce.

Good thing I have a freezer in our garage!


  1. I admire your flourishing garden. Just never had green fingers or the patience!

    I've never tried voice recognition. The results would probably be very rambling! Or does it cut out the "ums", "ahs" etc. for you?

  2. Your garden is really growing!

  3. I've never tried the Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software, but it sounds like an interesting option. Definitely a nice alternative to constant keyboard clacking and aching wrists! Your garden is absolutely gorgeous! I've always dreamed of being able to harvest fruits and vegetables from a garden of my own.

  4. Your garden looks fabulous! Mine is already succumbing to the heat here in Texas. I had to pull up my basil and lettuce last week. It had bolted and gone to seed. The pepper and tomato plants aren't long for this world either. I'll throw in the towel soon and set my sights on the fall garden.

  5. Nice work. I can mow with the best of them, but my garden definitely needs something extra. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  6. Hi Diane - gosh your garden doth grow ... how lovely. Dragon ... I'm certain it's hugely improved ... interesting to read everyone's software usage ... cheers Hilary

  7. Great garden, Diane! Mine is doing okay, but I'm fighting off deer. Somehow they've found their way through my fence, so I'll have to walk the perimeter and see if I can fix the hole. It's that or give up on my plants.

  8. I've often felt that there's a good metaphor to be made, likening gardening to writing. But I don't know much about gardening, and I've killed almost every plant I've ever tried to care for, so that's a metaphor somebody else will have to make.

    Interesting that your voice recognition software works better for nonfiction. I wonder why that is.

  9. My garden is going really well too. I'm hoping to start some seedlings inside for a fall crop too. I love your garden pictures.

    I've never tried voice recognition. Glad it works for you.

  10. Wow. I'm envious of your garden and green thumb. There's nothing like food from the garden. Enjoy, Spunk!

  11. I love your garden. My container garden is just now starting to take off, even though I planted in early May. I now have 4 green tomatoes! You sort of need a magnifying glass to tell, though. LOL.

    I use Word daily as well, and ProWritingAid for editing and I just started using Atticus for formatting.

  12. Wow! You're growing a lot! Gardening is so therapeutic...and delicious!!! I used to garden veggies, but here in the tropics of Mexico, I don't. Attracts rats and snakes.

  13. I've wondered about dictating a book rather than typing it. That's the wave of the future ;) Curious how things you did not plant ended up in your garden.

  14. Gorgeous garden! My husband is gardening this year for the first time in many years and it's been fun.

  15. Happy summer! Glad you are enjoying nature's bounty and eating healthy!

    Happy 4th of July!

  16. I'm very impressed with your garden, Diane! How lovely to have fresh herbs! We travel too much to go for a garden. I tried to link to my blog post on Facebook, and it refused to post it ~ said my content didn't meet its community standards. What??? I've been liking my blog to FaceBook forever. I'll worry about that later. Have a great 4th!

  17. Your garden looks great! My daughter's garden is coming up. She's got carrots, tomatoes, and basil right now. I was hoping the lettuce would come up, since the guinea pigs love it, but it doesn't look that way.

  18. JS, with nonfiction, you just speak without having to add quotations or anything.

    Louise, I'm sorry - I don't know why it said that.

    Thank you everyone. Sorry, I was gone for a while. Despicable Me 4! I love my Minions.

  19. Great garden, Diane. I also use MS Word, have been using it for years.

  20. Oh my, I don't see my comment. I don't remember seeing any issues--gah.


    I love your garden and I love that veggies are going you didn't plant. That's so fun. I grew some "spicy bell peppers." And I tried on yesterday, I was not just spicy is was habanero hot! 🥵

  21. Your garden looks amazing.

  22. Wow! Bountiful garden. Lots of surprises popping up in there.

    Have a beautiful summer!

  23. look at you, miss green thumb! (I love berries! never considered growing them - are they hard to maintain?)

    and wanted to thank you for reminding me to post on FB IWSG page which led me to other IWSGers and new info - yay!

    ps - I was hoping we might move to NC, but now my son is Texas bound, so that chose our future path to Florida, unless something else crazy happens in this crazy world!

    happy july!
    Tara Tyler Talks
