Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

The question for today: In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

Personally, I’d love a way to connect reviewers to authors and publishers. Yes, we have a database of reviewers, but a listing of writers & authors who review books would be helpful.

* * *

I had a great time last month at the Pennwriters Conference in Lancaster, PA – Amish country. Everything was first class, from the resort we stayed at to the amazing catering. Saturday night was the mystery social and a lot of fun.

I also got to meet author Susan Gourley! She was sweet enough to purchase my latest book.

I made some new friends and we’ve found one another on Facebook.

My workshops and panel discussion were all well received. I appreciate everyone who attended.

It’s also a beautiful area, and I highly recommend both the conference and Lancaster, PA.

What service would you like to see? Have you been to a writers conference lately?


  1. Sounds like a great conference and a beautiful place to stay!

  2. So glad you and Susan got to meet! It's great to make virtual connections, but even better when we meet in real life! Glad you had success at the conference.

  3. The conference sounds like it was fun!

    That is a great idea for the IWSG! I couldn't think of anything! But you got me think that have a list for beta-reading might be good too.

  4. Sounds like a fun conference! It's nice when you get to meet fellow authors.

  5. Glad the conference went well! A reviewer database sounds great.

  6. Very cool you met Susan!
    Reviewer database is a good idea.

  7. Writing conferences are always fun and rejuvenating to the soul! I love the idea of a collection of reviewers or even a list of reliable virtual book tour providers. A lot of them provide reviews on Amazon and Goodreads as well.

  8. Your time at that conference sounds like a resounding success!

    I really like your idea about a better connection between reviewers and writers. Getting reviews is such a challenge, and so many good books never get the reviews they need to make them more visible.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed the Penn Conference, Diane! I haven't been to a conference in ages. I never dreamed I'd be so busy in retirement! Thanks for all you've done for the IWSG!

  10. Great idea!

    I'm looking forward to having time to do in-person event now that I'm part time. I just need an extrovert to tag along with me. LOL

  11. I love meeting other IWSG members. So happy you got to meet Susan. Glad you enjoyed the conference. Happy IWSG Wednesday, Diane!

  12. We so loved having you and Mr. Wolfe there. You are so much fun and have so much energy. I often wondered how you can juggle so many things, but now I know.

  13. Thank you, everyone.

    Susan, I am the Energizer Bunny on acid!

  14. The conference sounds great. Glad your workshops and panel went well too.

  15. I like your idea--and I didn't know/remember we had a database of reviewers. Maybe an exchange for calls for stories, as well?

  16. That's so cool that you got to meet Susan, and make some new friends. I love the idea of finding a way to connect with book reviewers. I am a sporadic reviewer, but you can include me on lists for fantasy and scifi readers, as well as MG and YA readers.

  17. Really envious of you for visiting Amish country. I ate at Amish an restaurant in Florida several times years ago and the food was lovely.
    Yes, let’s do connect authors with reviewers… but we must be prepared for the One Star-ers.

  18. Love your idea of authors who review books. Might be helpful to many of us, both ways.

  19. So glad you and Susan got to hook up. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  20. I'm glad you had a nice time at that writers conference. PA is a beautiful state. Aunt of mine is from there. I wouldn't mind visiting it sometime.

  21. It looks like you had a great time at the conference.

  22. It's been quite a while since I was able to attend a writing conference. I'd love to get back to one soon. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  23. Oh a review list would be good, based on genres.
    Writers' conferences are always fun.

  24. I love writing conferences!

  25. I've been looking around at conference options to find maybe a different one I can travel to each year to switch things up and check out new places. I'm glad it went well!

  26. Hi,
    I'm glad you were well received at the conference. Attending a good conference puts the boost back in our lives.
    Shalom shalom

  27. Steven it was my third visit, all to different areas.

  28. It's always fun to see your lovely face. You might've been scared of the camera as a baby, but it loves you now.
    Keep making the rounds. That must be fun and energizing.

  29. Hi Diane - I've never been to a writer's conference ... and that won't change - but so much fun meeting fellow authors - glad you had fun - cheers Hilary

  30. I haven't been to a writer's conference in forever and would love to go to one, especially if offered in the state.

  31. I need to get out to more conferences. I need more free time!

  32. I love your smiley photo blasts.
    Keep smiling, Spunk.

  33. I've never been to a writer's conference. Great pics! Looks like you had loads of fun, Diane!
    I think the beta/critique group is needed but how would it be structured?

    It's great to visit your blog again.

  34. I've never been to a writers conference, but I'm sure it's a lot of fun. You're right that a mechanism to link reviewers with publishers and writers would really help the industry.

  35. I like your idea about connecting reviewers and authors. I think linking to blogs who are willing to do book tours or have authors guest post (or things like that) would also be helpful. Maybe a list of upcoming writing conferences/events in different states each month would be helpful too.

    Looks like your event was tons of fun! :) Yay!
