Wednesday, November 03, 2021

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

November 3 question - What's harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb?

Titles have never been a problem for me. Blurbs aren’t much more difficult as coming up with back cover synopsis is what I do as a publisher. It’s all about reworking the basic blurb to really highlight the key elements that would draw in a reader.

The IWSG needs an admin to take over the Instagram account. If you are interested in becoming part of the team, sent an email to the IWSG.

* * *

We are heading into the Christmas season. A friend recently posted on Facebook - buy local, buy small business, support a self-employed friend.

I could give everyone a big discount – a free book! – and I would get few takers.

So, this year I will just appeal to your humanity. Look at the titles we represent. Look at the authors, struggling with so few live events these past few years. Your purchase makes such a huge difference to them and to us. DLP needs help. Thanks to my amazing husband, who not only brings home the bacon but does ALL of the graphics for DLP, we continue to survive. But that is the key word – survive.

You are a close knit group. I entice you to support one another. Buy direct. Buy local and small business. And help us get through this incredibly tough (worse than 2020) year.


  1. Thank you for this important reminder. Time to visit my little downtown...

  2. Great reminder to buy direct and local. Thanks, Diane.

  3. That's a timely reminder. Best wishes for the end of the year and I hope Christmas is good to you.

    Blurbs really need intriguing elements that make them stand out from other books. It's not easy to do.

  4. We survive by helping one another: it's why villages were born in the first place. Blurbs are the bait which sets the hook of catching a new reader. Like mini-skirts -- they have to be short with flair. :-)

  5. You've helped me with both titles and blurbs!

  6. You are one of the main reasons I am so blessed in my career. Yes, we need to help each other. Through thick and thin.

  7. We've been focusing on small & local for our purchases for the last few years - definitely even more important during this pandemic!

  8. Excellent reminder! Off to buy a book...

  9. Blurbs and synopsis are very difficult for me.

  10. As a publisher, no doubt you know what sells in titles and blurbs. We count on that when we submit. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  11. Blurbs, book descriptions, synopses are all extremely difficult for me. I usually have a title before I start writing, but sometimes it ends up not fitting the story and needs to change. That's the only time I have trouble with them.

  12. I completely agree with you about supporting one another. The new direction of the book club is an excellent way to support our members, and always, buying their books, as funds permit.

  13. Sometimes, a blurb is harder to write than the story itself.

  14. I'm hoping 2022 will be better for all of us. We do need to support each other. Thank you for the reminder.

  15. Definitely I will check out the DLP books, Diane. You write excellent blurbs, and your husband's illustrations are awesome. The pandemic has not been kind to the publishing world. It's got to get better, right! Sending you a big shot of encouragement and a hug!

  16. Excellent point. I will be buying books by my writing friends for Christmas gifts to myself.

  17. Now more than ever, it's so important to support one another.

  18. I will check out DLP books for sure! I have a problem buying books. It's a habit I can't/won't break!

  19. It has been quite a year, hasn't it?

  20. I hope the push to buy local is very successful. I know I plan to do some local buying.

  21. For many years I have bought local for as many things as I can (gifts and otherwise). So important!

    I fund titles easier than blurbs.

  22. You make a very good point, Diane. It's been a tough year for so many businesses. We have to support each other.

  23. Hi Diane - a very sensible down to earth post - we all need to do local and support our blogging friends ... take care and all the best - Hilary

  24. Yes, but local! I always do when I can. Great post!

  25. You must get so much practice writing blurbs that it's old hat to you by now. Take care!

  26. I wish you luck with thriving as a publisher instead of just surviving. We are definitely in tough times.

  27. Sounds advice on titles and blurbs. Thanks for the reminder to support local and small businesses.

  28. Yes! Buy local! And I love the idea of supporting our fellow writers this Christmas.

    I personally despise all forms of marketing writing for my own books. Mostly because it's haaaaard, haha. I wonder if it will ever get easier, or if it will just be a part of writing I never enjoy.

  29. Yes! Buy local and direct. Buy authors you love who are right here. :)

  30. Blurbs are much harder for me than titles. I had my title in mind for my current book well before I started writing it. Still working on the blurb, though.

    Thanks for the emphasis. Supporting each other is what we do best and need to keep doing.
    Cheers, Diane.

  31. Absolutely the best tip for this holiday season!

  32. I agree. I avoid Amazon at all costs. I plan to help small businesses as much as possible. I hope the book events draw more readers next year... pretty sparse so far. Another goal of mine is to figure out a way to reach more people without the tainted social medias... I have a couple of crazy ideas... I will email you one I think would be hilarious and fun!

    Tara Tyler Talks

  33. Hi Friends, I've been giving to the blogging community for 15 years without cost to readers, without fail every month. I often think of ebooks, amazonisation and marketing using Star Trek© and often wonder? Is it even possibe? Its a tough business that for sure.
