Wednesday, December 01, 2021

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

December 1 question – In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you?

I would say editing, not because I dislike it but because after thirty passes through a manuscript, I still don’t feel I have it right. I can see mistakes easier in other writers’ work than my own, so I know I’m missing stuff.

When a story is just flowing and everything falling into place, that is a delight.

Dancing Lemur Press still has one print copy of CassaDark by Alex J. Cavanaugh available for review.
We are also in the hunt for reviewers of Druid's Moon by Deniz Bevan, a Beauty & the Beast retelling.
If interested in either, please let me know.

Everyone enjoy a wonderful December - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. Merry Christmas to you, too!

    For me, I think it's lengthening too-short books. A frequent problem these days! And I agree with your "delight!"

  2. Hi Diane - I'm sure you'll have a few takers for those reviews ... certainly expect it. I imagine editing is a nightmare - making sure the theme doesn't change. I'm sure the minions will take care of you both and the four-legged fur-balls over the festive season. Cheers Hilary

  3. You're right, when I know I'm missing stuff it's very unsettling. Editing is much more fun when my head is clear and there's no brain fog. Hi Diane!

  4. There's nothing quite like the feeling of a story flowing!

  5. I love being in that story flow. That can happen with editing or writing, but more often the latter!

  6. Hi,
    It is good to hear that I am not alone when it comes to editing. I edit and then lay my manuscript down feeling that all is not okay with it. When I pick up again, I see things that I didn't see before.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a great crossover into 2022.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  7. I hope someone wants to read that last copy.
    Merry Christmas!

  8. I love editing. For me, it's the first draft. Happy Holidays!

  9. I don't mind just takes me so long and I'm horrible at it. Wishing you the merriest and healthiest Holiday Season!

  10. I don't mind editing. But I worry I may not do it to well.

  11. Hi L. Diane!

    LOVE YOUR MINIONS!!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!!!

    Actually, the writing process generally doesn't strep me out... it's the QUERYING....

    I would love to review Deniz's new book, DRUID'S MOON. I enjoy reading fantasy and retelling with interesting twists are my favorite. Send it when you can. I am a fast reader and can have a review quickly for you....

  12. When it comes to editing, I feel like my mind is a Minion - on steroids! Thanks for sharing your delight as well as your stress - and it's time to destress because the happy holidays are here!

  13. By the 3rd to the 10th reading, I have a love hate relationship with my stories. Typos and errors just get by me.

    Merry Christmas!

  14. I enjoy editing once I get into it. I think this latest book has been easier, simply because I've taken more time over it. And then again... maybe I'm learning more about writing and editing each time!
    I'd take that CassaDark, but I doubt you'd send it to the UK. :)


  15. As you know from my post, editing is not my most favorite thing. Especially when I'm editing based on someone else's comments.

    Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year yourself!

  16. You speak truth. It takes dozens of read-throughs to get it right and even then there's always something I miss. Yes, you can see other people's mistakes a mile away but not your own.

  17. Editing is a pain for me too! I agree it's easier to see the flaws in other people's work. That's why I love my critique partners.

  18. Like you, I find it much easier to see problems in someone else's manuscript than in my own. I guess in our own works, we see what we want to see, not exactly what is there.

  19. I could do Druid's Moon, but I've got a few books ahead of it. So it would depend on your timeline.

    1. It doesn't come out until September of next year.

    2. Then I'd be happy too:)

  20. Yep, editing your own work can be tricky.

  21. Yeah, it's hard to edit one's own work. It's never quite there, is it?

  22. I always see typos in someone else's work and totally miss those in my own. So embarrassing when I do find them (or someone points them out to me). BTW, I appreciate when someone does point them out so I can fix them.

  23. Editing is not easy work!

    If you're still looking for a reviewer, I could help with either one.

    1. I do still have the print copy of CassaDark.

  24. Hi, Diane! I see you have takers for the reviews. I will certainly do a blog post on Alex's book when it comes out. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  25. I don't think too many of us ever decide there's nothing more to change in our ms. It's hard to let go of our darlings!

  26. Forgot. I love fairytale retellings. I would have been happy to read/review Druid's Moon, sigh, but you wouldn't send a print book to Australia any way I don't think. I wish Deniz all the best.

    1. Hi Denise! Sorry, it's just way too expensive.

  27. It's definitely easier to find the mistakes in others' writing than our own. Knowing when to stop editing can also be tricky.

  28. The knowledge that I am on draft two and will need 28 more pass-through‘s is very daunting. So stressful!

    But having a completely finished manuscript is delightful!

  29. I get what you're saying. After reading through the ms so many times, I usually have to read it backwards (from back to front) to spot overlooked grammar and spelling errors. sigh...

  30. A very Merry Minion Christmas to you, Diane!

  31. Thanks bunches for stopping by my blog.
    Editing is tricky.
    I loved CassaDark and would be happy to help promote when ready to release.
    I'm interested in Druid's Moon by Deniz Bevan for review if you are still looking. I don't need a print copy unless that's what you prefer.

  32. I like editing -- but around the 5th pass, I start becoming annoyed I'm still finding things that don't work! 😁

  33. Thirty passes? Wow! I tip my hat to your editorial patience and skills. Editing is not easy.

  34. I love editing. I almost like that feeling of it never being quite right. My drafts easily hit double figures, I could write the same novel for the rest of my life - I probably need a hobby!

  35. I'm with you on that! 30 passes and there's still a comma that doesn't belong.
    Hope you had a good IWSG day!
    I'm enjoying #WRiTECLUB2021 over at DL Hammons blog. The entries are fun to read and vote on with feedback.
    Plus, I'm currently reading Patricia Lynne's Being Human. (The IWSG Goodread's book club choice for December.)
    And I'm scheduling debut author interviews at Operation Awesome.
    I hope you have some fun plans for the rest of 2021. 🎄🎆⛸🥁✉🥂⛄ May your days ahead be merry and filled with positive experiences.
