Wednesday, September 04, 2019

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Upcoming Events

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today, Sept. 4th, is the last day to enter the IWSG anthology contest – don’t miss it. Details here - Annual Anthology Contest.

Today’s question:
If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

I have two locations I would pick.

First would be on the banks of Loch Ness. We visited there in 1999 and the place really does have a mystical feel to it.

Second would be the House on the Rock in Wisconsin. I visited it solo in 1987 and was simply mesmerized by this unique attraction, especially the world’s largest carousel.

Considering my on-again/off-again project is paranormal, I think either location would be perfect.

What’s your ideal location?

* * *

This past month or so, Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. signed contracts for two more books. And potentially another one this week! So very busy right now.

I have two events this month. Both were cancelled last year due to Hurricane Florence, so hopefully Hurricane Dorian doesn’t do the same to them this year.

Sept. 14 - Book ‘Em NC
9:30 – 4 pm, Robeson Community College, Lumberton, NC
Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. will have a booth there, selling print and audio books, plus some original art prints and stickers.
DLP author Sherry Ellis will also be there, and I’m excited to meet her in person.

Sept. 19-21 Hampton Roads Writers Conference
September 19 - 21, 2019
Holiday Inn, Virginia Beach - Norfolk Hotel & Conference Center, Virginia Beach VA
I’m doing two talks, one on book publishing and the other on book marketing, and Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. will be taking pitches from writers all weekend.

If you live in the area, I hope to see you there!

And if I am slow to comment or offline for a bit, my cousin was severely burned in a forest fire Sunday night (he's a volunteer firefighter) and is in the burn unit in Seattle. Between that and a ton of work to do, everything else is taking a back seat right now. Plus a hurricane is headed our direction.


  1. Hi,
    I've been to both places you mentioned. I loved Loch Ness.
    In Wisconsin, I was uncomfortable with the cold, but have to say it is a beautiful state and i love the wildlife. A deer came right up to my bedroom window and I thought that was cool.
    All the best with your busy schedule.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Pat, that's amazing. I've never met anyone else who has seen the House on the Rock.

  2. Praying for your cousin. Very tragic. Loch Ness looks like it would inspire me to write something spooky. I love when places do that. And are you the blonde in the photo?

    1. Yes, I bleached my hair for many years before letting it go back to red.

  3. Loch Ness would provide all sorts of writerly inspiration - great choice! Do you have blonde hair in that picture?

    Cheers -Ellen

  4. I was born in Wisconsin. Funny you should mention that crazy House on a Rock place! It's the wierdest place in the world. But so intriguing. Nothing like it on earth.

    1. You're now only the second person I've ever met who has visited it. I so want to go back.

  5. Been to Loch Ness. lovely place Diane.


  6. Loch Ness would be great! I was there once, many years ago. Great landscape. And congratulations on the new acquisitions by Dancing Lemur Press. I was at Virginia Beach a few weeks ago. If I was there in a couple of weeks, I'd have stopped by and said hello.

  7. Loch Ness sounds great.
    Cool you'll be meeting Sherry!

  8. Be safe! And sending good vibes to your cousin. Hope he heals well.
    I'd love to visit Loch Ness - I used to have a few Nessie toys/decorations when I was a kid!

    1. I still have my stuffed Nessie from our visit.

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope he recovers well.

    I'd love to see Loch Ness and carousels are kind of creepy, at least the old ones. We have one (Dentzel Menagerie Carousel) that's over a 100 years old near our house. It's been restored. The kids loved to ride in when they were younger.

  10. I am so sorry about your cousin. I will pray for his recovery.
    I've always wanted to attend both of those events. I'm in Philadelphia so it wouldn't be to difficult to get there. Definitely going to look into it for 2020. Congratulations on the contracts and best wishes for many more.

  11. I hope you cousin recovers and doesn't suffer long term. Burns are very scary.
    The carousel is amazing. I want to see that! The unusual and the peaceful are the things that tickle my creativity.

  12. Both places sound magical in their own ways.

    I just sent up a prayer for your cousin and will keep them coming - for him and for all of you who love him. Same goes for Dorian to pick a new path away from land. Stay safe!

    1. Thank you Nicki. He has a very long recovery ahead.

  13. Your writing places are truly inspiring. I can feel them from here. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  14. Hi Diane - I've never been Loch Ness ... but rather fancy seeing your House on the Roc - sounds intriguing. I too hope your cousin pulls through - burns are so challenging ... all the best as you do what you need to - cheers Hilary

  15. I hope you enjoy meeting Sherry. :) I don't think Dorian will impact those events, but as we've been saying to each just never know.

  16. Waving hands wildly. We used to live in WI and I've been to House on the Rock. My forty year old daughter was two at the time. Isn't it the most amazing place ever? And that would fit right into a fairytale.

    1. That's three of you now! Craig just doesn't get why I want to go back so bad.

    2. We'd never heard of it. We were just out driving around, saw it and decided to check it out. It was unbelievable.

  17. I am sooo sorry to hear about your cousin. Hope he heals quickly.
    Keep me posted on how things go in your area with Dorian.

  18. So sorry to hear about your cousin Diane. Hope you're not in Dorian's pathway... stay safe.
    My ideal location is right on my doorstep... literally.

  19. Sorry to hear about your cousin. That's awful. Hopefully Dorian tuckers out before it hits NC.

  20. Stay safe during the hurricane. So sorry about your cousin. I hope you enjoy the conferences too.

  21. Prayers and well wishes to your cousin. My husband used to be a volunteer fireman for many years, and I used to get nervous every time he went out. Dorian just rained hard on our winter condo in New Smyrna Beach, thank goodness. Have a great day.

  22. Prayers for your cousin! I hope he heals well and quickly.
    I'm so glad you've signed new authors and Dancing Lemur Press is rocking the publishing world! Way to go!
    And, your writing places ... ah yes. I've been to Loch Ness (2000) and it is a magical place.

  23. Sending prayers for you and your cousin. Loch Ness would be fantastic.

  24. I definitely want to see the world's largest carousel, but I don't know if it would be a good place to write.

    I hope your cousin gets well soon. I'm sorry he was hurt.

  25. My prayers and thoughts are with your cousin.

    That carousel is amazing! But the lighting might make it difficult to write. To dream, definitely.

  26. I'm so sorry about your cousin. Hopefully he heals quickly.
    I would love to see that carousel in person!

  27. I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope he pulls through and heals up quickly and fully.

    Those look like pretty great locations to visit. Lots of inspiration there!

  28. Hopefully your cousin heals quickly. Loch Ness would be a great place to go indeed. Meeting Sherry should be fun.

  29. I think you have an abundance of reasons to shut down on book business for a while. I'm so sorry about your cousin. In our mountain area, we treasure our firefighters and support them as much as we can. They are life-savers and they put themselves into such danger.

    Here's to Loch Ness. I've never spotted Nessie, but I'm sure she's there. That alone makes it a perfect writing spot.

  30. Sorry to read about your cousin, Diane! Being there for family takes precedence over all things, I'd say! And hope the hurricane does not bring overwhelming damage to your area. That place in Wisconsin does sound so interesting! The world's largest carousal in Wisconsin. ha World wonders are in places I often hadn't considered visiting until I hear about them!

  31. I'd like to see Lock Ness. I'm so sorry about your cousin. Sending prayers.

  32. Best wishes to your cousin. Burns are no joke.

  33. You are a busy young lady, Diane. Take it easy. Praying for your cousin's complete recovery. Praying the hurricane slows down or goes out to sea or whatever. My oldest son and wife live in Charleston. Take care.

  34. Prayers for your cousin. Forest fires are so dangerous. Hope the hurricane doesn't wreck your plans.

  35. Both locations sound cool. My ideal location isn't practical to get stuff done, so I blogged about my home office. Boring, but distraction free.

  36. Yikes, you are busy. Prayers for you, your cousin, and your safety from the hurricane.

  37. Stay safe, Diane.

    Prayers for your cousin--and also, all good wishes for your events.

    Take care.

  38. Hope you're safe. My folks evacuated to Alabama to let Dorian pass.

    I have been to both of your writing choices and they are amazing and inspiring! All of Scotland is mystical magical. And the House on the Rock is simply indescrible unless you've been there.

  39. I read, "back of Loch Ness" haha Now that would be a sight to behold. I love your two choices. Such inspiring places to write.

    My prayers go out to your cousin and his family and your family.


  40. As all my recent projects have been sci-fi, I think I'd like to write on a space station. Rent a small office there for a while. See how they grow their vegetables. Meet the aliens. Watch the stars.
    I wish your cousin a speedy recovery.

  41. I agree about Loch Ness. It's very mystic. Although I spent the whole time looking for Nessie. The closest I came was a gold Nessie charm that I bought for my daughter. Sorry about your cousin! Stay safe!

  42. Sorry to hear that about your cousin. He sounds like a hero. I love Loch Ness, and yep, would be a great place to write. You can go Nessie hunting in down times from writing - she's been back on the news just now, now they're saying it might be a giant eel?! I love that the mystery never ends!

  43. Sorry to hear about your cousin, L Diane. Hope he's rapidly improving. Loch Ness. Great idea if you're writing a mystery or something gloomy set in the mists of Scotland.

  44. I hope that your cousin is healing and that the doctors are providing him with adequate pain medication. Volunteer firemen are definitely heroes! I would love to see Loch Ness. It speaks to my Scottish soul. Good luck with your book events this month. This hurricane is beyond belief! I understand that it has made landfall at Cape Hatteras and moved into the Atlantic. Hopefully you came through safely! Take Care!

  45. Oh my gosh I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope his recovery will go as smoothly as possible.
    I have never heard of that House in Wisconsin. Now have to look it up!

  46. Oh no, sorry about your cousin. I hope he is ok.

    Wow, those are both beautiful and inspiring places to write. Good luck with the conferences!

  47. Sending the very best wishes to your cousin... I hope he is progressing and getting better. He's a brave man - especially as he's a volunteer...

  48. I'm partial to Valencia, Spain. The city is known for arts and science not to mention museums and futuristic buildings. I'd like to explore that side of the world with all the adventure it entails.

  49. Ooh, Loch Ness . . . that would be cool. I guess if I had to say an actual landmark or place, Rome with all the history and architectural design would probably be it.

    1. Forgot to say how excited I am for Sherry!

  50. Scotland has always been a place I wanted to experience. I hope to get there within the next couple of years.

    I hope your cousin is doing better. He's in my prayers....

  51. Hope you and Sherry have fun and get lots of sales.
    How's your cousin?

  52. I would be in Ireland, with a peat fire and brown bread. It is enriching.

  53. Hi Diane,
    I love your writing locations-how wonderful! So,fun you and Sherry get to meet..I mean met. Prayers for your cousin! Please, keep us posted about his recovery.

  54. So sorry to hear about your cousin, Diane. That's horrible. I hope he's okay.

    Did it go okay with the hurricane?

    I'm glad you mentioned Loch Ness! I'm FINALLY planning to visit next spring, and I can't wait.

  55. Congrats on the two contracts:)
