Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Book Festivals, Writer’s Conferences, and an Upcoming Book

Book Festivals – Book ‘Em NC

I had the honor and pleasure of meeting one of Dancing Lemur Press’ authors this past weekend - Sherry Ellis.

She drove up from the Atlanta area to attend the event. And while the crowds were thin this year, it was still a wonderful opportunity for my illustrator and I to get to know Sherry better. She is a total delight! And so willing to do whatever it takes to make her books successful.

We’re also excited to announce the next book in her series will come out next September – Bubba and Squirt’s Mayan Adventure.

Writing Conferences

The Hampton Roads Writer’s Conference is this weekend, Sept. 19-21. It will be held in the Holiday Inn on Greenwich Rd in Virginia Beach, VA.

We will be taking pitches Friday and Saturday and teaching two sessions – book publishing and book promoting.

I believe there’s still time to register for the conference – visit their website.

And if you can’t make the conference but live in the area, I would love to see you! My Friday night is committed to meeting up with a couple formerly in our Singles Ministry, but I will have a little time Thursday evening.

Upcoming Book

I’m also thrilled to reveal the cover for our March 17, 2020 release – Gabe’s Guardian Angel by Beverly Stowe McClure:

How many authors have you met? (Dancing Lemur Press authors I’ve met – Sandra Cox, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Jessica Ferguson, Sylvia Ney, Denise Sutton, Maria Santomasso-Hyde, Beverly Weeks – and now Sherry Ellis.)


  1. I love getting out to book events. Not only is it fun to meet readers, but meeting writer friends is awesome. So jealous you got to meet Alex!

  2. Very cool you got to meet Sherry!
    Beverly's book cover is great.

  3. I've met a few. Mostly at conferences. Funny how how who you expect and who you meet can be so different. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  4. What a great picture of you and Sherry. So glad you got to hook up.

  5. Story sounds fun. Great cover too. Congrats, Beverly!

  6. How lovely to have met Sherry, I have been a follower of hers for quite a while and find her blog delightful. It's good to meet up with bloggers, I met Arlee Bird seven years ago whilst in LA.
    Loved your post.


  7. How fun. They really did a good job on that cover, too.

  8. Looks like that'll be a great event.

  9. Love the photo of you and Sherry. Looks like a fun event. Congratulations to Beverly on her upcoming book release and a great book cover.

  10. That's nice you got to meet in person.

  11. Awesome you and Sherry got to met. And so excited for Beverly's new book!

  12. So many pretty things going on this fall! Special congratulations to Beverly! And I so remember good times and good friends at Book Em!

    1. And the big highlight of Book 'Em that year was meeting you! I'm so glad we did.

  13. I'm so glad we finally met! You are an inspiration. As I said before, thank you for all you do for your authors!

    Congratulations to Beverly on her new book!

  14. You're conference sounds like so much fun!! How amazing to meet Sherry too. Big congrats to Beverly too!

    (Just sent you an email)

  15. Fun to meet authors indeed, not that I've met any lol but I've met bloggers. A great cover too.

  16. Thank you for such a lovely cover, Diane. And thanks for all the nice comments. The artist did a fabulous job. And I need to get out more and meet all the wonderful authors and publishers. It sounds like fun. I've met a few authors in my local area, but that's it.

  17. Good luck at the conference you are at this weekend, Diane! For many years I attended CCIRA which stands for the Colorado Council International Reading Association. I almost always used sick leave because most of my principals would only send one or two teachers from our large school. And I always paid for my own registration (My school paid the fees perhaps once or twice in the eighteen or twenty times I went to the conference.) Since I was using my time and money, I felt I could register for any session I wanted. So I just about ODed on authors. I met many fabulous authors and attended awesome sessions and workshops. My nieces and nephews received many author autographed books from me when they were growing up. Were I in your area I'd go to your presentations in a heartbeat. How fun for you to actually meet Sherry and other IWSG authors. My youngest sister is a published author, and it's been inspirational to watch her journey. Enjoy!!!

    1. That's sad your school wouldn't pay or send more but at least you took advantage of it for your benefit.

  18. I love that you and Sherry met at the event! I really enjoy her books and her blog. I am also so excited for Beverly on her new book. Wishing her all the best!
