Monday, September 23, 2019

Putting Together an Anthology

Dancing Lemur Press has published numerous anthologies over the years. Today I’d like to share Terri A. Wilson’s thoughts on putting together Area 51 Raid Anthology.

Don't bother with the raid. Stay home and learn all about it in the comfort of your own home.

What’s in Area 51? Is the government hiding aliens? Elvis? Maybe the set of the Apollo moon landing? Do you know?

We do.

Join this multi-genre group as they explore the hidden recesses of Area 51, which up until now have only been whispered conspiracies. Don’t bother with the raid. Stay home, read these awesome stories and learn all you need to know.

The truth is just a page-flip away.

*All proceeds will go to US Veterans.

Universal Book Links: Books 2 Read

Interview with Terri A. Wilson, Anthology Organizer

1. What made you choose this genre and theme for the anthology?

I know that if I had been around in the sixties, I would have gone to Woodstock. I’d love to go the Running Man one year. Gatherings like this fascinate me. It reminds me that there is a lot good still left in the world. I’m also a conspiracist. There are a lot of things the government hides from us. When I heard about the raid on Area 51, it just sounded like a fun event. I’m not going to spend money and time traveling out there, but I thought I could capture some of that fun community with my author friends. It also seemed like a great way to give back, which is why I was adamant about donating to a charity.

2. How did you go about soliciting entries?

I ran it past a good writer friend of mine to see if it was a good of an idea as I thought. Then we just posted on Facebook and tagged everyone we knew and asked them to tag people they knew. I’ve asked people in real life who have expressed an interest in writing a book. I even asked the kid who organized this event in the first place. We had about thirty people within forty-eight hours.

3. What’s it like to work with a flock of authors?

It’s energizing, fun, and challenging. This is the first project like this that I’m organizing. In some ways I’m learning as I go. I have authors of all abilities and personalities. My personality is very laid back and so at first, I didn’t have strict guidelines except for the deadline. Then I realized, some need those guidelines. I also learned pretty quickly that as the organizer I needed to make some decisions and then stick with them. I’m not forcing anyone to participate in this anthology. It was important to me to keep the opportunity open to anyone who can get an edited story to me by the due date. This will be the first chance for at least one person to publish. That excites me the most about this project.

That’s how I feel about the anthologies we put together – it’s some writer’s first published story and that’s exciting.

Will you be picking up a copy or submitting to another anthology this year?


  1. I have never submitted an anthology entry, may get around to doing it one day. Thanks for a most interesting post Diane.


  2. If you didn't have guidelines, that flock of authors would turn into a herd of cats in no time.

  3. Hi Diane and Terri - seems like you made the right choices ... you can't accommodate everyone all the time - and people can comply or otherwise. This sounds an excellent way to raise money for the veterans. I'm sure there's lots hidden - I've never heard of Area 51 - probably why! Oh ok - now I see what it is ... or what I'm told ... sounds a very interesting series of stories for the anthology - cheers Hilary

  4. I have my copy - looking forward to reading it!
    My first short story was in the Tick Tock anthology - and what a thrill it is to make it into an anthology!

  5. I remember when I had my first story published in the Hero Lost anthology. Such an exciting moment! Just picked up a copy of Area 51. Looking forward to reading it.

  6. Looks like an interesting book that supports a great cause!

  7. Terri did an amazing job putting together this anthology and keeping everything on track, in such short notice, too. She's a superhero!

    Thank you so much, Diane, for hosting this interview and shout-out!

  8. As a late comer to the anthology I was happy to find it. Word of mouth. Terri did an awesome job of herding us. The stories are entertaining. I'm reading it now.

  9. Congratulations Everyone! Looking forward to reading.

  10. Terri is awesome to work with and so organized. She's wonderful and one of the main reasons this anthology went off so well in such a short amount of time.

  11. Its a great subject and the sci-fi buzz must be unbelievable with everyone juxtaposing to share - "the truth is out there" I want to read all about it.

  12. This sounds a lot more worth it than the actual raid.

  13. My first published story was in the Hero Lost anthology. It's definitely a great feeling to get a piece of writing out there!

  14. Sounds like a great read. It sounds like a rewarding undertaking to organize an anthology. I'd have a hard time picking authors.

  15. Yeah, many sure need those guidelines or things could really go off the rails.

  16. Fun stuff, and for a noble cause (US Veterans).
    Thank you, Terri, Diane, and all involved.

  17. It must be quite the challenge to get everyone together in time.

  18. I'd love to see Area 51. I'm leaving for Vegas in a couple of days. Had mu trip been scheduled a little earlier, I'd have been tempted to join the raid ~ LOL! Thanks for an interesting post, Diane. I've jotted this book down in my reading list!

  19. Looks like an intriguing book, congratulations!

  20. What an intriguing theme for an anthology! I've added it to my TBR list. I'll have a short story coming out in an anthology in November. The theme is pioneer women, so will be very different from Area 51 stories.

  21. Art Bell, RIP, would have absolutely loved this, but I bet his spirit (perhaps still there in the Kingdom of Nye:) would be as impressed as I am!! Best wishes to all involved.

  22. What a wonderful cause. Kudos to the authors.

  23. Congratulations to all the authors! It's a fantastic idea and a great cause.

  24. How exciting. Congratulations to everyone.

  25. I love this idea! I am fascinated and will have to visit this Area 51 in the safety of my cozy leather couch~ Congrats, to all involved!

  26. I'm mad Area 51 Raid fizzled. All that training and practicing my criss-crossing running for nothing.
