Wednesday, August 07, 2019

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Comic Con Photos

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question:
Has your writing ever taken you by surprise? For example, a positive and belated response to a submission you'd forgotten about or an ending you never saw coming?

The only thing that really surprised me was how easily I took to writing non-fiction after writing fiction my whole life.

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The IWSG anthology contest is open for one more month.

The genre is middle grade historical – adventure/fantasy.

For those who are confused by the genre:

Middle grade – suitable for 9 – 14 year-old children.

Historical – it must have historical aspects and be set in a time before 2000 or earlier. It just needs to be set in the past.

Adventure/fantasy – the subgenre can be either adventure OR fantasy. The fantasy genre is acceptable as there are many ancient cultures and times that believed in supernatural occurrences.

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We are also welcoming new IWSG admin, Juneta Key. She is a delightful addition and we welcome her to the team.

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The Write…Edit…Publish challenge for August is Red Wheelbarrow.

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August’s IWSG Instagram -

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We have one review copy left of Stone Man: And the Trail of Tears. It’s a historical middle grade book geared towards boys.

If you are interested in reviewing it and perhaps featuring the author on his blog tour, left me know in the comments.

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I’d like to end with some photos from Dancing Lemur Press’ recent cons. Both were huge successes.

Raleigh Galaxycon:

Greenville Comic Con:

Have you ever been to a comic con?


  1. Good luck to those who have or are entering the Anthology.
    Loved the pictures Diane.
    Have a good day.


  2. I've never been to a "con" but they sure look like fun. The photos are great! Do you dress up for these too?

    1. Since I'm manning the booth and need to look somewhat professional, I didn't. But I can do a mean Brandon Lee from The Crow.

  3. Great pictures! My daughter is about to go to school in Greenville. :)

    I think it would be tough for me to switch to non-fic; inspiring that it was easy for you!

    1. You already do it with your blog posts, so it might be easier than you think.

  4. I love seeing the con pictures - so much fun!

  5. LOVE the pics - I've never been to a con but they look like so much fun!
    I love writing nonfiction as well!

  6. Comic con people are the best! I love that the new anthology is for middle grade!

  7. The photos are great! Been to a con before. The costumes are wild.

  8. I'm a native San Diegan and have never been to our famous comicon. Go figure. Love your photos, it looks like fun!

  9. I have never been to a comic con, but would love to go to one. Your photos are great Diane.

  10. Oh my gosh. These are great. Looks like so much fun. Did you meet Will W.?

  11. No, I have to say I've never been. But Halloween is always fun! I love dressing up and watching my kids have fun with costumes.

  12. Great pics.

    I can't imagine writing non-fiction and know there are intellects out there busy at the keyboard. The non-fiction section of our local library is bursting with useful and important info.

    PS. They are the only books I buy in a hard-copy. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. I love seeing your pics from these things. Looks like so much fun.

  14. I left a career of non-fiction writing to write fiction. But writing fiction was always what I really wanted to write.

    Love the pics! I've never been to a comic con, but it looks like everyone is having a blast!

  15. You find the most entertaining cosplayers at conventions. Great pics! Hope you get lots of good entries for the anthology!

  16. I enjoyed your comi con photos on FB!! And you were great in the live, showing off your stand!

    Also, apropos of nothing, if you're ever looking for a good illustrator/ designer for your press, let me know: I just met a fab designer who's great to work with.

    1. Is she free? That's my one advantage - my illustrator does the work for free.

    2. Ha ha ... I thought you meant free to do the work? - but you meant cost! I expect you both understood! Cheers Hilary

  17. Love the pictures!
    I think the only non-fiction I can write is my blog posts.

  18. I always enjoyed research papers. Not as much as fiction, but even a nonfiction paper has the bonus of research, structuring, and writing. All good fun.

  19. I love a good non-fiction book! Love those comic con images, too.

  20. That's great that non-fiction has come easier than you thought. I love the pictures. Wish we had those things where I live.

  21. Glad to hear the con went well! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  22. Looks like you had a great time at the Cons. I enjoy non-fiction. Some of my first writing was articles for children's magazines. A lot of fun.

  23. It looks like it was a fun con.

  24. Great pics indeed. Being able to switch between fiction and non-fiction is a win.

  25. I love your con photos. They are so much fun!!

  26. Awesome pics! That's some great cosplay.

  27. You've been doing a lot of cons. I enjoy the pics on Instagram.

  28. Fun photos! Welcome to Juneta.

  29. I'd think that switching from fiction to non-fiction wouldn't be nearly as surprising as how much things changed for you after you started your publishing company. Betcha never imagined yourself being at those comic cons... or meeting Will Wheaton!

    1. No, I certainly did not! But I'm glad we attended Galaxycon two years ago as fans - that sparked the idea that we could do it.

  30. As a former journalist I'd like to think I should be able to write non-fiction, but writing a whole book is a different ball game - I'm sure it's not easy. The cons look like a lot of fun!

  31. Love the dress-up photos!
    As for writing non-fiction - I do both, fiction and non-fiction. I think they help each other. I'm better at both than I would've been if I wrote one exclusively, either fiction or non-fiction. The skills needed in both cases interconnect and enhance each other.

  32. I think with nonfiction, if you're writing about something that you're passionate about or know well, it's not as difficult as it might seem. Creating something from nothing is much harder. :-D

  33. Attending a comic-con is on my bucket list :)

  34. Your pictures from Comic Cons are always a lot of fun to see. :)

  35. I want to go to a comic con. They look like so much fun.

  36. I love non-fiction, especially stories of people's endurance and survival in spite of all the risks and hurdles. Wish you great success. Blessings

  37. Hi Diane - I'm so pleased both occasions went so well - love the photos - the characters must be pretty special too. I'd have to do the opposite to you ... go from non-fiction to fiction - and am not sure that would be easy. Time will tell - cheers Hilary

  38. That minion guy is funny.
    Never been to a comic con. I'd be far too clueless, but I enjoy your photos.
    Be well, Spunk.

    1. First time I've ever seen a Despicable Me character! I was so excited.

  39. Great pics! Glad the CONS were so successful!

  40. I, too, love how fast and easy writing a reference or non-fiction book can be. There's still research to do, and editing of course. But it's a nice way to mix things up, keep the muse on their toes.

  41. I cannot express how much I love seeing the pictures of your cons. It looks like a ton of fun. What a great way to share yourself with the public. I'm so glad they were successful. Congratulations!!


    1. Do you follow DLP on Instagram? We post all of the images there.

  42. A warm welcome to Juneta.
    Hope you've enjoyed your weekend, Di.

  43. So can I write about the history of middle school set in a Final Fantasy video game?

  44. Congrats to Juneta! I'm about to put together my first non-fiction project, so we'll see how that goes.

  45. I love it when you post pictures from cons! :) Tried my hand at some nonfiction this summer and I didn't do as horribly as I thought. *LOL*

  46. Are you getting any of the thunderstorms?

    1. Sandra, we did get some last night, although the worst of it went north of us through Wilson and Rocky Mount.

  47. Fun photos, Diane. I've never been to a comic con. My knowledge of them comes strictly from "The Big Bang Theory." Your exhibit at the comic con looks awesome. I would be thrilled to see it! I've seen many book exhibits at our state literacy convention. Have a good one!

  48. Congrats on the con success, Diane! Great photos.

    I used to attend two comic cons locally, but sadly, they got super disorganized and the crowds started dwindling. At the last one I was at, vendors actually began packing up hours early. Not long after that, the organizers announced they wouldn't be doing it anymore. Didn't come as a huge shock.

    1. That's sad when they come apart like that.

  49. Fun photos. Wish I could have attended one this summer. Have to make it a point in 2020.

  50. Those comic con pictures are so great! Looks like they were so much fun. I've only been to one similar event which was the Supernatural Convention in Vancouver about 6 years ago. I'd like to go to a full-blown comic con event that does happen here in Alberta, Canada every fall I believe. Maybe you could be a vendor sometime! :) I'd like to be more involved with IWSG. I must be more intentional to do so! It's always inspiring here!

    1. Lynn, I'll let you know when we start venturing outside NC.

  51. I've never been to a Comic Con, but I love the outfits those people come up with! Looks like fun and the Dancing Lemur booth looks fantastic.

  52. I have never been to a comic con but the pictures certainly make me want to go.

  53. I've been to sci-fi conventions and book signings which are a total buzz I have to admit, you never forget, ever. When a Star takes the time to speak and its you he or she is sharing the universe with better again standing right before YOU, be ready - COS WOWSERS, I still go back to the portals in time and marvel, thinking that happened to me!

  54. Enjoy your weekend, Di.
    Did you get any of the thunderstorms? About 1K lost power here and we lost internet and cable.

  55. I absolutely love the Comic Con photos! So cool!

  56. Are you done with conferences for awhile?
