Friday, April 08, 2011

Google Alerts

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers. Today it’s Google Alerts.

Are you using Google Alerts?

Google Alerts keep you on top of topics important to you - or about you! Alerts arrive via email with links to sites mentioning the words or phrases you requested.

To set up these Alerts, go to your Google account (or create one) and click on Alerts. Enter your words or phrase and select how often (daily, weekly, etc.) you wish to receive them. Google will search the web for you and deliver all related posts to your inbox.


Your… name, book title(s), company, blog/website
And other items of interest.

Stay on top of the news and trends! And you want to know what people are saying about you…

What’s on your Google Alerts list?


  1. Yes, I've been using Google Alerts for the titles of my book and for the names of my blogs. I find the tool very helpful in keeping up and also in brainstorming topics.


  2. A very good piece of information, didn't know about that. Thanks.


  3. I get Google alerts for my name and book!

  4. Hmm, good idea. No I haven't set myself up for this. Thanks for the advice!

  5. You're kidding? That's so cool. I'm off to set up some alerts now. Thanks!!

  6. Lou and Alex, good for you!

    Jessica and Nicole, it's a great way to keep track of book reviews, too.

  7. Thanks for the reminder - I've been meaning to update my Google alerts, but keep forgetting! LOL, must be the 'Half-Heimers'?

    Marvin D Wilson

  8. Like Marvin, I need to update my alert! Thanks for this reminder. :)

  9. I so need to do this, thanks for the "How-to!" :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  10. I use this and it is helpful. Was a little scary when I got my obituary -- perils of a common name. LOL


  11. I have TREMP and BREAKTHROUGH for my Google alerts. I found out there is a Tremp, Spain this way. I have to visit there sometime.

  12. Mary, that must've been a big surprise to you!

    Stephen, that's funny.

  13. yes, I do get nice surprises using google alerts. I'll probably keep using it until I get a not so nice surprise.

  14. I wasn't aware of this "service." Thanks for highlighting it and I will check it out!

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  15. I don't use this, and I'm not I'd want to! Too bad you can't customize it to tell Google to send only the positive reviews and mentions, lol.

  16. I don't use it now, but possibly in the future. Thanks for the heads up.

  17. Interesting facts did not, and is very handy, thank you very much. Greetings.

  18. I've never done Google Alerts, but honestly, I wonder if I'd really want to know if people were saying nasty stuff about me behind my back.

    Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

  19. I have alerts for my name and my blog. Mostly I end up deleting them, but you never know!

  20. Great advice Diane - off I go... :)

  21. What a great post, thanks!! Found you from the A-Z Challenge, so far it’s been a lot of fun, with maybe with a little bit of stress thrown in!! I’m now following you on GFC and I hope you have a chance to check out my blog!

  22. I don't currently use Google alerts, but I think I'll try it out. It might be interesting to see what it comes up with for my name. Nice use of G.

  23. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to check out google alerts now. Happy to meet you through the challenge.

  24. I used to use it, but I found all the emails annoying.

  25. I have heard of this before but forgot to try it. Thanks for the reminder :-)

  26. This is one tip I've been using for a while. There is always something that I learn from them. It's like having a personal assistant keeping you updated on things you need to be aware of.

  27. I'm enjoying your A to Z series. So much helpful information that is practical to all writers.

    I have 4 different topics registered with Google Alerts and find it very useful. I have found many instances where someone was mentioning me or my blog and it gave me an opportunity to drop in to say hello and thanks. Without the Alerts I might have never known about it, especially since some of the sites were ones that I was not familiar with.

    I've made some interesting finds through Google Alerts.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge
