Thursday, April 07, 2011


For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers. Today it’s festivals.

Writers will think book festivals first. (There are also writer’s conferences.) Both are excellent places to network and learn about the industry and craft of writing.

Go prepared. Take business cards and a notebook. Attend as many of the sessions, talks, and panels as possible. Network at every opportunity. Talk to successful authors and industry experts. This is your chance to learn and make connections. (Meeting publishers and agents in person can mean the difference between a solicited and unsolicited query, too.)

Authors need to think beyond book festivals, though. If you want to sell books, where will you be in front of your target audience? Art fairs? Regional festivals? Trade shows? Celebrations? Expos? Business conventions? Farmer’s markets? (Really!) Check local listing and online for events you can attend.

Where are you going next?


  1. I love festivals there is going to be one in Ireland in September but alas I can't attend as I am going away again in May/June.

    Enjoyed your F word well written as always.

  2. Oh, great food for thought! I don't have means to get to actual conferences, but there are lots of local events, some of them book related!

  3. I've always wanted to go to a festival/conference/expo. But they're so expensive to get to if you don't live close by - I just haven't managed it yet!

  4. Great post! I never thought about the farmer's market, though. Hmm....

  5. going to a motorcycle festival this weekend......wheeeeee

  6. Thank you Yvonne and Karen.

    Hart, bet there's lots in your area, and Detroit is right up the road.

    Sangu, that's why you have to weight the cost.

    Lynette, that sounds like fun.

  7. I am attending a local Writer's Guild event this weekend, and even having a one-on-one critique with a published author. I've been reluctant to attend an up-coming publishers conference because I don't feel like I am 'there' yet, but may now re-consider!

  8. We have several excellent writer's festivals/conferences in and around Australia (one super excellent one in Bali). They are very well attended so plenty of writers are out there networking etc. Great post.


    Thanks for travelling to Finland with me.

    L'Aussies Travel Blog A-Z Challenge Posts

  9. I would have never thought of festivals! Great tip :)

  10. I've always wanted to go to a conference. Hadn't thought about local festivals though. Nice idea.

  11. I'm attending the SCBWI summer conference, and my business cards are going to get a face lift before I go. Get tips!


  12. Thanks for the tips. I have a new novel coming out in May. I can see I have my work cut out for me. :)

  13. Enjoyed your post. I think it would be fun to find some local writers at the Farmer's Market.
    : )
