Friday, April 23, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different...

"I warned you! But did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it?"

What's completely different? I'm actually HOME today!!!

And I put this together this morning, too! LOL


Helen gives us some publishing stats - Straight From Hel

B. Miller wrote this excellent piece about plotting a murder - B. Miller Fiction

Elana talks about the first draft - Elana Johnson

Jamieson got to meet Christopher Moore - Jamieson Wolf

Elizabeth talks about dropping clues about our characters - Mystery Writing is Murder

What participants are saying about Arlee’s A - Z Challenge - Tossing it Out

Alex unveiled his new book cover today - Alex J. Cavanaugh

Just named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers - Mystery Writing is Murder - and today Elizabeth outlines how to set up a blog.

Harper Studio is folding - Southern Review of Books


In the middle of my insane road trips this week, I spent a couple hours with my friend and mentor, author p.m. terrell. Trish is SO awesome! She is so positive and genuine, one cannot remain down in her presence.

She told me an interesting story - an observation on human behavoir.

A couple years ago, she was invited to an author event at a university in Charleston. They did a poor job advertising it, had no signs out, and hid it in a room no one could find. After an hour, she said a man stood in the middle of the room and loudly announced that he was way too important an author to waste his time at such a poorly attended event. She said he was a very arrogant subsidy-published author with one book. (BTW - Trish has an agent and many books with her current publisher.)

Two days later, she arrived at the Book 'Em event in New Hampshire. Janet Evanovich arrived and discovered that her books had not arrived from the publisher. Now Janet is BIG time - no one would've faulted her for leaving. Instead, she sent her husband to the local bookstore to purchase every book of hers they had in stock, while she ran to a local bakery and purchased donut holes for everyone. Trish said every person who met Janet was in awe - "Janet Evanovich gave me a donut!"

Wow! Now that is something to think about...


I met Judy Hoffman a few years ago when she attended one of my seminars. Judy is an author and member of the NSA, and she contributed a quote for my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!
Judy came out to the Administrative Professionals Appreciation Lunch in Clayton, NC and heard me speak. She even purchased a copy of Book I for her granddaughter! The people we meet in this business are just too cool...


  1. Enjoyed the stories in your "Interesting Observation" section today.

    Some authors just don't understand how important every interaction with the public is...and others fully understand it.

    Walt Shiel
    Author, Publisher, Historian

  2. Thanks for the mention - I am so stoked about the cover!

    And I will do my best to remain humble. Wow, what a jerk.

  3. Great links to check on. Enjoy your time at home.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. Great stories, great links. Thanks!

    A friend of mine, at her first book signing at B&N, arrived to find they had ordered books with a similar title by another author. Another friend, who owned a bookstore nearby, went and got all copies she had in stock and brought them for the author to sign. I thought that was a really good friend.

    Straight From Hel

  5. Walt, you hit it - everything we do in public (and in private) is under scrutiny, so we must always be our best.
    That author will never grow beyond where he is now unless he gets his act together - and adjusts that attitude!

  6. What a nice picture, Diane. I so glad to hear you're home and resting after such a grueling on the road gig. Enjoy your down time sweetie.

    I LOVE the story about Janet. It's all about attitude, isn't it? We can MAKE an appearance something special, as she did. Or we can pull an attitude like he did. In situations like this, it's about your readers, not how *important* you, the author is.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks for the links, Diane! Have a great weekend.

  8. So much great information here, and wonderful food for thought. Loved the book signing stories!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. I already love Janet Evanovich and now I love her even more! It's refreshing hearing that your favorite authors are such wonderful, humble people. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend, L.!

  10. Thanks for the links, Diane--and thanks so much for sharing my link and my news. :) I really appreciate it!

    I've met Trish once and it was a great experience. :) What a great story...and it just goes to show that how we act is so important.

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  11. Wow! You make me tired just listening to all you do. I must go rest now. :) Enjoyed your post.

  12. Holy wow, thanks for the mention, Diane! :D

    Great post! Thanks for all the links. Some wonderful reads in there!

    Nice to catch up on all that's going on with you. Have a fantastic weekend!

  13. Thank you linking to my Quotes page. Hope you might consider adding your thoughts about A to Z on May 3rd on your blog.

    That story about the authors is very telling. The pouty behavior of the spoiled author will certainly detract from his reputation, whereas Janet's turning a negative situation into a very positive statement about her character will give her a much better reputation in the industry.

    A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

  14. Elizabeth, you've met Trish??? That is wonderful! Isn't she just awesome?

    Beverly, I've also put over 2000 miles on my vehicle in under two weeks!

    Lee, I will gladly add my thoughts!

  15. Loved the Friday feature as always. You are very photogenic, Diane.

  16. I'm not the least surprised by Janet E's response - her books shocase a fun and vibrant personality. What an awesome way to cope with what could have been a mess. Lesson for all of us.

    I'm glad you're home safely. Enjoy a relaxing weekend! :)

  17. oh, GREAT story about Janet. That says a whole lot.

  18. The right attitude is the most important thing. Janet Evanovich had the right attitude and that's what makes her a star, whether she sells books or not. That guy who was too important to stay at the other event was too full of ego to accomplish anything.

    Great story, thanks, Diane!

    By the way, if on your road trips you happen to make it all the way down to Dallas Texas let me know. I'd love to meet you for a coffee!


  19. Quite a difference between the two - a subsidy author with a bad attitude and a best selling, respected author with a great attitude.

    Jai, you bet!!

  20. Okay, may be really behind, but I wanted to say I love your new blog design- and this was a great post. It is important to remember that readers are people and customers. Treat them right and they will always remember you. Cheers~
