Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Someone's Turning 50!

No, not me! I still have six years to go.

But Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing is 50 today!!!

Crystal has been offline due to surgery and has missed everyone tremendously. Go show her some love and wish her a happy birthday!

And speaking of birthdays, Karen at Following the Whispers turns 61 this Saturday!

Anyone else?

And thank you so much for the comments yesterday while I was traveling. I have another engagement today, but it's relatively close. Thursday is another long day again... Spunky is beat and looks forward to visiting everyone when she returns!


  1. Get sleep and eat right to keep up your energy! And have fun.

    Straight From Hel


    Diane, Thank you SO much for the wishes and sharing my "BIG ONE" news with everyone! You couldn't have expressed my thoughts better. I have missed everyone so much! And I get this wonderful surprise of a special post on Spunky's blog and birthday wishes from my blogging buddies! So cool! :)

    I have an "It's my Birthday" T-shirt on, and (yes, this is true) a TIARA with a big purple "50" on it (no one but me, right? LOL!) Hey, birthdays are special anyway, but a milestone like 50? Woo Hoo!

    That's just Crystal emitting some of my infamous HAPPY!

    You guys are the best! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! ♥

  3. You're so thoughtful. Happy birthday Karen and Crystal!

  4. Happy Birthday Crystal. Hope you are on the fast track to mending. Take care and have a great birthday.

    Karen, wishing you a wonderful birthday too. Hope all your birthday wishes come true.

    Thoughts in Progress

  5. Happy Birthday Crystal! Diane, you are such a sweetie to let us all know. Thanks!

  6. That was awesome of you to post about the birthdays! Crystal is the best!!!

  7. Happy birthday girls! I wondered how Crystal has been thanks for the update Diane.

    Exhausted does not = spunky, just sayin'. Be sure to get some rest too. We wouldn't want you sick. Take it from me, it ain't fun. I've got pneumonia and going too much wore down my immune system.

    Thinking of you kiddo.

  8. Always a milestone to achieve the birthday that rhymes with "nifty" lol

  9. Happy Birthday, Crystal. I hope you get well soon!

    Karen, happy birthday to you too!


  10. Oh, how fun! I always love sharing the birthday wishes. Good luck with your travels and engagements!

  11. Happy Birthday to both Crystal and Karen!

  12. Happy to do so, Crystal. And I can SO see you in that tiara!

    Sia, I know! I just have to get through tomorrow. Friday I'll rest.

    Thanks Elana!

  13. Thanks for the heads-up on the birthdays, Diane!

    Good luck with everything you've got going on!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  14. Happy birthday, Karen and Crystal~

    L. Diane- have a fun time on your travels-long and short and do take care. Thanks for sharing. Cheers~

  15. Happy birthdays!

    Good luck with you last few days of travel :)

  16. Happy birthday ladies! And be sure to get out and do a little walking and stretching during your busy days. Even while doing a vook signing I walk around the store, chit chat with people, get a cup of coffee, check out the new release display, go to the restroom, and generally mingle.

    Stephen Tremp

  17. I'm heading on over to their blogs and wishing them a happy birthday now! I love birthdays! It's so great everyone gets their own special day. :)

    Hope you're having a good day, Spunky!
