Monday, April 26, 2010

Tales From the Bookshelf Special

Welcome to my new blog format! Let me know what you think. I still need to add a few links and adjust my header.

This is also a special bookshelf as I adjust to changes.

I am revamping my posting schedule:
Monday - Tales from the Bookshelf
Tuesday - Photo Tuesday
Thursday - Promotional tips and guest posts
Friday - And now for Something Completely Different
Sunday - The Sunday Sillies

I'm still promoting my YA series, The Circle of Friends, and soon I will launch a new book project - a teen version of Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! In a few weeks I will dive headlong into research for that book.

Thank you to everyone who's hung with me for the past two months. Between an uber-big virtual tour and my speaking engagements, I've not had the time to visit as many bloggers (or anyone else) as I would like. I hope to get back on track, refreshed and ready to attack the world again.


  1. Your posting schedule looks great! Loving the Sunday Sillies.

    And thank you so much for taking the time to drop by my blog and comment regularly. I really appreciate it!

  2. You are welcome, Talli - I appreciate that you stop here. I've often wondered if I should continue the Sunday Sillies, but I have bloggers stop by for that one post alone. So it stays!

  3. I love the background!

  4. I like the new format - it's very readable.

  5. New format looks good and the posting schedule interesting. Good luck with your research.

    Thoughts in Progress

  6. Thanks! Finally got to play with Blogger in Draft.

  7. Love the new look, Diane! Very crisp and clean and I really like the colors.
    Can't wait to catch up on your new posting schedule - - Tales from the Bookshelf and Sunday Sillies sound fun!

  8. I like the new layout! Thanks for posting your schedule. Looks great to me!

  9. I like the new look. (I'm revamping mine too.) I'm going to look at your tabs; I haven't done that yet, so I want to see what you've done. There's never enough time, is there?

    Straight From Hel

  10. I like your new layout and I'm looking forward to your scheduled posts. :o)

  11. Thanks, everyone!
    Helen, it took help from Morgan and Karen for me to figure out those tabs, but I'm happy with them now.

  12. I like the new format. Once you get the header adjusted like you mentioned I think it will be perfect. Good work!

    I hope the speaking engagements all went well.


  13. Page looks good and schedule sounds fine. It's always nice to change things around sometimes. Thanks for always being a loyal visitor to my site.

    A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

  14. Fabulous new look and the schedule looks great!!


    Cat x

  15. Of course I like the new face of your blog...but then, I liked the old one as well. I'll combine a couple of comments I read above as true for me. It is very readable, clean, and, I do like the background as well. So, nice job.

    Best Wishes, Galen
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  16. Awesome design! I'm looking forward to your posting schedule!

  17. Love the new look Diane! Awesome. You've done well to keep up at all with the schedule you've had recently :)

  18. I love the new look of your blog!

  19. I like. It makes me feel as if I'm floating in a pool of cool water, relaxing, not a care in the world.
