Friday, February 05, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different...

For breakfast every day, Ken places a plate of liver and bacon under his chair, and locks himself in the cupboard.


A newsletter just for authors YA Books Central

Galen Kindley discusses the reality of editing at Imagineering Fiction

Mayra introduces us to a great writing book at Mayra’s Secret Bookcase

Alex J. Cavanaugh discusses the similarity of fiction and science fiction at Southern City Mysteries

How do you select names and book titles? Elizabeth wants to know! Mystery Writing is Murder

Arlee Bird discussed blogging, etiquette and stuff at Tossing it Out
And on the same day I discussed it was well! Blogging and Other Strange Things
We had a good laugh about that!

And finally, news of the really weird…
$7000 talking sex robot. Yes, you read that correctly! I can’t make this stuff up…


That's right! Spunky is giving away a book!

On Tuesday I reviewed "Personality Plus" from Florence Littauer. Well, I discovered a brand new, unread book on my shelf, and after all the comments, decided to give it to one lucky person!

Leave a comment with your email address for one entry.
And if you blog about it as well, you'll receive two more entries! (Leave link to your post.)

This contest open thru Thursday February 11th - winner announced in Friday's post.

* And don't forget my other giveaway for Book V - side top of sidebar for my Mystery Man contest. Just guess the name of Heather's love interest, send me an email, and you could win a copy of Book V!


Wallace and Gromit in 'A Matter of Loaf and Death'
First off, I confess - I love Wallace & Gromit! I even have a Wallace & Gromit alarm clock and a Shaun the Sheep backpack...
For those not familiar with these characters, Wallace is an inventor and Gromit his silent but extremely intelligent dog. They've been featured in numerous shorts and movies, most of which have won an Oscar, and this short is also up for an Academy Award.
What makes them endearing is the humor and expressiveness. It's all done with clay animation, which means it takes over a year just to make one of these shorts. The details in the sets is incredible! Nick Parks is the creator and genuis behind these British characters, who have been around for 20 years now.
In this short, Wallace & Gromit run a bakery. Meanwhile, bakers are being murdered! A chance encounter with the former Bake O Lite girl sends Wallace head over heels in love. However, Gromit is suspicious...
If you like a little murder-mystery with your animation, then this is the film for you!
Includes an episode of Shaun the Sheep on the disc, too.
Rating - A


Rocko's back!!! And hanging out on the bookshelf.  (Okay, she's actually IN the bookshelf - it's lying on the ground in this photo.)


  1. I love Fridays here! Yay. Links, book giveaway, movie review and the fabulous Rocko.

    Straight From Hel

  2. Such fun and lots of info on Fridays here! Love the kitty in the drawer, lol. Okay, put me down for one entry-

  3. I love Rocko's photo. That is so cute.

  4. Thanks for the mention!

    And sure, I could probably use the book.

  5. Cool-- we're tapping into some cosmic blog telepathy thing here.
    Also, you mention "robot" in your post today and so did I. Well, different kinds of robots I guess, but inteteresting coincidence.
    Thanks for mentioning me in today's post.

  6. You know you made the Big Time when...That's right, you get a "Spunk mention" and a Link! How cool.

    I want Rocko to come live at my house. --will pay shipping.

    Best Wishes Galen.
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  7. What a great post with so much in it! Thanks for sharing all the great info, and love the photo of Rocko! I'd appreciate being entered in the giveaway too.

  8. I've never seen Wallace and Gromit but after your review, I want to. Thanks for the links, I will check them out. And, photos of Rocko are always good for making me smile.

  9. I think Rocko is more popular than me!

    Galen, you SURE you want this little troublemaker????

  10. I have a black kitty too! I'll tell you a secret. I bought a fluffy little kitty bed and put it under my window on my desk. She loves it and I do too!

  11. Oh, I love Wallace and Grommit, too!!

    Thanks for sharing and for the sweet pic.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Angie, since one of my cats likes that spot already, that's not a bad idea!

    Karen, everyone loves Rocko. I really need to let her post more often.

    And yeah, Nancy! Another Wallace & Gromit lover!

  13. Love the cat photo :)

    Thanks for all of the links!

  14. Hi Diane,

    You don't need to enter me in the giveaway, but I just wanted to say that I love Rocko, too! She's gorgeous!

  15. Jemi, Enid, and Sheila - would you like me to mail her to you? Really, I'll even pay for postage!!!

  16. Thanks for the plug, Diane.

    Love the cat! Miaw!

  17. You are fantastic. I know Saturday is your day off, but I wanted to let you know I finally got around to posting the award you gave me on today's award post. Thanks, again!


  18. OH, I LOVE Wallace and Gromit, too! I was so sad when their company's warehouse burned down and so many props and pieces lost...
