Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Insecure Writer’s Support Group & Back to School Special

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

September 1 question - How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing?

Certainly, selling a million copies would be considered successful. For the average traditionally published author, that’s a million dollars. Not bad!

However, since I personally will never be in that category, I fall back to all of fans I made over the years. I have several scrapbooks for my books and all the events and such over the years. Hundreds of photos of people holding my books after purchasing them, many repeat customers. I can look back at those and feel a sense of success.

Today is the last day to enter the IWSG Anthology Contest is open until September 1. The genre is sweet romance and the theme first love. Please see the site for the submission details.

is set for January 26, 2022. It’s an all-day event where you pitch your manuscript in a line or two and using the appropriate hashtags. Visit the site for info.
Do these Twitter pitch parties work? YES. Dancing Lemur Press has signed FIVE authors from Twitter pitch parties. (And I believe all of them came from #IWSGpit.)

The IWSG Goodreads Book Club has selected two books for next month: Parallels: Felix Was Here and Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime.
Pick up one of those IWSG anthologies, read it, and share with the club!

September back-to-school special!

Buy one print book direct, get two eBooks free.
Buy two print books direct, get two eBooks and an audio book free.
All orders come with swag – bookmarks, postcards, etc.

Orders must be placed through the Dancing Lemur Press website.
USA delivery only – but please inquire into shipping costs as we can ship to some countries outside the USA.
EBooks over $2.99 not eligible for free eBook selections.

Audio boxed sets not eligible for free audio book selection.
Dancing Lemur Press author discounts do not apply.
Offer good through September 30, 2021.

Take advantage of this great offer – support your favorite author and a publisher whose live events are cancelled for the rest of the year.

What is your definition of success?
Ready to get some books for you or as a gift? Christmas is coming!


  1. Great post Diane, seeing one's new book published is always a joy to behold. I started a new book but the pandemic has put things on hold for me..... must get motivated again.
    Have a great September.

  2. I love that you made scrapbooks...that's such a great idea!

  3. Scrapbooks are a great idea!
    Repeat customers are the BEST!

  4. That's a great deal on the books!

  5. Awesome book deals! I used to love scrapbooking.

  6. I need to write down the idea of scrapbooking. I hope I have something someday to put in a scrapbook related to writing. Maybe I should start with pictures of me with other authors.

  7. Hi Diane, selling a million copies of my books would be a dream come true :)

  8. What a great idea to make a scrapebook. And set realistic definitions of what it means to be successful.

  9. Hopefully success is not about millions or only a tiny few are truly successful. It's great that you have reached so many readers through your events.

  10. A million copies would definitely be nice!

  11. I can't even count to a million, but it has a very nice sound to it.

  12. Small or big, success is wonderfully subjective. The scrapbook idea...that's a good one!

  13. I'd love to sell a million copies! Haha! I love your scrapbook idea--memories to look back on is real success.

  14. I would love to sell a million copies, too, but I love your scrapbook idea. I need to do that. Thank you! :)

  15. Wow! New theme looks great! been awhile since I've been out and about in Blogdom.

  16. I think part of your success is in your work as a publisher. You make other writers happy by publishing their books.

  17. Hi, Diane! I'm rereading my copies of the book club books for September. I like that the book club is featuring IWSG authors. Thanks for the September deal. I'll be by. You are such a figure of success to me! Not only are you a wonderful author, but you do so much in the publishing world to support authors. You're amazing, my friend!

  18. I agree that remembering our successes and keeping them close is a must in this industry. It reminds us that if we can do it once, we can do it again. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  19. Success is a glass of wine at the end of the day.
    Some days, that's even true :)
    Happy September!

  20. For ALL that you do, you have many successes. Remember successes is key.

  21. Ack on your live events being cancelled:(

  22. I wish I could have gone to more live events. That's also on the list for the future, when life slows down a bit.

  23. I love attending book events. Last year was unkind to those of us who'd planned to attend because of covid. This year hasn't been any better because of Hubs' illness. Hoping it gets better. I miss the readers.

  24. I'd be pretty happy with enough sales to live on, and just... one or two people willing to dress up as my characters for Halloween. Happy IWSG Day

  25. The scrapbook is so sweet and personal. All I have to do is look at this webpage to see what a success you are.

  26. I also have some cherished emails from fans and will always remember the readers who always show up at signings to get the next book.

  27. I did books for Christmas last year. Maybe again this year. We'll see.

    It's interesting to read everyone's varying definitions of success.

  28. There is every reason to believe the wisdom and fascination in books will stream into the hands excited readers, Kindle is big news.

  29. Yes! Making a connection with readers is a huge achievement.

  30. Glad I'm not the only one to scrapbook events and such! I'm always the person on the panel asking someone in the audience to take a picture of us. I've missed a couple, especially when I was more shy about asking in the beginning, but now I try to do it every time.

  31. Hi Diane - well done ... you're always creative. Scrapbooks seem a great idea ... while the book offer is certainly appealing. Cheers Hilary

  32. I love the idea of a scrapbook. I've been thinking of getting one for the mentions I've had in local newspapers etc - I don't have many, but they're bulky!

    Having satisfied readers, and ones that look for your next book, is a definite sign of success.

  33. That's a great definition of success, Diane.

    For me, it would be writing full time, with no need to teach or do anything else on the side. Living in a beautiful place near an ocean or sea, where I could look out across the water as I write, would be a bonus.

  34. Yeah, it's really about reaching your readers and affecting their lives. I tend to forget that when focused on sales.

  35. I've never done the Twitter pitch before, maybe I'll try that this time around for my next project.
    I love your definition of success!

  36. Scrapbooks of great memories sounds like a perfect measure of success.

  37. Hi, L. Diane,

    I like your answer about success. Well done. I would feel the same seeing repeat customers that bought my books. You have touched hundreds, probably thousands of lives, and that is success...

  38. For some reason I hadn't thought about repeat customers -- yes, that would be a great measure of success.

  39. A band of loyal readers is a huge marker of success, and you certainly have an ever-increasing band, Diane!

  40. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry for the late reply.
    I like the scrapbook idea. All the best with your promo. I got some good books from the last one Dancing Lemur did.
